Create a clear organization system and organize the kitchen drawers - we will give you useful tips on how to have everything within reach when cooking.
Organizing kitchen drawers makes the cooking process easier
Start organizing from the stove - in the drawers under the oven you can organize baking dishes, in the drawers on the left and right you can organize the pans and pots / base cabinet, the drawer below /. In the top drawer on one side you can store cutlery for cooking, on the other side - spices. Ultimately, it is important that only one type of cutlery or cooking utensil is stored on a shelf. This ensures that you always have an overview and can find everything quickly. Shelves, dividers and boxes will come to your aid. When organizing the spices, make sure they are well labeled and in clear spice jars.
Practical storage system for dishes
Plates and dishes, as well as cutlery, can be located in the kitchen drawers at the end - if you have a small kitchen with a dining area, you can store the plates and dishes as close as possible to the dining area. Baskets and shelves are practical alternatives for food that doesn't necessarily have to be in the fridge - such as vegetables and fruit. Divide the kitchen into thematic areas - e.g. right side - food, in the middle - cooking utensils, and left - cutlery and dishes. The storage systems we show in the article will give you more ideas for kitchen planning andcorrect organizationgive.