Making an Easter basket with small children – cool crafts with instructions made from different materials

A typical Easter craftnext to the Easter basketis also the Easter nest. And since nests are relatively easy to make, they are also the perfect craft ideas for Easter if you want to make something nice with small children. At this age, crafting should be as simple as possible, but at the same time contribute to the development of fine motor skills. We show some of these ideas that you can use to make simple Easter baskets. Choose a project that you think is appropriate for your child's age and get you and your sweetheart in the Easter spirit by making a pretty Easter basketwith small children.

Making an Easter basket with small children using a paper shredder

Would you like to make Easter decorations?made of paperour first idea is ideal. It's particularly easy to do if you use a paper shredder, but you can also use simple scissors instead. Of course, small children should not work with the shredder. Instead, you take on this task.

Sheneed two bread paper bags. Take one of the two bags and fold it halfway through the shredder. Then stop the process and pull the paper bag out again. Then you can open the bag with the fringes bent outwards. Run the other bag (or bread wrapping paper) completely through the shredder. Then distribute the strips you received in the other bag and the nest is ready. This is also the step that the children can implement.

Alternatively, you can simply cut the first bag with scissors and then cut the strips out of the other bag by hand or use a paper cutter. If you wish, you can use dyed Easter eggsinto little chickstransform it and then display it in the homemade bird's nest like in the example above. Simply glue the wings, beak and googly eyes to the eggs and place them in the nest.

Easter ideas for crafting with paper strips

Also for this ideayou need paper strips, which you can make in the same way as described above. There are also ready-made strips for quilling available in craft stores that are just as suitable and that you can use when making this Easter basket with small children. Use any paper you like: construction paper, newspaper, tissue paper, or bread wrapping paper.

  • Paper strips
  • Craft glue
  • thick brush
  • a bowl of the desired size
  • cling film
  • Document

Make the nest as an Easter decoration with small children

Once you have prepared the paper strips and laid out a base, you can start making this pretty Easter basket with small children. Use the outside or inside of the bowl as desired, although the inside may be easier for smaller children. Cover the selected side of the bowl with cling film. Mix the glue with water (same amount of water as glue).Make paper macheto be able to. Apply a layer of glue over the foil and then spread strips of paper over it in different directions. Allow the first layer to dry a little, then apply another layer of glue and spread stripes again. Continue like this until you are happy with the thickness of the nest. The finished nest must dry well and can then be filled as it is or decorated with a few loose strips inside as in the example above.

Of course, the nest becomes particularly authentic if youUse natural materials. And spring offers plenty of suitable materials, including beautiful green grass. Is the weather outside nice and sunny? Then you'll definitely want to spend time outdoors! And you can perfectly combine a walk in the park, forest or along a meadow with Easter crafts for small children. If you would like to make a natural Easter nest with small children, you will need the following natural materials that you can collect while walking:

  • Branches and sticks
  • Grass and/or moss
  • flowers
  • Stems for tying (e.g. dandelion stems are durable and very suitable) or yarn
  • Mud (earth and water mixed)
  • Feathers (can also be purchased if you can't find any)

Craft instructions for Easter

In principle, there is no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to instructions. The children can get really creative. However, at this age they will still need your help with tying. Show the child how to put the branches together. The branches are then tied together with the stems. Just in case, have some yarn on hand in case the stems don't work out. Once you have tied the first “row” of the nest, you can create more on top of it to make it a little higher. Finally, flowers can be stuck here and there between the branches and the nest can be filled with fresh grass.Willow branches or other flexible onesVariants are also suitable for weaving a nest.

If you want the Easter basket making project with small children to be even easier, you can save yourself the trouble of tying them by simply putting all the materials together on a paper plate. Alsoa trayis suitable for this purpose. Thanks to the base, the beautiful nest can then be easily moved around.

Make your own Easter nests with wool and paper

This idea is also very suitable for the little bullies, with which you don't make the classic Easter basket with small children, but rather a kindMake an Easter picture. With your help, the children can make nests that can later decorate the refrigerator and that the little ones will certainly be proud of. Prepare the individual elements and have the children glue them together. You can find the individual elements in the printable template below, but you can also cut them out freehand.

  • Papier
  • brown wool
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Googly eyes
  • Feathers

Cut a large semicircle out of brown paper and small circles out of yellow paper and a diamond out of orange paper (or fold an orange sheet of paper and cut it into a triangle shape at the fold - you can see how in our last instructions). Glue one circle offset from the other to form the body of theto receive chicks. Attach the googly eyes and the beak to the headboard. Make the wings from two feathers by gluing them to the body. Cut the wool thread into smaller pieces, apply glue to the brown semicircle and let the children distribute the wool pieces on the nest. Finally add the chicks. Complete!

Making an Easter nest with children –Printable template.

Make an Easter basket with toddlers using a paper plate and pom-poms

You can also do a similar variantwith a paper plateand making pompoms for Easter with children. You can also simplify the project according to your child's abilities or even combine it with the wool idea above. If you want to make an Easter basket with small children, you will need the following things:

  • paper plate
  • brown acrylic paint and brush (or a brown paper plate)
  • Louisiana moss or other
  • small sticks or twigs
  • Tissue paper
  • Feathers
  • pom poms
  • Glue
  • oranges Papier
  • Googly eyes

Making an Easter basket is very easy

Paint the paper plate with brown paint and let it dry. You can then cut the plate in half and cut off the inside of one of the two halves to create a curved strip. Now decorate the whole half with pieces of tissue paper and a few feathers while you stick the moss onto the strip. Then you can make the chicks for the Easter basket with small children. To do this, glue the wiggly eyeson a pom pomas well as the beak, for which you fold orange paper and cut out a triangle at the fold (see instructions below). Glue the strip to the nest and then a chick too.

Easter basket ideas – crafting with pipe cleaners for Easter with a toddler

This idea for making an Easter basket for children is also easy if you prepare all the elements for the little ones beforehand. Above all, cutting the base for the nest is not that easy. Older toddlers can also try it (under supervision!) or, for example, cut the pipe cleaners into small pieces. All in all, you will need the following materials if you make this cute Easter basket with small children:

  • brown colored paper
  • Pom poms in two sizes
  • brown tissue paper
  • Feathers
  • brown and possibly dark green pipe cleaners
  • Googly eyes
  • M&M's/jelly beans/small edible Easter eggs
  • Scissors, glue, pencil

Make your own Easter basket

First you can make the Easter basket with small children. Cut a circle out of brown paper. This doesn't have to be perfect as the edge won't be visible later. Scrunch up tissue paper and tape it along the edge of the circle. Cut the pipe cleaners into smaller pieces (to mimic twigs) and glue them here and there on the outsidethe tissue paper. Now it's the chicks' turn. Glue a large and a small pom-pom together. Add the googly eyes to the head and the beak. The easiest way to get the latter is to fold an orange piece of paper and cut it at the fold like a triangle. If you like, add a pink paper worm. To do this, simply cut out a wavy line. Then attach the feathers for wings.

From a pipe cleanerform a circle and glue it into the nest. Distribute some sweets that are supposed to imitate Easter eggs. If you'd like, add some more vines to the nest by wrapping green pipe cleaners around a pen and topping them with leaves of green paper. The finished nest is great as a gift for grandma and grandpa or to decorate the Easter table on the holiday.

Making an Easter basket with small children – two more ideas

In the picture above you can see two more ideas that are really easy to implement and are perfect if you are making an Easter basket with small children. On the left, paper strips were simply glued to a paper circle (a paper plate is also suitable). This is a wonderful idea forRecycle paper scraps, for which even newspaper can be used. The finished nest is then decorated with a bird or other things suitable for Easter.

In the picture on the right, a paper plate was painted blue and brown (for the nest and sky). The brown part was then glued with strips of paper, while a homemade paper bird was glued to the blue part. You can also add a paper egg that the bird hatches if you likeMake your own Easter nest.