Ingenious wardrobe trick: This is how you can clear out your wardrobe in under 5 minutes

Make space in your closet? We'll tell you the best life hack that will save you time and nerves when decluttering in the future.

Cleaning out the closet can be a pretty emotional thing. Many people find it difficult to part with beloved items of clothing that no longer fit or are no longer worn for another reason. When it comes time to clean up, sorting out becomes a real emotional rollercoaster.

What should help is this, with which you can decide within a few seconds what stays and what can go. Have you already tried the trick but still can't part with your clothes? Then we have a brilliant alternative for you. Because the clothes hanger trick makes visible what you really aren't wearing and helps you clear out. How exactly does it work? This way.

Clean out in under 5 minutes: Use the clothes hanger trick

If you want to save time when cleaning out your closet in the future, you need clever solutions. The clothes hanger trick is just such a life hack. This is not about creating more space or storage space with hangers. No, the hangers are intended to make it easier for you to get rid of things later when clearing out.

And this is how it works:

Hang all hangers in your closet upside down. Every time you wear an item and it goes back into the closet, you hang the hanger the right way back up. After about a year you do the check:

What have I really been wearing in this long time? And what is still hanging upside down on the hanger? With just one glance it is immediately clear which parts you should clear out.

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Tip: Uniform hangers ensure a tidy look in the wardrobe.You can shop for clothes hangers in matching colors on Amazon here.*

Hanging clothes hangers the other way around saves time and stress

By hanging the hangers in your closet the wrong way up, you'll immediately see what's unused. So you make later decision-making a lot easier. All those who can never decide between “what goes away” and “what can stay” when clearing out should try this trick.

Of course, you can set a time at which you can examine what was really worn by you. However, a good period for a wardrobe check is one year. It shouldn't be shorter to avoid seasonal items being sorted out.

You shouldn't wait any longer either. Because let's be honest, if you don't wear it one year, how likely are you to wear it the following year?!

Cleaning out made easy thanks to the clothes hanger trick

But what about the clothes that don't hang on hangers? There are several variants here. Either you can stack the clothes the wrong way round. And after washing, put individual pieces back on the pile the right way round. So similar to the principle of clothes hangers. This may not be particularly visually appealing, but it will help a lot when sorting things out later.

Or you can always put items that you have already worn on top of the pile. When you clean out your closet later, everything at the bottom could possibly be unworn. Just try out what works best for you here.

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You can then donate the discarded clothing or, even better, organize a clothing swap party with your friends. Sometimes you just get tired of certain pieces and stop wearing them.

And what has become boring for one person is a new, deeply loved treasure for another. In any case, we hope you have fun cleaning out and rearranging your wardrobe.