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Fertilize lavender: You should consider that
Find out here which fertilizer is ideal.
When should you cut lavender? Why it is particularly important in spring and when the right time is.
Lavendel is a nicely viewing plant that many hobby gardeners enjoy. It exudes a pleasant fragrance and gives the balcony and garden a Mediterranean flair. Bees and butterflies are also happy about the lavender flowers.
In order for lavender to flourish and grow vigorously every year, it has to be cut back regularly. But how often should lavender be cut and what do I do when it fades in summer? You can get the answers here.
For the first time, the lavender should be cut at the end of March at the end of March.If winter is pretty cold and long, it is still okay at the beginning of April. It is only important that no frost can be expected. SimplyCut all old flowers from the previous year by about two thirds.
The spring cut is the most important cut for the lavender. This is the only way to remain compact and can develop many beautiful flowers in summer.
If you do not cut the lavender for years, it balances it from below, loses its beautiful shape and only forms new shoots.
Also read:
Lavender faded: When should I cut it again?
However, the lavender begins to fade in midsummer.If you want another blooming, you should now cut the lavender back. The optimal time for theThe second cut is in the middle/end of July to the beginning of August.
Now all old and faded shoots should be cut back about a third. It is best to cut the plant slightly spherical so that it maintains its dense growth. The easiest way is to cut the plant together under the flowers and cut it off with a hedge trimmer.
In the early autumn, the lavender is expected to bloom again.
Tipp:Since lavender also helps against spiders, moths and even mosquitoes, you should never throw away the cut off blooms. Instead, you can let them dry completely and then fill them into fabric bags and distribute them in wardrobes and drawers.
Alternatively, you can fill the dry flowers into a bowl and place them in the bathroom, living or bedroom. This ensures a pleasant room fragrance.
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