Making an umbrella – 10 ideas for a creative craft afternoon with the children

Autumn with its many rainy days is approaching and a typical symbol is of course the umbrella. This useful accessory is a motif for onethemed craft afternoonsuper suitable. That's why we've put together some great ideas that you can use to make an umbrella with your children or in kindergarten. Have fun making these interesting and colorful designs!

Make a three-dimensional umbrella with raindrops

These 3D umbrellas look particularly pretty when you combine several colors together. In addition, you can also glue paper raindrops to the umbrella. However, this step is optional. You will need the following materials if you want to make such an umbrella:

  • colored paper
  • light blue construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • cord
  • Pipe cleaners
  • toothpick

If you would like to make the umbrella, print circles on the colored paper using the template at the end of the article and cut them out (alternatively, you can also use a compass). You need 9 or 10 pieces per umbrella. Fold each of the circles in half and then again to make quarters. Then gradually open each quarter and add a little glue to the fold. The glue can be spread easily with a toothpick. Fold the paper back up and hold the area with the glue until it dries.

Now take one of the quarters and add glue to the outside side of the fold. Glue another quarter on top and hold both until the glue dries. In this way you also glue the other quarters together. Finally, glue the two ends together. You can then carefully open the openings that are not glued together. Then stick it in the middlea pipe cleanerwhich you then shorten and bend.

If you want, you can now add raindrops. To do this, print them on the light blue paper using the template and cut them out. Cut short pieces of string, glue one end of the string to the raindrop and the other to the umbrella, and repeat with more drops.

Idea with wire and beads

Instead of pipe cleaners, you can also make an umbrella like this using wire. Simply push it through the hole in the middle and make a loop at the top. Decorate the lower part with colorful beads, then bend a small loop there too so that the beads can no longer slip down. The umbrellas can then be easily hung using the top loop.

Make an autumn umbrella with children using paper plates

Paper plates are the perfect basis for beautiful homemade umbrellas because they are round and only need a little cutting and painting. You can then add raindrops with a few beads of blue color if you want. You can hang the finished umbrellas on a wall or the refrigerator. The pretty beads make them look very decorative. This is what you need if you want to make the umbrella:

  • paper plate
  • blue beads
  • Acrylic paints or felt-tip pens or others
  • white string
  • Glue
  • black felt-tip pen
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors

Cut the paper plate in half or slightly below the center. Give the larger part a wavy bottom edge while you set the other aside for now. Use the felt-tip pen to trace the edges and then paint the individual segments. You can then color these in with acrylic paints, watercolors, felt-tip pens, wax crayons or colored pencils. While the paint is drying, you can cut out the handle for the umbrella from the other part of the plate. To do this, simply use the fluted edge of the plate. Stick this to the back of the umbrella.

If you would like to add the raindrops when you make the umbrella, you can cut approx. 7 pieces of string, each 25 cm long. Thread a string through one bead, tie a knot and tie the next bead in the same way at a small distance from the first. Four beads per string should be enough. Tape the string to the back of the umbrella.

Make umbrellas in rainbow colors

A paper plate is also used for these instructions. However, this time you make a 3D screen out of it. You can see exactly how this works below. Then you can try it yourself and make a creative umbrella.

  • paper plate
  • Colors
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Straw and pipe cleaner for the handle in the same color

As mentioned earlier, use a paper plate when making this umbrella. Take the paper plate and cut it to create six sections (like slices of cake). Make sure to leave out a circle in the middle that will hold all the sections together. Then use a pipe cleaner or a sharp object to poke a hole through the center. Now the children can color the sections on the outside of the plate with any colors they like.

After the paint has dried, apply a little glue to one side of one section and place the adjacent section over it to glue them together. Repeat with the other sections. Put the pipe cleaner back through the hole and make a small loop above the umbrella. Place the straw bottom side first over the pipe cleaner, place a drop of glue on the pipe cleaner just below the shade, and slide the straw over the top to adhere them together. Bend the straw at the bottom like an umbrella handle.

Colorful umbrella with scraps of paper

Tearing paper is great fun for children. Take advantage of this because you can make a great umbrella out of paper! You can now find out what else you need for this project:

  • Paper or paper plates
  • colorful scraps of paper
  • Glue
  • Straw or other material for the handle
  • Scissors

The paper scraps can either be torn or cut. Then cut out a semicircle from white paper or cut a paper plate in half. The children can now use the resulting semicircle according to their own ideascolorful scraps of paperdesign. Finally, glue a straw onto the umbrella with the shorter side facing downwards to form the curve of the umbrella handle. Other materials can also be used for the handle, such as pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, cardboard, and others. Vary the materials as you wish when making an umbrella.

Make a paper umbrella out of fans

These are super easy and quick to makepretty umbrella. You can decorate a simple piece of paper or a pretty greeting card. You can decorate them with any decorative elements. These instructions are that simple:

  • Paper of any color
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Decorations (e.g. pompoms, rhinestones, beads, etc.)
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Cut a rectangular piece out of the paper and fold it like a fan. Hold one of the two sides together and fold the end to the side to stop it from unfolding. If necessary, you can also use a little glue. You can easily unfold the other side of the fan to create the shape of an umbrella.

Take pipe cleaners and bend one of the ends like an umbrella handle. Then shorten it as desired and glue it to one side of the fan. Then you can stick the fan on paper or a card and decorate it with any decorations you like.

Make cards with an umbrella

You can also use a fan to create an effectiveGreeting or congratulations carduse. Hold the folded paper together in the middle. Glue the upper left and right surfaces together so that you get a semicircle. Glue the other side onto the card again, with the center point on the fold. Now the children can create any motifs under and around the umbrellapaint or draw.

In the example you can see a girl holding an umbrella and a few raindrops made up of fingerprints. The drops can also be drawn freehand in the classic teardrop shape. Likewise, you could use a punch to add any design you want. Be creative!

DIY with muffin paper cases

How about you come with onePaper cups for muffinsmake an umbrella? If you are looking for a particularly simple and quick craft idea, this is ideal. You only need a few materials and they are:

  • paper cases
  • Pens for painting
  • Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners or straw
  • Hot glue
  • Any decorations: rhinestones, googly eyes, sequins, ribbons, bobbles, etc.

The children can initially paint and design the molds as they wish. Alternatively, you can also buy patterned muffin cases. If you use a popsicle stick for the handle, the children can design that too. Then poke a hole through the center of the mold, insert the handle through and add a drop of glue underneath the umbrella to hold the handle in place.

2D version with paper cases

You can also make a 2D umbrella out of the molds if you want to use the umbrellas to create a card or a picture, for example. You have two options to choose from: Either you fold the mold, stick both sides together and then attach the mold to the card or paper, or you cut it in half and only use one layer. You can then record the grip.

Coffee filter idea

Coffee filters are used in a similar way. These can also be either folded or halved when making the umbrella. The nice thing about the filters is that they can be painted with any color. Watercolors in particular flow very well with this material and create pretty designs. Interesting textures can be created using wax crayons. Their transparent material makes them perfect forDecorating windowssuitable. But they can also be used to create images.

Make an umbrella – instructions for picture with bubble wrap

First make an umbrella. It's best to use a cup or glass to maintain the curve of the shade. Now glue the umbrella to a piece of paper and add a handle. Place a second sheet of paper on the screen. Place the cup or glass from before where the umbrella is and trace the upper outline again, continuing the lines all the way down. You will end up with a long U-shape, so to speak, which you will cut out and use to cover the umbrella.

Take a piece of bubble wrap and paint it with blue paint using a sponge brush. Then press it onto the picture with the umbrella. The U shape will protect the shade from the paint. Arrange the whole picture this way, let the paint dry and remove the U-paper. Now, if you want, you can cut clouds out of blue-gray paper and glue them to the top of the picture.

Simple umbrella made of paper with a dot pattern

Make an umbrella –Circle template.
Raindrop template.