Make pirate hooks from different materials: 3 simple ideas for your children for carnival

Many children dream of becoming real pirates, conquering the seas and searching for treasure. At Carnival, the little ones can make this dream come true by dressing up as pirates. Of course, every pirate needs a hook. Because a homemade pirate hook helps to create the atmosphere of pirate life. In this article we will show you how to make a pirate hook.

Foto: wavebreakmedia / shutterstock

Make pirate hooks out of foil

This is a very simple project that can be done in a minute. You will need 3 layers of aluminum foil, scissors and a cardboard cup. Check out our instructions to help you make this easy pirate hookdo it Yourself.

Photo: @in makeandtakes/ instagram
  • Start by stacking three pieces of aluminum foil. Fold the edges in about 2 inches to hold the layers together.
  • Then start rolling up the aluminum foil into a snake-like roll; squeeze it firmly to make it stable.
  • Next, carefully bend the foil into the shape of a candy cane, creating a hook.
  • Then take the cup and use a craft knife to cut an X on the bottom. Carefully push the foil hook handle through. If a child holds the cup with the hook, they have a pirate hook hand. You can easily make such a fun craft for carnival.

Make your own pirate hooks out of paper

Photo: Einar Muoni / shutterstock

Paper is a material that is equally suitable for making a pirate hook. What do you need to make a pirate hookto make out of paper?

  • Paper sheet (white, yellow or brown)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pen or pencil
  • Rope/cord (optional)

This is how easy it is to make the pirate hook:

  • First, take a piece of paper and draw the hook. The size depends on how big you want to make it. Cut out the hook.
  • Then take another piece of paper and cut it out measuring 1.5cm x 15cm. Attach the paper hook to it.
  • Start by gluing the hook together by applying an even layer of glue and attach it to the pole. Make sure the hook is the correct distance from the end of the stick.
  • You can add a few details to make your pirate hook look more professional. For example, you can wrap the stick with rope or cord to create an antique and textured effect. You can also add decorative elements such as coins or beads.

How to make a hook out of pipe cleaners yourself

Foto: Cliff Day / shutterstock

You can use pipe cleaners and a cardboard cup for your pirate hook. It's that easy to make the hook.

  • Tape the outside of a cup with double-sided tape and wrap a sheet of black paper around it, trimming the edges if necessary. Using a white pen or white paint, draw a skull on the black paper. Using a sharp knife, cut a hole in the center of the bottom of the cup.
  • Then cut a strip of gold tissue paper and tape it around the edge of the cup base. After that, cut out a circle and glue it to the bottom of the cup, carefully poking through the hole in the middle.
  • Now take two or three pipe cleaners and twist them together to create a thicker pipe cleaner. Then bend it into the shape of a pirate hook, leaving one end straight (so it will fit through the cup).
  • Lastly, cover the pipe cleaner hook with aluminum foil and then slide the straight end down through the hole in the cup. So you have made a real pirate hook yourself.

Also read:Make a pirate hat for children for carnival: 3 simple DIY projects made of fabric and paper