This joy every day from the first of December when you can open a new door of the Advent calendar in the morning! And as beautiful (and above all delicious) as a calendar filled with chocolate is, it is instead homemade and filled with unexpected things, a nice surprise awaits you every day. Do you want to create this tension in your loved ones too? Then you can fill the Advent calendar with craft items that you have made yourself!
It doesn't matter whether you made the calendar entirely yourself or bought a ready-made one to fill - if you fill it with something you made yourself, it will be really unique. What is best depends not only on the recipient's preferences, but also on how much space you have available. This means that boxes or bags can also be filled with larger things whileAdvent calendar made from matchboxesoffer less space. You should choose your ideas for filling the Advent calendar accordingly.
Of course, you can make different things for each of the 24 days. But that would probably take an unnecessary amount of time and effort, especially if you're making something for several people. Therefore you can from everyoneCraft idea for Advent calendarsMake several copies and distribute them evenly throughout the calendar.
Make your own Christmas tree decorations as fillings
To fill the Advent calendar with craft items, get undesigned tagsmade of plywoodor cardboard and use them to personalize them using the napkin technique. You can use leftover fabric in this way or use napkins with Christmas motifs for the classic version.
Carefully remove the top layer of the napkin (the one with the designs) and cut out the desired designs. Get napkin glue (or Mod Podge) and coat the jewelry with a thin layer of the glue. Place the designs on top and apply another layer of glue to seal them. It's best to make several such pieces of jewelry and place them in several doors of the Advent calendar so that the recipient can collect a small collection at the end of the Advent season.
Read here:Make an Advent calendar for daycare: Creative craft ideas and tips for filling!
Make gifts with salt dough
You can also make beautiful jewelry easily and cheaply with salt dough. For the shapes, you can use simple cookie cutters or you can try it freehand with a sharp knife.
Cute felt dogs for the Christmas tree
Is the Advent calendar with crafts intended for someone who loves dogs? Then these trailers are just the right idea. Felt is really easy to work with, so you should have the Christmas tree decorations ready in no time.
Simply cut out the individual elements and glue them together. You can also use funny wiggly eyes for the eyes. Glue a ribbon in the form of a loop to the back. Complete!
Advent calendar with craft items - individual parts for a garland made of salt dough
Or how about you hide a salt dough star with a hole and a long piece of yarn in a door and then keep adding new stars so that the recipient can use them to put together a beautiful Christmas garland? Of course you can also design the stars differently. Instead of putting a star in each door (that would be boring and expected in the long run), put several pieces in a few doors and come up with other crafts for the other days in the Advent calendar.
Small, homemade candles in cookie cutters
How abouthomemade candlesfor the Advent calendar with craft items? Collect leftover candles or buy candle wax to make your own candles and make these cute candles. For the shapes you can use simple cookie cutters that you spread on baking paper.
Melt the wax in a water bath. Meanwhile, distribute wick to all shapes. You can also use the wick with the metal plate from tea lights and also melt the wax from the tea lights. Then carefully pour the liquid wax into the molds and allow it to harden. You can now remove the cookie cutters and just give away the homemade wax candles or you can leave them in the molds so that the recipient can use them in the future.
Bookmarks for small Advent calendars with craft items
Simple paper clips that you can attach to buttons or other small decorationsDIY SchmuckFor example, gluing – so simple and yet so cute and beautiful. Browse a craft supply store for interesting beads and jewelry accessories. You are sure to find suitable motifs for the occasion. Buttons are also ideal for designing. And the gift is compact so that you can fill even the smallest Advent calendars yourself.
Make little things yourself with self-drying craft clay
Whether jewelry, small decorative figures, coasters or Christmas tree decorations –with craft clayYou can make a variety of small gifts yourself that you can use as Advent calendar fillings and that your loved ones will be happy about. Earrings and pendants for necklaces are particularly popular, as the small metal parts (hooks, connectors, eyelets, etc.) can also be easily incorporated into the clay. You can play with the colors and shapes and make really great accessories.