Sneezing, itching and burning sensations: Anyone who has a dry nose knows the symptoms all too well. Both in winter and summer, the nasal mucosa can dry out due to weather conditions or as a result of an illness. And a dry nasal mucosa can perhaps do its most important job, namely protecting it from bacteria andto protect against viruses, no longer fulfill. Dirt particles and pathogens can then infect the nasal mucosa. We give you tips on nose care that you can use to ensure a good nasal climate and explain which home remedies really work.
What can cause a dry nose?
The nasal mucosa is a complicated organ with an important job: it warms the air we breathe when it is cold outside. The humidified, purified and warm air can reach our lungs more quickly. The nasal mucosa, together with the nasal hairs, fulfills another function: it filters out dirt particles, pollen, viruses and bacteria. However, a dry nose quickly leads to less mucous film forming, which is supposed to protect us from harmful pathogens and dust. The consequences are not long in coming: If the protective barrier does not function properly, inflammation occurs,stuffy noseand unpleasant sensations. That's why it's important to moisten the nasal mucosa. Most doctors recommend not to consider dry nose a temporary symptom that will go away on its own, but to treat it in a timely manner. Fortunately, there are plenty of themTricks and home remedies, which can help with a dry nose. However, it is important to know the exact cause of the dry nasal mucosa. We list several possible causes:
1. Weather and indoor climate: Dry air is the most common cause of dry nasal mucosa. But strong winds can also contribute to this. Surprisingly, both the cold air at sub-zero temperatures and the hot air at over 30° Celsius can have a negative effect on the sensitive organ. A dry nose in winter is not uncommon for most people, especially because the air inside is usually too dry and the wind outside whips the cold air into your face.
2. If you clean your nose too often, you remove the protective layer from the nasal mucosa and prevent a new protective barrier from forming. That's why it's important to take proper nasal care to ensure that the nasal mucosa remains moist. However, it is not advisable to overdo it. We will explain to you below what proper nose care involves.
3. People with allergies often suffer from a dry nose. The immune system of those affected reacts too sensitively to pollen, dust and other stimuli. Allergic rhinitis is often seasonal, occurring in most people in the spring and late summer when pollen is flying through the air. The result is annoying hay fever, which can be treated with special medications prescribed by the doctor.
4. Runny noseUpper respiratory tract diseases. A runny nose in spring and summer indicates an allergic reaction, but in winter the reason is usually different. Every year, many viruses circulate that can cause upper respiratory tract diseases. One symptom of this is a runny nose, which usually doesn't last more than a week. In this case, too, the moist nasal mucosa plays a crucial role and can further accelerate the improvement.
5. For many women, dry nose countsto menopausal symptoms. During this period, estrogen levels drop and this can cause dry nasal mucosa. If the nose becomes blocked as a result, only home remedies and certain nasal sprays can provide relief.
6. Anyone who suffers from a lack of fluids often also has to struggle with a dry nose. If the body is not supplied with enough water, it cannot form a moist protective layer. The nose dries out and we are much more susceptible to pathogens.
7. A dry nose can also have other causes. Sometimes it is a symptom of impaired thyroid function. If this is the case, then it is important to see a doctor and get advice. Even if nasal congestion is only a temporary complaint, treatment for the condition is often necessary.
Dry nose, what to do?
The first step to alleviating the problem is to identify the cause of the dry nose early. Only then can you properly treat the symptom. We will explain to you how you can identify the cause yourself and when you need to see a doctor. We also offer several recipes for home remedies that can help you.
If you feel dry nasal mucosa inside, then it may be due to the heating
If the nasal mucosa only dries out in winter, then it may be due to the weather and the heating air. In these cases, a humidifier can help. And even if you only suffer from a dry nose at night, you should also do so during the dayin winterhumidify the air in the room. Because it really doesn't help if your nasal mucosa dries out all day in the office and then you turn on the humidifier at home for 1-2 hours in the evening. It also helps if you put a pot of water on the heater. There are two options here: you can either find a compact humidifier for the table in stores or you can inhale steam with salt water or herbs in the evening. Regular ventilation in the cold season can also help. This is where you can use shock ventilation, where you open the windows wide for a short period of time. Ventilate every 3-4 hours for the best possible results. You should also make sure that the room temperature in the living area is between 20° and 23° Celsius and in the bedrooms between 18° and 20°.
If you feel stuffy nose while walking outside, especially in winter: then it may be due to the cold air and wind
What to do if your nose is dry and it only happens after a walk in the cold season? You can protect your nose from the cold air by wrapping your scarf around your mouth. You can also treat dry nose inside with olive oil. Before going out, drip 3-4 drops of olive oil into your nose and gently pinch your nostrils. Try to create a smooth transition between cold and warm in your home. For example, you can set the heating to 20° Celsius before you go out.
If yousuffer from an allergy, then the doctor can prescribe medication to relieve the symptoms. Decongestant nasal sprays usually help. However, you can take these for a maximum of 5-6 days. There is then a risk that the body will slowly get used to its active ingredients. After therapy, you can moisten the nasal mucosa with home remedies. Allergy sufferers should also drink more water - i.e. 2 liters daily. The reason for this is quite simple: your nose dries out more quickly if you suffer from hay fever. In order for the nasal mucosa to recover and form a new protective layer, it needs fluid.
Proper nose care for colds
For colds, you can wait 3-4 days and see if the symptoms go away on their own. However, if you have a dry nose that feels stuffy for more than a week, you should seek advice from your doctor. He can best assess whether the reason is the cold itself or a bacterial infection. Even if your sense of smell decreases or your nose bleeds, you should definitely see a doctor. In the meantime, rinsing your nose with salt water can relieve the symptoms.
Dry nose at night: What you can do about dry nasal mucosa at night
If you suffer from a dry nose at night, you should consider whether the room temperature is really suitable. Two possible reasons for dry rabbit mucous membranes are: 1) A cold 2) Air that is too dry. These little tricks will help you: Ventilate the room before you go to bed and set the thermostat to level 2 (room temperature between 16° and 20° Celsius)
Dry nose in babies: Saline solution can help
Babies and small children often have a dry and stuffy nose because the passages between their ears and nose are still too narrow. Whenever the little ones have a cold, and unless the doctor has recommended otherwise, you can make a saline solution yourself. Pour 1 liter of water into a pot and bring it to the boil. Let the water boil for 5 minutes and then add 1 teaspoon of salt. Remove the pot from the heat and allow the brine to cool to room temperature. Then fill them into pipette bottles and place 1-2 drops into the baby's nose. To prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, you can fill 1 bowl with lukewarm water and place it on the heater. You can also use humidifiers, or take the baby to the bath and run hot water in the shower area. Under no circumstances wash the baby with hot water, otherwise there is a risk of burns! The child should only breathe in the steam for several minutes.
Dry nose: home remedies that really help
First clean your nose with a nasal douche. Rinse them with a saline water rinse to remove the dirt and grimeto get rid of excess mucus. You can also find nasal sprays with sea water in pharmacies, which are particularly effective and have a slight antibacterial effect. Most of these sprays are suitable for daily use as they do not contain any active ingredients other than sea salt. But you shouldn't overdo it - clean your nose 2-4 times a week. Take regular 10-day breaks to allow your mucous membrane to recover. It is not advisable to use a nasal douche when you have a cold, but allergy sufferers find it very helpful.
Olive oil can help with a dry crusty nose. Put 1-2 drops in the nose and massage the nostrils. You should not use olive oil with nasal drops because it may reduce their effectiveness.
Drink 4-5 cups of herbal tea daily for colds. Try inhaling the steam from the tea first and then drinking the tea. Try to keep your body hydrated. You need 1.5 – 2.5 liters of water a day, especially when you have a cold.
The humidity in the bedroom should be between 60% and 70%. The quickest way to regulate it is with a humidifier, but you can also, for example, place several wet items of clothing on the heater in the bedroom.
Houseplants can regulate the indoor climate. They ensure air humidification in a natural way because they drain the irrigation water back into the room. They also filter existing toxins from the air. The suitable plant species are mostly evergreen exotics such as the bamboo palm, the dragon tree or the birch fig. They are fairly easy to care for and undemanding when it comes to location. That's why they are suitable for both large living areas and small living rooms. In the bedroom, you can place an orchid on the bedside table or on the windowsill. In contrast to other plants, it releases oxygen and absorbs CO2 at night. So you can enjoy a healthy sleep.