Make your own balcony decoration – spice up your outdoor area quickly and easily!

If you haven't started preparing your balcony for summer yet, you should do so soon. Because the warm summer days are approaching and where can you enjoy the beautiful evening hours better than outside? But to make the outdoor area really cozy and tempting, it's not just the right balcony furniture that's important, but also the little details around it - decoration for the balcony gives it the finishing touch! If you would like to decorate the balcony, you will of course find an endless selection of options in stores. But if you prefer something unique and also love crafting and crafting, you can also make your balcony decoration yourself. And we're providing you with some great ideas today!

Balcony decoration with light

If you would like to illuminate the balcony with your decoration at the same time, we definitely recommend using candles in lanterns (you can find an idea below) and fairy lights. The easiest option is of course to buy a ready-made chain of lights for balcony decoration and simply hang it up. But anyone can have one like that. Instead, we offer you this balcony decoration idea. Just buy a simple string of lights and glass bottles with corks as closures. Pierce the corks with an awl or other sharp object and push the bulbs through the hole until you can see it on the other side (inside the bottle). In this way you can make a variety of fairy lights yourself as balcony decorations. In addition to bottles, many other items are also suitable.

Balcony decoration for the wall with hula hoop

A simple hula hoop is a wonderful basis for DIY decoration ideas for the balcony. It can then be hung on the wall, but can also be hung freely in the air in a suitable place or leaned against a wall. All you need to do is paint the tire in a desired color with the help of spray paint. After that you canshape it however you want. Artificial flowers that are wrapped around the tire are particularly popular for this purpose. You can also let beautiful strips of fabric hang down in one place or spice up the interior with macrame.

Decorate with a homemade mirror

A mirror makes every area more homely. And if you have him on top of thatdesign yourself, you will receive a unique balcony decoration. In the example, twigs were used, but of course you can come up with other things (e.g. metal tubes, small stones for mosaic or sea glass, shells, artificial flowers, etc.).

  • cardboard
  • Spiegel
  • Decorations
  • Glue
  • Bowl/plate with a larger diameter than the mirror (for a round version), ruler for square mirrors
  • Pencil and scissors or cutter
  • possibly paints for painting if you use sticks
  • cord
  • punch

If you want to make the mirror yourself as a balcony decoration, you don't need to be a craftsman. Simply place the cardboard in front of you and use the bowl to draw a circle on it or draw the same shape of the mirror, only larger. You then cut out this shape and punch holes in the edge in two places so that you can hang the mirror later (if the mirror already has a chain for hanging, as in the example, seal it with the glue).

In the middle area, i.e. where the mirror should be, apply glue and attach the mirror. You can then design the excess cardboard edge as you wish by simply gluing the selected decorations in place.

Vintage basket as a planter for plants

Balcony decoration with plants is ideal for bringing nature into this small outdoor area. And with the right pots or planters, the plants look even better.A touch of romanceyou get when you use beautiful, woven baskets. You can decorate these with beautiful fabrics, as in this example, if you make them yourself as a balcony decoration. A wide strip of linen, a lace ribbon on top and possibly yarn, all glued together and the piece of jewelry is ready. Place the pot inside or use floral foam to create an entire arrangement with moss and other decorations.

Simple lanterns

That lanternsWe have already mentioned beautiful balcony decoration ideas. We would like to introduce you to a really very simple variant that you can spontaneously design again and again. Take simple, transparent glasses, which you can also decorate with acrylic paints. Tie string or yarn around the glasses and then put fresh meadow flowers from a walk between the glass and string. Once these have wilted, simply replace them with new ones. If you want this decoration to be more long-lasting, simply use artificial flowers. These lanterns look even more beautiful if you sprinkle some sand on the floor - real or colored decorative sand.

Scaffolding for hanging decorations

Do you have some great ideas for hanging balcony decorations, but don't necessarily want to drill unnecessary holes in the wall? Then use scaffolding! Very popular for this purposeare pallets, but these can be quite difficult. A practical alternative is a slatted frame for beds. Since there are usually not very large walls on the balcony, a frame for children's beds is most suitable. You simply hang it on the wall at the desired height and you can hang any decorations such as plants, pendants and even shelves on it and easily replace or add to it at any time. A really simple idea that you can make yourself as a balcony decoration without having to be skilled at crafts.

Homemade easel

Get some wooden strips from the hardware store (you can also have them cut on site) and use them to make an easel orWooden ladder, on which you can hang flower pots and other things. You can also paint the wooden strips as desired to match the rest of the balcony decoration. One like thatDeco Balconymade of wood creates a special cosiness. You are welcome to make additional balcony decorations and then display them on the easel.

Blumenampel as Balcony Deko DIY

If the balcony is too small to place all your beloved plants on the floor or attach them to the railing, then hanging versions are just the right option. You can have a multi-story oneMake hanging baskets, using plywood cuts. The example uses squares with a round hole, but you can also use rings. Furthermore, the hole must be slightly narrower than the upper circumference of the selected pots so that the latter only fit through the hole up to a certain point. This task is easiest if you first get the plant containers and then cut the panels to size at the hardware store and have them drilled through at the four corners (or in the case of a ring at four points at equal distances from one another). You can then make the balcony decoration yourself.

Paint the panels in the desired color. After the paint has dried, you can tie the string. Prepare four long pieces (preferably too long, you can shorten them later). Insert them through the four holes and tie knots underneath the plate. Then tie knots again at any distance from the first panel and then thread the next panel on. Continue like this until you have connected all the plates together. Then tie the four cords together at the top. Complete!

Use scrap wood for plant containers

No matter whether youUse scrap woodor buy extra new strips, such planters will be real eye-catchers on your balcony! The ombre look is particularly charming, which you can of course not only create in blue, but in any color variant. It is best to have the strips cut to the desired length at the hardware store. At home you just glue them together and paint them.

Beautify what is already there

If you have a balcony lamp with a rather boring lampshade, you don't have to buy a new lamp straight away. Instead, you can have oneMake your own lampshadeor spice up the existing one a little. Pom poms like in the example are ideal for this, but by no means the only option. Textile or acrylic paints, glitter stones and many other elements can be used if you make such a balcony decoration yourself. Or maybe you would like to redesign your old furniture a little? Use acrylic paints or simple, colorful string to add interesting accents!

Wind chimes are one of the most popular outdoor decorations and the balcony is no exception. In addition, these are also very easy to make yourself, because you can use a wide variety of materials - beads, wooden elements, sea glass, shells and, and, and... Depending on whether and what kind of noise you want it to make in the wind, you can Choose material and add bells or other sonorous things. You can even make a balcony decoration yourself with old cutlery!

If you prefer it quiet or don't want to disturb your neighbors, just use items that are silent! Pom poms, plastic beads, fabrics and the like. Or how about youa dream catcherMake your own balcony decoration? It goes with every style, but especially with a boho decoration on the balcony.

Make your own bird house as a balcony decoration

Anyone who is skilled in craftsmanship can...Build your own bird houseor use a kit for this purpose. However, if you want to save yourself this step, buy a simple wooden house and then simply design it in the colors you want, with any pattern and, if possible, with additional decorations. In this way you can make a beautiful balcony decoration yourself that is also useful. With a little luck, some birds will even nest! But of course the house can also be fake and the hole can just be painted on.

Or how about one insteadsimple feeding place? A painted box with ribbon or string for hanging and a stick for the birds to land on are sufficient. But of course there are numerous other options. And you can find out which grains are best suitedin this article.