DIY window decorations for summer – 8 instructions for creative decorations and privacy protection

You may spend more time outdoors in the summer, but that doesn't mean you should neglect your windows. Because they can be beautifully decorated even during the warm season. Of course, you can buy numerous summer window decorations, but homemade ones have a special charm, don't you think? That's why we've put together some creative ideas for window decorations for summer that you can copy. There are bothCraft ideas for adults, as well as those that you can make together with the children.

Make window decorations for summer - subtle privacy screen made of lace

Thisromantic privacy screenNot only does it discreetly protect you from prying eyes, but it also beautifully decorates the window. This summer window decoration is made like a fly screen. You can choose any size, although the privacy screen does not necessarily have to take up the entire window. You need:

  • Lace of any density and pattern
  • wooden strips
  • Stapler and staples
  • Holzleim
  • Wood varnish and brush

Measure your window to determine the required length for the wooden strips. Then cut them into the necessary lengths, leaving the ends at a 45 degree angle. You can have wooden elements cut to size in many hardware stores. It's best to inquire locally. Use wood glue to assemble the wooden strips into a frame. You can additionally secure the corners with the stapler for more stability.

Now you can paint the frame in any color you like. Once the paint has dried, you can frame itwith the lace fabricstring. The best way to do this is to staple one vertical side first, stretch the fabric and then gradually work your way to the other side by attaching the fabric to the horizontal sides at intervals. Finally, the other vertical side remains and you can place your work in the window.

Window decorations for summer – flower boxes for indoors

Diebeautiful succulentshave become the most popular summer decoration over the last few years and decorate not only indoor but also outdoor areas. The reason for their popularity is not only their beautiful appearance, which impresses with different colors and interesting leaf shapes, but also because they are very easy to care for. If you would like to put together such attractive flower boxes as window decorations for summer, you will need:

  • Wooden boards for the flower boxes (e.g. from Euro pallets)
  • Cordless screwdriver and screws
  • plastic wrap
  • Potting soil
  • Succulents
  • optional: wood varnish

You can buy new wooden boards or recycle old ones, for example by taking apart a Euro pallet. ParticularlyThe flower boxes look prettyif they are the same length as the window is wide, but of course you can also choose a different size. Use the screwdriver to build small boxes from the cut wooden boards, which you can also paint as desired.

Once the varnish has dried, line the boxes with foil to protect the wood from moisture and prevent water from running out when you water the succulents. Then you can plant your plants. It's best to combine different onesTypes of Succulents, to make the arrangement look even more interesting. Ideally, always water your new plants using a spray bottle to avoid waterlogging.

Hanging glass vases as window decorations in summer

  • wire
  • Mason jars or other glass containers
  • Wire pliers and needle nose pliers

Use this to make window decorations for summerWire and bendUse needle-nose pliers to create an open loop. Then wrap the wire once around the mason jar. It is important that you pull the wire tightly so that the glass does not slip out later when hanging. Then push the wire through the open loop and press it closed with the pliers. Now you can determine the length for the handle and cut off the excess wire.

Shape the handle and insert the end under the wire around the glass. Wrap it around this wire several times to make sure everything is secure. Your first vase is ready!

Tipsfor summer window decoration:

  • Summer window decorations become even more summery if you use colored glass.
  • Instead of disposable glasses are also suitableother glass containers. The only important thing is that they have a slightly protruding edge so that the container cannot slip out of the wire.
  • To hang it, you can screw hooks into the window frame or use a curtain rod. If you don't want to drill and screw, you can also use a curtain rod that can be clamped into the frame (see example with blue glasses)

Suncatcher with flowers and leaves

Suncatchers are popular decorations not only for the window but also forTerraces and balconiesand can be made to suit any season and from a wide variety of materials. The craft idea is also suitable for children, so you can use it if you want to make window decorations for summer with children. For this pretty garland you will need the following:

  • self-adhesive transparent film
  • Scissors
  • Sharpie or felt-tip pen
  • Flowers and leaves from nature
  • String for hanging

If youcraft with children, it can be advantageous to draw a few circles on the foil with a felt-tip pen or Sharpie to serve as a template. This way the children know in which area they can distribute the natural materials. Then peel off the protective film and the children can attach the materials. Then remove the protective film from the other transparent film and stick the adhesive side to the other film to seal the plant parts.

Now you can cut out the circles and punch them. Then you can leave them as one, as in the exampleHang garlandor you can use each circle for an individual suncatcher and hang them in front of the window at different heights as window decorations for the summer (e.g. on a curtain rod).

Window decoration for summer - fairy lights with shells

Do you still have a few shells from your last beach vacation and don't really know what to do with them? We would like to give you oneFairy lights as an ideaoffer. And this beautiful window decoration for summer is really quick and easy to make. It couldn't be more summery!

  • mussels
  • LED fairy lights
  • Glue (superglue or hot glue)

You can glue one or two seashells to each light bulb if you like. Wait a moment until the glue has dried thoroughly and then move on to the next light bulb. Once the maritime fairy lights are finished, you can use them perfectlySummer decorations for the windowby hanging them from a curtain rod, sticking them directly to the window with adhesive tape or placing them on the window sill and arranging them with other suitable decorations. Be creative!

Privacy protection for the summer in bright colors

Leaded glass window with hercolorful glassare really beautiful to look at and go particularly well with vintage and country house styles (but not only!). Unfortunately, they are not that cheap to find either. Fortunately, you can imitate such a design using cheap and easy means. You will receive an extremely attractive decoration that also serves as a privacy screen and, with its bright colors, is perfect for summer. If you want to make your summer window decorations yourself, you will need these things:

  • Glass pane of the desired size (you can have it cut to size by a glazier)
  • self-adhesive lead tape
  • Window colors
  • Paper that is at least as large as the disk
  • felt-tip pen
  • sharp knife or scissors
  • Ruler or drawing rail

Place the glass pane on the paper and trace the outside of the glass. Put the disc aside again and draw any design inside the rectangle. Then place the glass pane on top. The drawn pattern now serves as a template and you can transfer it to the glass. Use the lead tape for this. It's best to always cut off slightly longer pieces and then stick them on. You can then cut off the excess parts with a sharp knife (e.g. carpet knife).

Now you can use the individual segmentsColor window colors. Make sure to distribute the color to the edges and also fill in the corners well. The color can be easily distributed with a toothpick. You can also easily burst bubbles with it. Then let the colors dry and you can put your homemade panel in the window as a window decoration for summer.

Summer window pictures made from coffee filters

What would a list of summer window decorations be without thesegood old window pictures. They are a wonderful option, especially for children. You can make this type of window decoration for summer in kindergarten, but also in elementary school on project days.

  • Coffee filter
  • iron
  • Watercolors and water
  • Paint brush
  • kitchen paper
  • Documents (e.g. newspaper)

Prepare and make coffee filters for the window picture for summer:

First, you need to iron the coffee filters to make them smooth and more suitable for painting. Choose the highest level without steam! If you are looking for window decorations for summer in elementary school or...Craft kindergartenIf you want, you can do this step in advance at home or ask the children's parents to do it for you. By folding the coffee filters you can now easily create symmetrical patterns with the colors:

  • For oneStripe pattern: Fold the coffee filter like an accordion into strips about 2.5 cm wide so that you get a long rectangle. Then fold this into approx. 2 cm segments and you will get a small rectangle.
  • Forround designs: Fold the coffee filter in half three times to create a cone shape. Unfold it again until it forms a semicircle. The folds will now serve as guidelines for you to fold a fan along the radius of the circle. Finally, you should end up with a thin triangle. Fold one corner of the round side down to the opposite side, creating a triangle.Fold the paperthen two more times like an accordion, with the corners meeting opposite sides again. The result is a trapezoid.

Fill some small cups or lids with a little water and color the waterwith the watercolorin any nuances. Briefly dip the corners of the folded coffee filters into a color. Then place it on a sheet of kitchen paper and another on top. Squeeze excess water out of the filter by pressing on the paper towel. Now you can carefully unfold the filters and place them on a surface to dry. The first one is finishedSummer window picture, which you can now use as a window decoration for summer!

Recycle and craft – curtain made from plastic flowers

A little more time consuming, but stillsimple craft ideaSuch a curtain is also suitable for window decoration in summer, as it also provides a certain degree of privacy. But it's not just in front of the window that he cuts a great figure. It can also be used as a room divider or garden decoration. All you have to do is cut off the bottom of plastic bottles with a sharp knife and you will immediately get a flower. You'll need a lot of it.

Not just colorless onesempty plastic bottlescan be taken. You are welcome to incorporate colored ones into the curtain to make it look even more summery. You can then make small holes in the many flowers and tie them together to create several garlands. Attach these garlands to a pole or directly to the window frame and your pretty window decoration for summer is ready.

Tipp:You can slightly melt the edges of the flowers with a lighter. This makes them less spicy. This also allows you to create irregular shapes so that each flower looks different.