Clearing a stuffy nose - Possible causes of a runny nose and treatment with home remedies

Many people complain that their nose is often stuffy without there being a specific reason for it. If there are no signs of acute infectious disease or chronic sinusitis, purulent runny nose, headache or fever, this is due to different causes. In most cases, the cause of such a disease is the enlargement of the blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses. This can occur due to colds, allergies, and sinus infections. The condition worsens especially at night or when you lie down. So how can you help yourself in such cases in a simple, effective and safe way? In this article we will give you some important information and tips on how you can use home remedies and other methods for a stuffy nose.

Constantly stuffy nose – why is that?

However, before we get overpossible alternative healing methodsspeak or use medication for a stuffy nose, we need to know the causes. A very common reason is the curved nasal septum. This may have existed since birth or may have arisen after trauma, but only after a certain amount of time does it begin to cause symptoms. The explanation for difficulty breathing through the nose with a deviated nasal septum is the “nasal cycle.”

This is aphysiological phenomenonthe alternating contraction and swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages, with the aim of warming the air. During a period of 2 to 3 hours, the air flows primarily through one nostril, where it warms, and then circulates through the other. In this case, breathing difficulties are particularly noticeable when lying on the back or in the lower nostril. The appearance of difficulty breathing in a twisted nasal septum also contributes to excess weight, which accumulates evenly in all tissues of the body.

DiePollution, environmental toxins and general environmental factorsalso affect normal nasal breathing. This is primarily the dirty air, which is rich in irritants, particles and chemicals. These irritate our nasal mucosa by causing thickening and consequently making nasal breathing more difficult. Another factor that can be responsible for a stuffy nose is tonsil enlargement. In childhood, enlarged tonsils and inflamed third tonsils lead to difficulty breathing through the nose, snoring and sleep apnea in severe cases. An enlargement of the third tonsil can also be due to an allergy, which usually occurs due to mold. In these cases, on the one hand, the swelling of the nasal mucosa and, on the other hand, the enlarged third tonsil hinders normal breathing through the nose.

What helps against stuffy nose?

All year round allergicA runny nose, most commonly due to a dust mite allergy, can only be accompanied by a stuffy nose. This is seen in a small number of people, with another predominant symptom being mainly morning sickness. For this reason, the various causes of difficult nasal breathing require consultation with an ENT specialist and allergist first. Self-medication, most often with nasal drops, leads to even more nasal congestion due to damage to the nasal mucosa. In this regard, here are some home remedies for stuffy nose that you can try.

If your baby or child has a stuffy nose, you can, for example, put a few drops of breast milk into their nose to open the nasal passage. Eucalyptus oil is usedTreatment of coldsand used to clear nasal congestion. Drip a few drops of oil onto your baby's pillow and bedding. Because the smell is too strong for infants, eucalyptus oil should not be applied directly to the skin. When you lift your baby's head with the help of a pillow, the mucus flows out, opening the nasal passage. It is important to keep your baby hydrated, especially if a stuffy nose is bothering the infant. Fluids thin mucus and relieve nasal congestion. You can also give him warm and unsweetened apple juice and chamomile tea (without honey) if the child is older than 6 months.

Humid air

The moist air can help you reduce the swelling of the nasal lining and thicken the mucus. This therefore makes it easier to remove secretions and breathe in general. You can easily create a suitable indoor environment by using a humidifier and maintaining a moderate temperature. This should be around 22 degrees during the day and up to a maximum of 20 degrees at night. If the humidifier also works at night, the device makes it easier for you to breathe while you sleep.

Heat and steam

A warm oneShower or steam in the bathroomalso help if your nose is blocked. You can also do several inhalations with chamomile and a pinch of baking soda during the day. To do this, add a teaspoon of chamomile and a teaspoon filled with baking soda to 1 liter of boiling water.

Then cover your head with a towel while inhaling the steam coming from the vessel for a few minutes. The vapors increase the moisture in the nasal passages and sinuses, thereby facilitating nasal discharge.

Sufficient fluids

You also need plenty of water, tea, warm broths and soups, as well as freshly squeezed juices if you want to relieve a stuffy nose. When your body is well hydrated, this makes it easier for you to liquefy the secretions and successfully remove them from your nose. The result is that the tension of the paranasal sinuses and the swelling of the mucous membranes are reduced.

Limit food consumption

Any runny nose or sinus infection requires a change in diet in addition to drinking more fluids. Therefore, reduce dairy products and as much protein of animal origin as possible in your daily menu. These are mainly finished products, such as fresh milk, cheese, yoghurt, cottage cheese, salami and meat. Additionally, try to consume as little rice, potatoes, and peppers as possible, as they all increase mucus production in the body.

Nasal hygiene

By using a nasal spray, you can flush out the germs that have penetrated and at the same time prevent the mucous membranes from drying out, which is not only unpleasant, but also leads to a weakening of local immunity. You can use such a product with sea water as well as saline rinse or make your own saline solution. All you have to do is dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. You can try this method if you have a stuffy nose without a runny nose. Warm compresses are also good for relieving pressure on the nose, improving discharge and helping to open the nasal passages. Dampen a cloth with warm water, rinse, and leave it on your forehead and bridge of your nose for as long as it feels comfortable.

Jala Neti Nasenspülung

For this you need a specially designed water vessel for nasal rinsing, the Jal Lota, which comes from yoga healing practice. It contains water at a temperature close to body temperature, which is a littleSea water or table salt addedbecomes. The spout is placed on one nostril, with water flowing through the nose and out the other nostril. The secretions are thus removed and the mucous membrane relaxes while the process stimulates various nerve endings in the nose. This also activates your brain, which can significantly improve the overall condition of the body.

Be careful with the nose drops

Some conventional medicines (decongestants and antihistamines) also relieve nasal congestion, but you should use them carefully. The stuffy or runny nose is the result of the body's protective reaction. As blood vessels and blood flow expand, antibodies are provided that attack and destroy many invading germs. Improved secretion also helps eliminate pathogens. Most nasal drops stop this protective process because such medicines dry out the nasal mucosa. In addition, this can again be the localImpair immunityand stop the movement of the ciliated epithelium of the nose. For this reason, you should not use such drops for more than 5-6 days, as you may get used to them or develop so-called medical rhinitis.

Stuffy Nose Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedieshave long been proven effective for upper respiratory tract infections. The combination of various Cinabaris, Hydrastis, Potassium dichromicum, is recommended to reduce mucosal edema, restore and at the same time improve nasal breathing.

For example isEchinacea as a complex homeopathic medicineor Cinabsin preparation available in the pharmacy network. The impact prevents the airways from becoming thinner or more complicated and the problem from becoming chronic.

Other household factors

Difficulty breathing can also be associated with excessive use of disinfectants and aromatics in the home. Drying laundry in living spaces during the cold months, when there is no strong ventilation, results in formaldehyde and perfume from detergents being released into the air, which are highly irritating to mucous membranes. No wonder people suffer from stuffy noses and red eyes at home and feel better outside. The most unbearable is the difficulty of breathing through the organ in chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps. The quality of life is worsened in a large percentage of cases by poor sense of smell and accompanying bronchial asthma.

The most common cause of secretion from the nasopharynx or the so-called “runny nose” is an allergy to year-round allergens from the home environment, such as mites – microcirculation in household dust. There is a posterior runny nose with severe allergic rhinitis with allergies not only to mites, but also to molds, pollens and occupational allergens. All types of sinusitis - acute, chronic, bacterial or allergic - can result in secretions from the nasopharynx. However, it depends on which sinuses are affected.

Stuffy nose allergy

You should first see an otolaryngologist to rule out other causes of breathing difficulties. The next consultation will be from an allergist. A skin allergy or blood test is performed to determine specific antibodies to various allergens in the serum. Which allergens the test concerns, skin or blood, is decided by the allergist based on certain factors such as the patient's age, the presence of other complaints and diseases, the treatment carried out at the time of the examination, the time of year and the condition of the skin at the test site. In cases of negative allergy tests and other complaints such as heavy nasal secretion for a long period of time, sleep disorders due to shortness of breath, sleep apnea, olfactory distress or vice versa, unpleasant odors to rule out nasal polyposis and tumors. The nose and olfactory area of ​​the brain must be examined in such cases through X-rays or scans of the paranasal sinuses and head.

What is hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa?

Hypertrophy (thickening of the nasal mucosa) can be the result of a distorted nasal septum, a cold treated by excessive use of nasal drops, allergic rhinitis (runny nose), chronic sinusitis, or occupational injury. Prolonged use of nasal drops leads to damage to the mucous membrane and the development of a medicinal runny nose. In these cases the hypertrophy is reversible. After discontinuing the nasal drops and appropriate treatment, the harmful effects are eliminated. For a distorted nasal obstruction with persistent shortness of breath, surgery is the solution. In allergic rhinitis, hypertrophy and difficulty in nasal breathing are exacerbated by permanent changes in the mucous membranes if allergy treatment is not started promptly.

If there is no allergy, essential oils are a good option to add to saline by inhalation. They have been known since ancient times. They have an antiseptic and moisturizing effect. Is there a connection between frequent colds and immunity? In the case of frequently runny or blocked noses, both in childhood and later, especially with simultaneous pneumonia, ear and sinus infections, kidney inflammation and recurrent cystitis, examinations must be carried out to rule out congenital or acquired immune defects. If the runny nose does not comply with standard treatment, a cough is added. Antibiotic treatment and immunologic testing and treatment adjustments are often required. Unwarranted stimulation and modulation of the immune system without adequate research and without signs of dysfunction is unacceptable.