For the New Year's Eve party: 4 ultimately delicious recipes for children's punch

In addition to a good atmosphere, a good party naturally includes good drinks. So that even the smallest party guests get their money's worth, we'll tell you the best children's punch recipes.

No matter whether it's a big New Year's Eve party or a small family gathering, something that makes the hearts of young and old party guests beat faster are delicious drinks. And you really don't always have to put hard liquor in there.

So how about a delicious children's punch for everyone? Not only does it taste better, but it's almost healthy thanks to the juice and fruit. It also tastes much better than plain soft drinks and looks good too.

Guaranteed to be tasty for young and old too:

To ensure that all guests really get their money's worth, in addition to the non-alcoholic classic strawberry punch, you can also go a little more unusual. Are you lacking ideas? Here are 4 ingenious children's punch bowl recipes that will delight the little ones and some big ones too!

The classic with an insider tip: strawberry punch for children

Children love strawberries, regardless of the dosage form. So of course there is also a punch bowlresonates with most people. All you need for the classic children's bowling bowl is:

For 12 servings of strawberry punch:

  • 1000 g strawberries (frozen, unsweetened)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (of course more or less is always possible)
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 l apple juice
  • 2 l red fruit juice, e.g. B. Currant juice (chilled)
  • approx. 1 l carbonated mineral water (ice cold)
  • Insider tip: 6-8 leaves of fresh woodruff (frozen) or. as syrup
Credit:Getty Images

This is how you prepare the strawberry children's punch:

It's best to let frozen strawberries thaw, add a little sugar, put them in the punch bowl and cover with apple juice.Insider tip:Add frozen woodruff leaves (or woodruff syrup to taste in winter) and let everything steep. You'll be amazed at how much aroma a few woodruff leaves provide. Chill the remaining apple juice.

Only finish the punch shortly before consumption: add the remaining apple juice, red fruit juice and oranges to taste. Finally top up with mineral water.

Also read:

Special children's punch: gummy bear punch

Gummy bears sometimes make adults happy, but primarily children. And that's exactly why you can make a punch out of them. For the children's punch with gummy bears you need:

For 12 servings of gummy bear punch:

  • 4 bags of gummy bears (200 g each)
  • 3 liters of apple juice
  • approx. 2 liters of carbonated mineral water

This is how you prepare the gummy bear punch:

The day before the party, steep one or two bags of gummy bears in apple juice overnight. Skim off the faded gummy bears or remove them using a sieve. Fill the gummy bear juice with water, add the remaining gummy bears and serve immediately.

If you are afraid that the punch won't be drunk quickly enough before the new gummy bears have completely lost their color, we recommend the following: Instead of adding the gummy bears to the gummy bear juice, simply throw one or two bears into an ice cube tray the day before , pour in apple juice or water and freeze. This keeps the punch nice and cool and the bears retain their color and shape a little longer.

Healthy children's punch: pineapple punch

There are all sorts of treats and sweets at parties. Parents therefore like to save on sugar when it comes to drinks. A children's punch bowl that requires almost no added sugar is therefore a welcome and tasty change from the children's punch bowl recipes.

For 12 servings of pineapple punch:

  • 1 liter of pineapple juice
  • 300 ml lime juice or lemon juice
  • 1.5 liters of still water
  • 2 liters of carbonated mineral water
  • Frozen fruits of your choice
  • Optional sugar to decorate
Credit:Getty Images

This is how you prepare the pineapple children's punch:

Mix pineapple juice with water and lime juice and chill. Dip the rim of individual glasses/cups into water and then place them in the sugar (so that a nice sugar rim is created on the glass). Divide the fruit between the glasses/cups and top with punch.

Reading tips:

Quick & fruity children's punch: colorful fruit punch

If you don't have much time but still want to prepare a delicious children's punch for your guests, you can simply use frozen fruits and the canned fruits that most grandmothers love. For the deliciously colorful and, above all, super quick fruit punch you need:

For 12 portions of fruit punch

  • 1 bag of frozen fruit mix (750 g)
  • 2 cans of fruit cocktail
  • 2 l Kirschsaft
  • 2-3 liters of carbonated mineral water

This is how you prepare the quick fruit punch:

Place frozen fruit mix and canned fruit without juice in a container and top with cherry juice. Add cold mineral water. Complete.

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We hope you like our recipe and wish you a lot of fun cooking, baking and trying it! Feel free to write to us tooInstagramor onFacebook: We are always happy to receive suggestions and recipe requests!