Trying out all the many materials and colors, gluing, working with your inexperienced fingers and hands and maybe even cutting a bit - simple craft projects really inspire the little ones and are not only a wonderful idea for the afternoon as a pastime, but also for everyone theTo train fine motor skills, to stimulate the imagination and learn some new things or activities. Easter is one of many beautiful festivals that delight young and old with their motifs and colors. To suit the occasion, we have put together some great ideas for Easter crafts with toddlers. Toddlers don't have much patience yet. For this reason, the projects are not only very easy to implement, but also do not take a lot of time.
Easter crafts with toddlers using prepared materials
The gluingUsing a glue stick is something that most small children can handle quite well. Show it a few times and it will work itself. That's why our first project is perfect for crafting at Easter with a small child. Depending on the child's age and abilities, you can prepare and cut the elements yourself so that all that is left to do is glue them, or you can let children who already have practice using scissors cut out the elements themselves.
Paper plates make a great basefor Easter crafts with small children, as their round shape is perfect as a head shape. A few bunny ears, pipe cleaners for the whiskers, a pom-pom for the nose and googly eyes that just need to be glued on and you have a beautiful and easy craft suitable for Easter. The variant for a mask is also a great idea. The bottom of the plate is cut out and the remaining ring is stuck with pompoms or cotton balls. A popsicle stick serves as a handle to hold the mask in front of your face.
For Easter crafts with a small child, use white or brown eggs as desired, which can be either boiled (then only use edible colors) or blown. You or the children cut out little bunny ears out of paper. Use a felt-tip pen to draw the rabbit's face and then glue the ears to the back. Of course you can also use othersIntroduce animals. A beak and some yellow feathers instead of bunny ears and you have a chick!
Sensory bottle with a difference in the shape of eggs
You know these onestransparent Christmas tree ballsmade of plastic that can be opened and filled as desired? Well, they also come in the form of Easter eggs! The children can fill these themselves and put together their very own material and color combinations. It is important that an adult closes the eggs with a strong adhesive so that they do not open later and no small parts that could be swallowed fall out.
For Easter crafts with small children, it is best to use objects that make interesting noises (e.g. small buttons or...colored rice) or that move back and forth inside the egg in interesting ways (Easter-themed confetti, tiny pom-poms, glitter, carrots or chicks). The finished Easter eggs can decorate an Easter bouquet when they are not being analyzed by the toddlers and are also suitable as a gift for babies who have already started to explore the world with great interest.
Easter crafts with toddlers and bubble wrap
Apply paints to bubble wrap and wrap a hard-boiled egg in it. Then remove the foil again and the dot pattern of the foil is transferred. It is best to use harmless finger paints. You can do that toodo it Yourself.
Easter bunnies made from wooden spoons
Not only wooden spoons are suitable for such Easter craft ideas with children, but also plastic spoons. However, the latter are more fragile and therefore do not last as long. By the way, the finished bunnies can be used wonderfully as flower studs. All you have to do is paint a bunny face on the curved side and make ears out of pipe cleaners and then glue them to the back. Or you can choose other animals if you like thisIdea with wooden spoonscrafting at Easter with a toddler.
Carrots made from balloons
The ones with children like thatpopular balloonsform the basis for this craft project. Get some orange balloons and blow them up. Draw the carrot patterns on the balloons with a felt-tip pen. Cut wide strips out of green paper (crepe, tissue or craft paper if you like) and cut into one side. Then roll and glue each strip together into a tube and use a dab of glue to glue the uncut side to the rounder side of the balloon. You can now pull the fringes apart a little.
Small figures made from wax crayons
This idea for Easter crafts with toddlers is a wonderful way to use up the leftover wax crayons. Of course, you can also buy pens specifically for the project. You will also need an Easter themed baking tray orCookie cutters. Cut the sticks into small pieces, which you then distribute in any color combination in the baking pan (or in the cookie cutters that you previously placed on baking paper). You can also soak them in warm water beforehand. Then bake the wax in the oven at about 90 degrees for about 24 minutes or until the wax has melted. Then let the wax cool thoroughly. If you wish, you can provide the figures with small holes and string for hanging or arrange them in an Easter basket.
Make Easter eggs with lace and watercolors for Easter with a toddler
With a little help from an adult, a toddler can also make these beautiful paper Easter eggs. The back can also be usedlabeled with Easter greetingswhich turns the eggs into a beautiful greeting card. Depending on their age, pre-cut the egg shapes and lace or let the children cut them out themselves. Then the little ones can decorate the lace with colorful colors. To make Easter crafts with a toddler you will need:
- colored paper
- Cake Topper
- Watercolors or water-soluble felt-tip pens
- Paint brush
- Scissors
- Glue
- Document
Cut out egg shapes from the colored paper. These should not be larger thanthe summitthat you have worried about. Then place the lace on a surface and let the children paint it with watercolors. If you are using water-soluble felt-tip pens, paint the tip here and there with the pens and then smudge the colors with a brush dampened with water. Allow the colors to dry. Then you can glue the tip onto the eggs and cut off the excess around the edges of the egg.
Crafts for Easter with a toddler – footprint in the shape of a carrot
At the very beginning of toddlerhood, the child may still be too small to do handicrafts, paint and be creative. However, that doesn't stop them from making something nice together for Easter with their toddler. With finger paints you cana footprinton white paper and roughly cut out the shape after the paint has dried. You get a slightly curved shape that is reminiscent of a carrot. While you wait for the paint to dry, you can prepare the carrot greens. To do this, simply cut out strips of green paper. A piece of green paper with a jagged side is also suitable. Come up with something. Then glue the green paper to the back of the footprint. Complete!
Painting egg cartons
How much fun it is to experiment with colors, paint patterns and get really creative! Without a doubt, drawing and painting is a favorite activity of children of all ages. Same for small children. Egg cartons can be used for a variety of craft projects. And also for storing or giving away your own painted and designed Easter eggs and as an alternative toclassic Easter basketthey are very popular. So use it as a canvas and let small children design it with acrylic or finger paints - monochrome, with a dot pattern, zigzag lines, wavy lines or a colorful mess, Easter crafts with toddlers couldn't be easier!
Get creative with pompoms
Think of many typical Easter motifs and sketch them on a piece of paper (some of which your toddler may even be able to draw on his own). Easter bunnies, chicks, sheep and spring flowers are just a few of the possible motifs. Then the child can get creative and design the pre-drawn pictures with pom-poms - practice the colors too: What color pom-pom should the chick have? And what color is the sheep? You are also welcome to use other materials. Buttons, googly eyes, pipe cleaners andeven confettiare just a few of the possibilities. An activity and idea for Easter crafts with toddlers that will definitely captivate little bullies for a long time!
Greeting card with hatching chicks
You can also divide the tasks for this project - you cut the eggshells and cards and the child makes the chicks. You get a pretty,homemade Easter card, which certainly not only grandma would be happy about. For this purpose you will need the following materials:
- Craft cardboard for the card and eggshells, preferably patterned
- yellow paper for the beaks
- pom poms
- Clothespin or other peg
- yellow acrylic, craft or finger paint
- Scissors
- Glue
- felt-tip pen
Make a card out of a rectangle and fold it in half lengthwise. Then the child can stamp the chicks on the front. To do this, clip a pompom into a clip, dip it in yellow paint and dab ithomemade stampthe color on the paper. Meanwhile you can make the eggshells. Draw ovals on patterned paper and cut them out. Then cut the resulting eggs in half with a zigzag line. This way you will get the eggshells for two chicks.
Fold yellow paper once and cut out small triangles for the beaks at the fold. Once the colors are dry, gluethose eggshellsand beaks on the chicks and draw dots for the eyes with a felt-tip pen. By the way, not every chick has to get an eggshell. You can also add legs to some of them instead.
Colorful Easter eggs with pompoms
Plastic-or Styrofoam eggscan in turn be designed with small, fluffy balls. For example, start at the tip, apply a dab of glue and have the child stick the pom-pom on. Then move on to the next row, working your way in a circular pattern. You can combine any pompom colors to create great patterns.
Or how about decorating real eggs with some pompoms? For this you can use both blown out andheart bought egguse. With the blown-out ones, the children just have to work a little more carefully so as not to break them.
Free Easter crafts with children – Easter bunny made from paper rolls
Make rolls out of paper and glue them together. You will receive the body and head of the rabbit. Then just add rabbit ears and legs, googly eyes and a painted mouth with a nose. As an alternative to paper, you can also shred a toilet roll or kitchen paper roll and use two rolls of it. They can also be wonderfully painted in the desired color beforehand. You can also make different animals for Easter with small children –for example chicksand sheep (decorate it with white pompoms or cotton wool and the chick with a few yellow feathers).