Hedgehogs are spiky, brown and super cute! Children and adults know that alike. So with a hedgehog costume you or your child become an absolute eye -catcher at every carnival party. The outfit can be put together at home with a few means and just looks great. We show you several ideas with and without sewing machine, for knitting fans and simple variants for the last minute.
Cute children's costume from an old hoodie
To make this hedgehog costume yourself, you need:
- an old hoodie in beige or brown
- Colorful self-adhesive felt leaves in beige, brown and dark green
- A scissors
- A ruler and a pencil.
From the hoodiea kind of cloak is made. To do this, cut the sleeves and the front.
Then cut the felt leaves into narrow and long triangles of different sizes and lengths. So that the hedgehogs look really sticky, you should not completely remove the adhesive film, but only remove a small part on the base of the triangle. Glue the triangles in a chaotic way until the entire cloak and hood is covered.
To complete the look, combine the hedgehog costume with a long-sleeved blouse and chinos in beige and sand tones and paint your nose black.
With spines from Ziti pasta
A super versatile handicraft material that should not be underestimated is ... pasta! Noodles can be found in every kitchen, can be colored and glued and are available in all conceivable shapes and sizes.
Required materials and tools:
1 pack of Ziti pasta
Hoodie and pants in beige
Felt in two brown tones
Yellow, red, blue liquid food color
A big zip bag
Hand disinfectant
Baking paper
Hot glue gun
Put a teaspoon of hand disinfectant in the ZIP bag. Add ten drops of yellow, three drops of red and a drop of blue. Shake the bag to mix the dyes. If it is too green, add more red. Put the pasta in the bag, close the lock and shake again until the color is evenly distributed over the pasta.
Place a piece of baking paper and let the pasta dry on top. As soon as they have dried, use the hot glue gun to attach the pasta on the back of the hooded sweater. Leave about 10 centimeters at the beginning of the hood to glue the ears. And done!
Fleece is a good fabric for the hedgehog costume
If you can sew, you canMake it yourself from fleece. As the basis for the costume, you can use the pattern for a classic fleece vest.
You need:
-Fleece fabric as meter goods, double-sided
- zigzag scissors
- normal scissors
- The stach
– Lineal
- sewing machine
To make the hedgehog's spines, use zigzag scissors. First cut the fabric into 5 cm wide stripes and then into diamonds. These diamonds are then sewn on the back of the vest. The stitch runs through the middle of each diamond. The distance between the individual rows is about 2 centimeters.
Idea from eyelash thread for knitting fans
If you can knit, you can get the spiked coat with eyelash yarn. To create a melange look, use two-colored yarn or change gray and black yarn.
For a 7-year-old child we assume that we need 70 stitches. You can decide on the length. Knit 1 series of facial loops, 1 series of pies, and so on alternating to the end.
Last-minute idea with wooden clothes pegs
You need:
- a sweater or sweatshirt in brown (paired with brown leggings or tights and suitable shoes of your choice. Why not fluffy slippers?)
-approximately 100 wooden laundry clips
- Food colors, acrylic paints or wood stain to paint the clothes pegs dark brown
- a hair ripe
- Two small pieces of felt or other fabric for the ears
The compilation of this outfit is so simple that it hardly has to be explained! Nevertheless, you can use this guide:
- paint the tips of the clothes pegs with diluted color and let it dry.
- Fix the clothes pegs on the back of the sweatshirt. The more, the better. Perhaps you can ask a friend to simply cling the clothes pegs before you leave the door because you fall down pretty easily. That could be a problem if you have to drive some by car or bus. To prevent this, you can add some hot glue.
- Cut the ears out of brown felt and glue them to the hair ripening. Use zigzag shears. Attach clothes pegs to the hair ripe between the ears and voilà! The sweetest costume ever is done!
With the right make-up, even the simplest costume is really interesting. There are also many different options for hairstyles, masks and hats that would go well with the hedgehog outfit. Guys, for example, can style the classic hedgehog hairstyle with a little gel in no time! The bravest of you can also venture in the 90s style.
Matching make -up ideas
Hedgehog mask for children