Something new often – a change of scenery is needed. If you've had enough of your four walls, we recommend simply changing something. This doesn't necessarily have to be expensive, because with a few tricks and tricks you can really spruce up your apartment. You don't even have to get rid of your current furnishings, because with a little skill you can breathe new life into old things.
Rearrange the apartment
The sofa has been in the same place for years and the vase on the hanging shelf hasn't been moved for what feels like forever. Simply rearranging furniture and decorations can have a big effect on the overall appearance of the apartment.
For example, if you arrange objects in groups of three, it already has a certain effect. The eye takes odd groups asmore harmonious and interestingtrue, as even numbers. This tendency towards asymmetry is also reflected in the arrangement itself. If everything is lined up neatly, it can seem a little stiff, which is why a loose arrangement is recommended.
Old furniture, new look
It doesn't have to be a new coat of paint to spruce up the look of the apartment again. You can first upgrade the furniture a bit. There are several options:
• You can use old cupboards, chests of drawers or something similarBreathe new life with special foils. You have to clean the surface thoroughly beforehand and then you can start gluing. It is important to avoid bubbles as much as possible or to remove them at the end. Here you can choose between different looks and even structures.
• Wooden stools and chairs can be revived with fabric by covering the seat with foam and an appropriate cover. In the end, this not only makes the chair more beautiful, but also more comfortable. The fronts of drawers can also be made more interesting with different textiles.
• If the furniture does not have fabric surfaces, it may be worth repainting it. Varnishes come in all sorts of colors. Pieces of furniture do not necessarily have to be completely painted. Even small color accents add visual value.
Rethink your lighting concept
It is not for nothing that it is said that you put something in the right light or that you let something appear in a new light. Pleasant lighting contributes greatly to well-being in the home. It is advisable for every room to have some kind of basic lighting. In the living room, this could be a large ceiling light that illuminates most of the room. It is complemented with the help of individual floor lamps, floor lights or indirect light behind furniture to create a cozy atmosphere.
Color also plays a role when choosing light bulbs. Light with a low color value makes a warmer impression, which is why warm lamps are suitable for the bedroom or living room. Cold colors belong in the workplace.
A change of scenery can work wonders
If the smaller changes in the apartment haven't made any difference, then it might be worth a new coat of paint. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the entire room. Sometimes individual walls or surfaces are enough to get a new impression of the room. A colored wall can often create a frame around certain pieces of furniture to better showcase them.
Contrary to expectations, colors are also suitable for smaller rooms, because they don't always have to be white. A room can be made taller by painting it a light color. The desired effect can be achieved with tones such as cream, yellow or sand. It looks particularly elegant when the ceiling is painted in a lighter version of the wall color. Longitudinal stripes stretch the room upwards.
DieOpportunities for a new coat of paintare endless. The best thing to do here is to experiment with colors and shapes and see which result you are happiest with.
Sustainable and affordable ideas for new furniture
A new facility is needed, but the appropriate budget is missing. There are various solutions here too. If you only want to spend a little money, a visit to the flea market is worth it. Here you can discover real treasures, especially if you are only looking for smaller items.
If you want to make a larger purchase, such as a new wardrobe or even parts of a new kitchen, then you can pay a visit to one of the many furniture exchanges in Germany. Here you can find everything, from coffee spoons to dishwashers. The items are used and often come from apartment clearances. As a rule, the furniture here is still in very good condition and if you are lucky, you can buy one or two pieces of jewelry.
When you give old furniture a new home, you not only create new visual highlights in your home, but you also do something good for the environment. Recycling and upcycling are very trendy and protect the CO2 and ecological balance.
In this way, you can redecorate your apartment with a clear conscience, while saving money and protecting nature at the same time.
Images: decofilms, envato elements