Hair Mistakes Women Make After 50: Avoid These 5 Bad Habits for Beautiful Hair as You Age

With age, not only the natural hair color but also the hair structure and therefore also the care needs change. However, it is always noticeable that most women simply continue with their usual care routine out of ignorance. Using some of the typical hair mistakes that women over 50 make, we would like to explain to you how you should properly care for your mature mane in order to still look fresh, young and well-styled.

A meaningless hairstyle is one of the biggest mistakes

An inconspicuous hairstyle that looks listless and boring is probably one of the biggest hair mistakes women over 50 can make. Instead, you should counteract the signs of aging with something upbeat and ensure a fresher and younger look. And by “oomph” we don’t mean anything extravagant. However, structure and texture should go hand in hand with the right color (and yes, that can also be natural gray).

There's nothing wrong with continuing to let your hair grow out, or tying it in a simple ponytail or bun every now and then. But don't fall into a rut, instead let your long, growing hair show off with a few layers (if that suits your hair) or enhance the ponytail with a fringe or simple hair accessories.

Hair mistakes women over 50 make – A new hairstyle that doesn’t suit the face

And in the heat of the moment (looking for thesuitable hairstyle), many people forget that it's not just the hairstyle itself that we should like. The shape of the face also plays a big role, because as you get older it looks completely different than it did a few years ago - it seems to be more angular (due to the low hyaluronic content in the skin), the facial features are no longer as soft as they once were. Accordingly, you now have completely different styles than before. Therefore, please seek advice. Take a photo of your desired hairstyle, but also have it matched to your facial features. An experienced and good stylist will know exactly what to change about your desired hairstyle so that it really suits you in the end.

In general:

  • The less hair is visible, the more angular your face will appear because it will stand out more. Hair tied back tightly, for example, has this effect.
  • You can visually reduce facial edges by framing them with subtle steps. Fringed instead of straight is the motto here.
  • Bangs always work, but if possible not too short to avoid forehead wrinkles and anyHide age spots straight awayto be able to. Up to just below the eyebrows is optimal.

Wrong and too many care and styling products

The care needs of your hair also change as you age. You have probably already noticed that the hair structure of gray hair is different from that of your previous hair. Of course, this also changes the way you use yoursNow care for your hairshould – not just when you color it, but in every case.

Don't make the mistake of treating your hair with many different products, even if they are care products and you actually mean well. This is exactly one of the most common hair mistakes that women over 50 make in their desperation to fight aging. What you're doing with all that conditioner and styling products is just making your mowing more difficult. This causes it to lose volume and look flat. Therefore, try to reduce the use of such as much as possible. This also applies to frequent washing with shampoo. If you have decided to wear your natural gray, you can include silver shampoo in your care routine. Use this once a week.

Hair mistakes women over 50 make – Not blow-drying properly

By “not right” we don’t mean “not sufficient”, but actually the wrong technology. You want to get your hair straight, so blow-dry it from top to bottom as always. It's just that when you reach a certain age you have to deal with a new problem. Because, as already mentioned, older hair loses its natural volume and with this blow-drying technique you are only making it worse.

Therefore, use the right brush when blow-drying (whether you want to straighten your hair or just dry it). A boar bristle brush is perfect for gently adding volume to the hairline. It's best to choose a medium size.

Don't forget heat protection spray!

Speaking of blow-drying... You don't forget the extremely important heat protection spray before heat styling? Blow-drying, straightening, curling - all of this, as you know, puts a strain on the hair, and mature hair also contains less collagen, which makes it even more sensitive. So forget the false thinking “Oh, this one time won’t be so bad,” because that’s exactly what will ruin your hair. And brittle, dryStrands with split endsNot only do they generally look unattractive, but they actually end up making you look older - and that's exactly what you want to avoid, right?

So avoid the fatal hair mistakes that women over 50 make and take care of your mane in good time. Then you won't have to miss out on beautiful curls or elegant, smooth styling in the future.

Blonde hair over 50 – Which shades of blonde can make you younger and make your face shine? Theyou can find out here!