Build your own grill – ideas for DIY projects with natural stone or bricks

If you build an outdoor kitchen or barbecue yourself, you can easily adapt it to your needs and choose the materials according to your taste and budget. These cozy areas in the garden or yard are suitable for summer parties or barbecues, as well as for intimate dinners for two or with the family. If you use natural stone or old bricks for a grill, this can be the caseDIY project for the gardenAlso save you a lot of money. But you can make the whole thing look exactly like the commercial grills that you get built by professionals.

Build the right grill yourself

Most importantly, remember that you have to make a difficult decision before starting construction. First, you need to determine the type of material you want to use to build your own grill. In addition to choosing the type of stone you want to use, you also need to choose the location in your outdoor space where you want to create your own project. It is also a good idea if you create the structure near the kitchen. At the same time, however, this must not be nearplants, bushesor fences. You should pay attention to this to avoid unnecessary accidents and fire hazards. So if there are some things in your outdoor area that can burn easily, it's best to keep them away from the grill.

If you have a garden where you would like to build your own barbecue, it is of course possible to buy a ready-made structure made of refractory bricks that you can easily assemble. However, if you have decided to create your own design, you canMasonry with different materialscombine. Furthermore, you have to be guided by functionality. But it is desirable to find harmony between materials, colors, shapes and other details. Because apart from preparing food, this should also be a place of well-being and aesthetics.

Follow simple steps as building instructions

To start, place the first layer of large flat stones or bricks on the ground and fill the spaces between the stones with the mortar mixture. Continue placing additional layers until you determine that the structure is high enough, remembering to fill the gaps in each layer with the mortar mix. You can then place the natural stone on the outside of the grill and fill the spaces with mortar. However, when doing so, make sure to remove any excess grout when using theLay stone slabs. You can use a hammer if you feel you need to shape the stone.

You can then use metal brackets for the grill's final stone layer. However, make sure you place them in the mortar and not on the stones to keep the grill stable. First put the grill grate on it after you have taken the first steps. Wait a few days for the mortar to dry. Then you can use the grill at any time. Remember that the dimensions and structure depend on your desires. You can create the design however you want, as long as you build the whole thing sturdily and don't let it collapse. The number of things required for such a project may vary depending on how large the construction will be.

Tips on the structure and maintenance of a grill

The inner wall of the grill can be lined with fire bricks called refractory bricks, which are made of fireclay, for additional heat retention. Choose rustproof, coated cast iron or stainless steel as a grill grate. This can then be supported by angle iron or bricks. A 10 to 15 cm thick base of fiber-reinforced concrete over an equally thick base of tamped gravel ensures more stability. In addition, the whole thing should be surrounded by solid brick walls and stretcher frames. A solid metal sheet is suitable and also simplifies ash removal. Place this approximately 20 to 40 cm below the grill grate.

The higher back and side walls of adesigned and built barbecue areareduce the risk of flying sparks. Thinner, elongated interior walls make side access to the racks easier while cooking. Before building, determine which direction the winds typically blow and position the grill so that smoke blows away from the cooking and dining area. If in doubt, you can stick small flags in the lawn and watch. For maintenance, brush the hot grill grate regularly to prevent bacteria from forming. After cooling, spray with vegetable oil to prevent rusting. Discard cold ashes after each use to avoid excess smoke and unpleasant aromas.

Natural stone and brick are good choices because these materials retain heat well. As fireproof building materials, they do not break down when exposed to heat. So if you have basic skills, a strong back and some good friends, go for it. However, you may be able to hire a professional for complicated masonry work.