Ring in springwith a creative window decorationa! Because crafting with children is a lot of fun, especially in spring. We'll show you some DIY ideas for colorful window pictures and window decorations and provide you with free templates to print out. With the patterns of chicks, Easter bunnies, butterflies, birds, etc., Easter and spring can come! We'll show you how you can make a garland yourself from fresh rose petals. The window pictures can now decorate the window and windowsill in the children's room and living room.
It's finally pleasantly warm outside. When the sun's rays brighten the room early in the morning and the chirping of birds announces the coming spring, then the time has come for crafting with children.Happy spring colorsbrighten the mood in Corona times and ensure that the whole family starts the day in a good mood. Crafting is not just a hobby that awakens children's imagination. It is an activity for children whose parents have set up a home office and are working at home during the Corona crisis. We'll show you some ideas on how to keep the children busy at home on rainy days using cardboard, contact paper and watercolors. Because window pictures and window decorations can be made with childrenSpring is a lot of fun.
Window pictures are perfect for little artists. Cutting, pasting and painting are among the most popular activities for kindergarten-aged children. And in the photo series below we offer you numerous templates for window pictures with spring-like motifs. For a window picture you need the following materials: A template that you can either make yourself, or you can choose a suitable motif from our suggestions, print it out and cut it out. Then you will need tracing paper and a pencil so that you can transfer the pattern onto construction paper. You still need white cardboard, colored pencils or watercolors for painting as well as googly eyes, cotton wool, glitter stones,Washi Tape, decorative ribbons and felt fabric for decorating. If you want it to be quicker, you can use packaging paper. The necessary accessories include scissors, glue and paper tape.
This is how the window pictures are made:
1. First print out the template and then trace it using the tracing paper. Then transfer the motif onto white cardboard and cut it out. If your children are in elementary school, then you can assign them this task. Otherwise, parents and children can divide the tasks accordingly. What is particularly important is to assess at the beginning what abilities the children already have. If crafting is too easy for little artists, they will quickly lose interest. And vice versa – if they feel overwhelmed, this leads to frustration. Children who like to move will not find joy in crafts. On the other hand, those who like to build and for exampleplay with Lego, will definitely be happy.
2. Use a black pen to draw the dividing lines according to the template and have the children color in the window picture with watercolors. Colored pencils are an alternative for small children. In general, children up to the age of two like to paintwith finger paints. You find it quite difficult to go back and forth between water glass, watercolors and cardboard. However, you can paint with finger paints and brushes, because finger paints do not need to be diluted with water. They are also much easier to apply to the cardboard with a flat brush. There is also no risk that small children could soak the cardboard and thereby possibly destroy it. From the age of three, the little artists have thisPainting with watercolorsalready mastered. They know the correct order and have a lot of fun mixing the colors.
3. Glue the individual parts together and decorate the window pictures as desired with details made of cotton wool, felt or packaging paper. You can also stick on googly eyes or glitter stones. Let your imagination run wild and experiment with the children. This craft step can be omitted if you have not yet practiced using the glue correctly with the children. There is a risk of suffocation for children under 3 years as they can swallow small parts such as the googly eyes or the rhinestones. And no matter what age: children must not be left unsupervised while doing crafts.
Crafts with children in spring: Decorate the window with a garland made of fabric and wrapping paper
Another idea for children aged 10 and over: bring themlearn the napkin technique and do craftsPut together colorful window pictures made of white cardboard and colorful napkins with spring motifs. You can also use wrapping paper and make a garland with it. For the window decorations, you will also need several decorative ribbons, for example made of lace and satin, as well as twine. Simply first trace the template onto tracing paper and then transfer it onto white cardboard using the tracing paper. Together with the children, cut out the birds and the wings and cover them with packaging paper. Let dry and then glue the wings to each bird. Hang the finished bird silhouettes on the decorative ribbons with the twine and then display the garland as a window decoration. A garland has the advantage that you can use it again next year.
Make window decorations with children: usher in spring with flowers
Craft withchildren in springIt's fun for parents too. Now we will show you several craft ideas for window decorations made from natural materials. The first idea is for small format vases. You can display seasonal flowers in these vases. You need the following materials:
- White chicken eggs
- Seasonal flowers of your choice (tulips, roses, daisies, daisies, etc.)
- Flat decorative tape and glue
A lot of eggs are traditionally eaten, especially in spring, because there are many recipes for Easter that hobby cooks need eggs for. So next time you bake a cake with the kids, don't throw away the eggshells. You can use them to make pretty window decorations. This is how the charming vases are made:
1. Crack the eggshells on the edge of a cup so that you get one large and one small egg half. You will be using the larger egg half, so wash it thoroughly with water and dish soap. It's best to use white eggshells because they show off the flowers particularly well.
2. Fill the eggshell with a little water. Make sure that the eggshell does not become too heavy. Alternatively, you can buy floral foam from the florist shop, cut it into small pieces and use it to fill the eggshell.
3.Choose cut flowers,who like strong sun and who have similar demands on water. Cut the flowers 3cm – 4cm below the flowers. Cut the flower stems at an angle with a sharp knife. Make sure that the flower does not protrude over the edge of the eggshell. Then arrange the selected flowers in the eggshells. Beginners can choose a flower with a large bloom, while experienced hobby gardeners know which cut flowers get along well.
4. Stick a flat ribbon to the eggshell and hang the vase in front of the window. This craft idea is well suited for children in elementary school. In this way, the little florists can learn which flowers bloom in spring and what requirements they have in terms of soil and location. Maybe you can also tell the children which types of flowers are native and which were brought to Germany from other countries.
Crafting with children in spring: Make your own window decorations for Mother's Day
On Sunday, May 20th, Mother's Day is celebrated in Germany. On this day, mothers are celebrated nationwide and the children try to surprise their mother with homemade presents. This year, in Corona times, it is particularly important that everyone stays at home to protect the elderly. What can the fathers make with the children to say a big “thank you” to mom? We offer you a DIY idea that is sure to make a splash. It is also very cost-effective and you don't have to go shopping for it. So even if there is a curfew on May 20th, the craft idea can still be realized. Make a garland of rose petals and display it as a window decoration on Sunday mornings. You will need sewing thread and rose petals, but you can also use other flowers of your choice. The garland looks particularly attractive when you combine dark and light flowers. You can also choose the flowers to create a color gradient from white to wine red. Tie the flowers to the sewing thread at a distance of 10 cm from each other and hang them as a vertical garland.
Make window decorations out of paper: fold 3D flowers with the children
Origami is a folding art that has recently been gaining popularity in Germany. With a little skill and of course theoretical preparation, you can make imaginative origami window decorations with the children for spring. Cut out leaves from green cardboard and then fold origami flowers from tissue paper with the children. Of course, you can also make 3D flowers out of cardboard by first cutting out the individual flower parts and then gluing them together. For this you not only need a template, but also step-by-step folding or crafting instructions. You can find numerous ideas on YouTube that you can implement with your own children.
So take your time on a weekend and make four or five different versions of paper flowers. Then make a garland out of it that you can hang as a window decoration. For this craft tutorial you will need the following materials: glue, twine, buttons and cardboard (you can buy cardboard in pastel colors). In addition, you can make voluminous flowers from crepe paper. Children aged 9 - 10 can help, but small children will find it difficult to make origami flowers.
Whether made of paper or natural materials: you need a template so that you can make happy window pictures and window decorations together with the children. In the photo gallery below we offer you numerous templates with different spring motifs that you can download and print for free. Cut out the templates and transfer them to cardstock or felt using tracing or contact paper. Have the children paint the designs in bright spring colors and stick them on the window pane or hang them as a garland in front of the window. When creating window pictures, you should choose adhesive tape carefully. It should not leave stains on the window pane and should be easy to remove.
Craft templates for window pictures: flowers
Cut out the flowers and attach them to the window pane as window pictures
Free download craft templates for window pictures for spring
Glue spring craft templates to the window
Craft templates for window pictures for spring - mood: tulips
More floral motifs for the window pictures
Crafting with children in spring: Make your own window pictures with butterflies for Mother's Day
Color Easter eggs and use them as templates for window pictures for Easter
Sweet Easter bunny templates for crafting with children in spring
Paint Easter baskets and use them as window decorations
Craft templates for children in primary school
Sweet nature motif: bird craft template for spring
Easter bunny silhouette as a craft template for spring - use window pictures