What to make for Easter for children aged 3 and over – How about these 11 instructions?

Easter is approaching and in the weeks before Easter it would be a good idea to get togetherCraft ideas to suit the themeto keep busy, don't you agree? But it's not always possible to find something suitable, especially for small children. That's why we looked for ideas for Easter crafts for children aged 3 and over and found some great instructions that are easy to follow. If you often do crafts with your children, you will already have the materials for most craft ideas at home.

Making bookmarks for Easter for children aged 3 and over - Origami Chicks

Whether for the child's favorite book or as a gift for dad, mom or grandparents - afunny bookmarkis always useful. Such a chick is of course particularly suitable at Easter time. But you can also choose a different color for the paper and make other figures. For example, you can make an Easter bunny out of white paper and then cut out a pair of ears for it.

You can follow the folding steps in the instructions. As you can see, that isOrigami very simpleto make at Easter for children aged 3 and over, as the base does not need to be cut or glued. You can also take on the smaller elements (wings, eyes and beak) if your child is too small for them. Instead of paper eyes, wobbly eyes can also be used.

Easter craft ideas for children with balloons

Have you ever noticed that balloons have a very similar shape to eggs? Beautifully painted and turned upside down, they could easily pass for Easter eggs! The perfect idea for Easter crafts for children aged 3 and over, don't you think? Simply inflate the balloons and then let the children paint them with brushes and acrylic paint. There are no rules. And if you want, you can then build a huge nest and put the balloon eggs in it. If you have helium on hand, you can also hang them as a bouquet somewhere in the room. If you enjoy crafting with balloons, you will findin this articlea few more ideas.

Print Easter eggs with potatoes and make an Easter basket

This idea is also suitable for Easter crafts for children aged 3 and over. You just need to assess which of the tasks your child can perform and which you need to do. For example, three-year-olds can only use the Easter eggshomemade stampand print color onto the paper, while four and five year olds can also cut and paste. But that is very individual. You need:

  • 2 paper plates
  • light brown cardboard
  • brown color
  • potatoes
  • Band
  • Hot glue (for adults only; alternatively other child-friendly glue)
  • Colors for the Easter eggs
  • white cardboard
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors
  • optional: glitter glue and Easter grass

First, paint the outside of the paper plates brown and let the paint dry. Then glue the plates together to create a cavity and cut off a third of the plates. Then cut strips out of the light brown cardboard and glue them to one side of the basket like a grid (first the vertical stripes and then the horizontal ones or vice versa).

Tipp:Cut out long strips, tape them in place, and then simply cut off the excess instead of measuring and cutting the lengths. Then glue a piece of ribbon for the handle. The basket is now ready and you can make the eggs for Easterwith small childrenand older children, as follows:

Halve a potato and then use a knife to carve random patterns into it. To do this, you can first paint the pattern with a sharpie. Then apply any colors to the homemade stamp and print the colored eggs on the white cardboard. Allow the colors to dry and then, if you wish, trace the edges of the patterns with the glitter glue. Once the glue has dried, you can cut out the eggs, glue them together and put them in the basket.

Easter crafts for children aged 3 and over - Easter egg in the grass made of paper

PrintEaster egg templatesor draw eggs freehand on a piece of paper. The children then color the eggs as they wish. Of course, all types of colors (finger paints, watercolors, acrylic paints, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, etc.) and any patterns are permitted. The finished Easter eggs are then cut out. From green paper, cut out wide strips and then a zigzag pattern to represent grass. The points do not have to and should not be the same, because after all they are not blades of grass.

Then glue the ends of the grass strip together. Make sure that the scope does not become too large. The Easter egg should be able to stand on the grass and not slip. By the way, the finished crafts are wonderfulTable decoration for Easterand also great if you want to try out some Easter craft ideas in kindergarten.

Easter bunny and chicks made from pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks

  • Acrylic paints in white and yellow
  • ice styles
  • yellow and/or white paper
  • white and yellow pipe cleaners
  • Googly eyes
  • black, orange and pink felt-tip pen
  • scissors, glue

First, paint the popsicle sticks when making these Easter figures for children ages 3 and up and let the paint dry. In the meantime, you can cut a simple circle out of the yellow paper and a circle with bunny ears out of the white paper. The circles don't have to be perfectly shaped, but you can still use a round object as a template (e.g. roll of tape, a coin, etc.).

Use the felt-tip pens to draw the beak or the rabbit's mouth and nose, as well as the ears and glue on the googly eyes. Place the dried popsicle stick in the center of a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the stick a few times. On the back, the two sides should always cross each other for a better hold. Then form loops on both sides to represent the wings or rabbit's feet and continue wrapping the rest of the pipe cleaner around the stem.

Make Easter bunnies at Easter in kindergarten or at home

  • Foam cup
  • pink color
  • Paint brush
  • white and pink paper
  • black and pink felt-tip pen
  • Googly eyes
  • rosa Pfeifenreiniger
  • pink pom poms
  • Scissors, glue, tape

Paint the mug pink and let the paint dry. In the meantime, you can cut out the bunny ears from the pink and white paper. Cut a pipe cleaner in half and glue one of the two halves to the back of the ears. You can use tape or glue for this. Then stick the googly eyes on the cup and draw on the mouth and nose with the felt-tip pens. Finally, just put the pipe cleaners for the ears through the cup and glue a pom-pom to the back of the bunny for the tail. They're readyCrafts for Easter!

Simple aluminum foil Easter eggs for toddlers

Depending on their age, children can help prepare theHelp with Easter eggsor just paint them later. Cut a large egg out of cardboard and then wrap it with aluminum foil. The children can then draw any patterns they want using waterproof felt-tip pens. If you wish, the patterns can be pressed into the foil in advance by simply drawing with the lid of the pen. The pre-drawn patterns are then painted in color. The difference is that this way the patterns get texture.

Easter crafts for children aged 3 and over – bunny garland with pompoms

Such an Easter oneDIY GarlandNot only does it look super cute, but it's also pretty easy to make and you have different options. You can either add bunny ears made of paper or felt to pom-poms and then attach the bunnies to string, or you can cut out bunny figures from paper and use the pom-poms as tails. Both versions are beautiful. The colors can also vary as desired. Not only pompoms made from wool thread are suitable, but also from felt.

Bunny ears made from different materials

A simple oneIdea for Easter craftsare also bunny ears that your child can wear at any time, but are also great for a bunny costume. Depending on the age, you can use different materials that are more or less easy to work with. If you want to make ears for Easter for children aged 3 and over, you can use a pipe cleaner, for example, which is simply bent into ears and then attached to a headband. Instead of a finished headband, you can also bend one out of pipe cleaners instead.

A little more complicated and for older children, the ears are made of paper or felt. At the top of the instructions you can see one way in which felt can be attached to the headband. Pipe cleaner loops can be secured with a piece of paper or fabric.

Make your own Easter animals out of wooden spoons with children aged 3 and over

Depending on which animals you want to make, you will need different materials. But otherwise they can beMaking spoons is super easyat Easter for children aged 3 and over. You need:

  • wooden spoon
  • white or yellow acrylic paint for chicks and chicken or white and gray paint for rabbits
  • Felt in pink and white and/or gray for the bunny
  • orange and/or yellow felt for the beaks
  • white and/or yellow feathers for chicks and chickens, respectively
  • Googly eyes
  • black Sharpie
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue or other glue

Paint the spoons in the colors you want and let them dry. In the meantime you can prepare the other elements. Cut out triangles for the beaks and noses as well as the pieces for the rabbit ears and glue them onto the dried spoons. Add the googly eyes. You can still have chicken and chicks on the backdecorate with featherswhile you draw a mouth for the bunny with the Sharpie. You can also paint some eyelashes on the animals.

Easter crafts for children aged 3 and over – simple door wreath

Cut a ring out of cardboard that is narrower than the diameter of the pompoms so that it is not visible later. You can get the circular shape, for example, by tracing the outlines of two bowls or plates of different sizes. Then glue large pom-poms along the ring. Finally you need the bunny ears, which you can cut out of paper or felt and glue to the back of the wreath. Also, don't forget to attach a band or string between your ears so that you can keep theHang a door wreathcan.