How to paint jute bags: tips on colors and techniques & simple instructions

The good old jute bag is finding its way into more and more households and that is commendable. After all, this not only saves change on plastic bags, but also protects the environment. And since manufacturers have long since noticed this trend and want to continue to encourage people to opt for itsustainable alternativeThey also offer a variety of attractive designs. But what if you still can't find exactly what you want? Well, then just paint on the bag yourself! Today we will explain to you how you can paint a jute bag and give you some suggestions and instructions for motifs, among which you may even find exactly the right thing.

Painting jute bags – which colors are suitable?

Different types of paints are suitable for this project. You've probably even worked with some of them on other projects. So no special “jute colors” are necessary if you want to paint jute bags. The following colors are suitable if you want to design your own bags:

Can you paint on fabric with acrylic paint?

Really veryAcrylic paint works wellon fabric. The colors are easy to use and very opaque, making them perfect if youPainting fabricswant. And if the first layer doesn't cover as much as you would like, you can apply another layer in no time as the colors dry very quickly. For all of these reasons, they are probably the most popular colors when you want to paint fabric. So if you have decided that you specifically want to paint jute bags, you are making exactly the right decision with acrylic paints. Always put cardboard between the layers to protect the bottom one that you are not painting from the paints.

One question you may now be asking yourself is whether acrylic paints or the motifs painted with them last for a long time. Well, acrylic paints are fairly water resistant, but not completely water resistantfest. While they are still liquid, they can easily be diluted with water. But once they have dried, it is difficult for water to harm them. Nevertheless, the color will fade over time with regular washing. Can you make acrylic paint waterproof?

You can extend the longevity a little by applying a thinner layer. This will prevent the colors from tearing later when carrying the bag. It is also advisable to dilute the acrylic paints a little with water before painting the jute bag. The more liquid consistency allows the color to penetrate the fibers better.

Paint fabric bags with oil paints or latex paints

Oil paints are always waterproof and therefore ideal for a durable motif. However, they also take significantly more time to dry. So if you want to paint a jute bag (or other materials) with oil paints, you should plan a little more time. However, you can assume that the finished motif could theoretically even survive your jute bag. And that brings us to a small disadvantage: the colors decompose the jute over time. In addition, the dry oil paint becomes brittle.

The preparation is also a little more complex. You have to prepare the fabric first so that the colors don't run through the layers of fabric when you paint it. During the drying phase, the color also penetrates further into the fabric, including outside of the actual motif, which can lead to unsightly edges. So for a quick and easy project where you paint jute bags, oil paints are less suitable.

Latex colorsare the better option. The painted motif remains flexible even after the paint has dried and does not become brittle - even when folded. Thin jute fabrics are best painted with a thin layer of latex. Foam rollers, for example, are ideal for this purpose. Thicker fabrics can also tolerate thicker layers of paint with a brush.

The ever popular watercolors

The easy handling and the beautiful transitionscreated with watercolorscan be used, making them the most popular colors for painting and various other DIY projects. But can you also use them to paint a jute bag? In principle, there is nothing wrong with painting motifs with watercolors on the jute bag. But as you know, the colors are not particularly long-lasting and therefore disappear after the first wash.

However, that doesn't mean they can't still be useful to you. Watercolors are really practical, especially if you only have a temporary motif and want to start designing spontaneously. And most of the time you have them on hand. If you don't value sharp lines, but prefer soft ones that allow the colors to blend smoothly into one another, you're making the right choice with watercolors. Place a piece of cardboard or cardboard between the layers when painting one side of the jute bag.

Paint jute bags with spray paints

Paint fabric bagswith spray paints? Why not? They are wonderfully easy to work with (please outdoors or at least with good ventilation!) and still produce beautiful designs. For straight lines, you can simply mask the motifs with adhesive tape or cover them with paper; without covering you will get even transitions. And the colors are also opaque. Perfect if you want to quickly paint large areas of jute bags.

For example, cut out a motif from cardboard or paper, place it on the desired location and spray around it - always in short intervals and thin layers of paint and at a sufficiently large distance (indicated on the spray can). Allow the paint to dry briefly and remove the stencil. Remember that spraying will create bursts of air and the stencil will slip if it is not well secured.

Design jute bags with textile pens and/or textile paint

It's very easy to work with pens if you want to paint jute bags. A simple oneEdding is perfectto draw contours and lines. To do this, draw your motifs in pencil and then place a piece of cardboard in the bag. This protects the second layer of the bag from being colored when the top layer is painted. Then trace the motifs, although several coats may be necessary to achieve an opaque color. Then let the colors dry for a while, turn the fabric over so that the motif is on the inside and iron it inside out to fix the colors and make it machine washable.

If you don't want to draw the motifs freehand but rather use a template, carbon paper can be used as an aid to transfer the contours to the bag.In this articleyou will find instructions that explain how to work with this paper. You can also discover two interesting templates for lettering there so you can try the whole thing out.

Painting jute bags - motifs for fabric bags for children and adults

So as you can see, designing fabric bags is easy and, above all, fun. If you are now wondering what pretty things you could conjure up besides the ideas already shown above, you can be inspired by our ideas. By the way, this is not just a wonderful activity for adults. Of course, children also really enjoy such projects. For example, you couldat a children's birthday partyPaint jute bags that the children can then take home. Beautiful motifs don't have to be difficult:

Paint bags with potato stamps

Would you like to paint the jute bag using stamps? Halvea potatoand carve any motif into the cut side. You then use this like a stamp to transfer beautiful patterns and images onto the bag. At all areStamps are a great and practical tool, which even the most uncreative among us can use to design fabrics.

Handprints for children

You can also paint a fabric bag and print it at the same timewith handprints. Simply coat your hand with acrylic paint and press it onto the fabric to get the elements you want. You can then add more details using brushes and paints. You can paint jute bags in this way if they serve as a gift and you want them to be particularly personal. Those close to you will especially be happy to receive such a memory from the child. By the way, fingerprints are also suitable, for example if you want to paint smaller motifs.

Painting jute bags for pop art with pineapples

Cover a large square with paper tape. Divide this square into four equal sizes, of which you first tape off only the first one and paint it with a sponge brush and acrylic paint. Allow the paint to dry and apply another coat if necessary. Once this has also dried, you can remove the adhesive tape from the two inner sides of the square and tape off the next one and paint it in a different color. Continue like this with the other squares.

Then print and cut out the pineapple template. The best way to do this is to use a cutter or a carpet knife on a suitable surface. Use the stencil to trace the design onto the squares. Finally, let the colors dry thoroughly again (better a little longer than too little). It's that easy to paint a jute bag in an attractive way!

Printable pineapple template

Design your own practical jute bag with blackboard paint

This self-designed fabric bag is cool and useful at the same time. You can use it to write down everything you need to get when shopping. From now on you will no longer forget your shopping list, because you have the shopping bag with you anyway! How can youwith blackboard paintpaint the jute bag?

If you also want to add lettering, get letter stickers and arrange them neatly using a ruler. Then use a brush or sponge brush to paint the blackboard paint over it in any shape and area of ​​any size. Allow the paint to dry for at least 3 hours and remove the stickers. You can now write on your bag and remove what you have written with a damp cloth.

Form words

Put letters together to create any words. Foam rubber letters, wooden letters, magnets or those made of plastic and other materials are suitable. Dilute acrylic paint with water and pour the paint into a spray bottle. Spray over the letters, let the paint dry and remove the letters. An attractive colored spot with word remains.