Ideas for spring crafts with primary school children – making flowers, trees & insects

We all had oursFun in the snowand enjoyed it, but slowly a certain spring mood is emerging for us. Yours too? Today we would like to offer you some craft ideas that you can use for the coming seasonchildren of primary school agecan try out. For boys and girls, made from paper and other materials, flowers, decorations and much more - there is something for everyone among our ideas for spring crafts with primary school children.

Spring crafts in elementary school or at home can be a little more challenging than forChildren in kindergarten, because the little ones have already acquired the basic skills for cutting and gluing. But that doesn't mean they don't still need help from an adult. So use our ideas for spring crafts with primary school children to spend a fun afternoon together, develop craft skills even further and at the same time bring out the spring mood in everyone present.

Spring crafts with primary school children – pretty bracelets for girls

Little girls will simply love this craft idea! Which girl doesn't like to decorate herself like her mother?with pretty jewelry? But even if your son has a very good friend, this craft project is ideal. He can then give the finished bracelet as a gift. Quick and very easy to make - the cheerful beaded ribbons with paper flowers will make every girl's heart beat faster. You need:

  • Tissue paper in any color
  • punch
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Scissors
  • Wooden or plastic beads

For this spring craft idea with elementary school children, start by making the paper flowers. To do this, place several layers of tissue paper in any color combination on top of each other and cut out a circle about 5 cm in diameter. You can do this freehand (irregular edges won't be noticeable later) or you can use a large circle punch. Then use a hole puncher to punch two small holes in the middle of all the circles and insert a pipe cleaner from below through the first hole and then from above through the second hole.

Next, lift each layer of paper and scrunch it up a little. This way you will get a puffy flower. You can now use the bracelet as is or decorate it with beads. To do this, simply place the beads on both ends of the pipe cleaner. Beforehand, you can tie the wire once around the child's wrist to check where it goesThread beadsso that the band doesn't get too big. Then twist the ends together and cut off the excess.

Combine bright colors

This flower is just one of many variations that you can use for spring crafts with elementary school children. You will find a few more models in the following articles.

Thispretty garlandcan decorate not only the classroom (if you want to do crafts with your students), but also the window in the children's room. Thanks to the printable template that you will find at the end of the article, spring crafts with primary school children are particularly easy. But of course you can also draw the elements by hand and then just let the children cut them out. To make flower garlands with children in spring, you will need the following materials:

  • colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Glass or mug

Print out the template on green construction paper, fold the sheet in half lengthwise and then cut out the leaves and flower stems. To make circles for the flowers, you can use a compass or a simple glass/cup and trace its outline on colored paper. Each flower consists of a large circle with a fringed edge and a smaller one for the center. Glue the small circle to the large circle and then glue the flower to the center of a stem. Now hook the stems together and glue two leaves to each connection. The garlands as an idea for spring crafts with primary school children can be of any length.

Flowering tree with wool and tissue paper

When you think of spring, you naturally imagine, among other things, the beautifully flowering trees, many of which will later spoil us with delicious fruit. You can get one of these with the following spring craft project for elementary school childrenpretty tree, which can then decorate the wall or refrigerator. This is how the spring tree is made:

  • cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • tape
  • Tissue paper
  • Wool in green and brown

Cut out a tree crown and a trunk from the cardboard. Then take the green wool, stick the end of the thread to the crown with adhesive tape and wrap it criss-cross with the thread. The crown does not necessarily have to be completely covered. When you are happy with the look, cut the thread at the back and glue the end of the thread in place with glue (e.g. hot glue). Next, repeat this with the brown wool for the trunk. Glue the trunk to the crown. Then take small pieces of tissue paper in spring colors, crumple them slightly and glue these flowers to the top of the tree.

Hanging decoration to give as a gift in spring

Use the same method to make the flowers for this pretty hanging spring tree. It is the perfect idea for spring crafts with primary school children, for example if aMother's Day giftshould be crafted. This is how the pendant is made.

  • brown and green craft paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • pink tissue paper
  • Glue
  • Tools for drawing circles (compasses or bowls in two sizes)
  • String for hanging

Place two pieces of brown paper in front of you and draw a large circle on each. Then draw a smaller one in one of the two circles to create a ring that you can then cut out. A tree is drawn in the others and then cut out in the same way. Now you can glue the tree onto the ring. Cut out leaves from the green paper and crumple up small pieces of tissue paper for the flowers. Distribute these elements on the tree.

An alternative version of the tree that you can choose for this spring craft project with elementary school children isfrom paper stripsgluing it together instead of drawing it in a circle and cutting it out. This is a good idea if the children cannot yet draw trees themselves. Finally, punch a hole in the top of the ring (you can also use a hole punch for this purpose) and tie a piece of string for hanging.

Spring crafts with primary school children for a pretty decoration

While we’re on the topic of “trees”: Witha simple paper bagYou can make a pretty tree together with the children and use it as decoration to make your apartment suitable for the season. Look how easy this spring craft idea is to make with elementary school children:

  • paper bag
  • colorful paper, pompoms or playdough for the flowers
  • Glue

Crumple the bag lengthwise so that you get a trunk and the bottom of the bag forms a stable stand. Then tear the open side several times to get the branches. To do this, press these strips together tightly and shape them in different directions as desired. Tear out small pieces of green paper for the leaves and slightly larger pieces of pink, pink and/or white paper for the flowers and crumple them together. Then stick a flower on each green leaf and then stick them anywhere on the branches. Instead of paper for the flowers, you can also use pompoms or balls made of plasticine.

By the way, you can also make a tree like this to suit other seasons. Instead of flowers, for example, apples can be made from red pompoms for the summer or from silk or other papercolorful autumn leaves. Or how about a few hearts for Valentine's Day?

Simple craft ideas for elementary school for spring - butterflies

Tissue paper is really easy to work with, as you've already seen, and its delicate texture makes all crafts look particularly pretty. In spring, when all the flowers start to bloom, the first butterflies finally appear. So they are a perfect motif and symbol when it comes to spring crafts with primary school children. How about something like this?beautiful butterfliesmade of tissue paper?

  • Tissue paper
  • String or ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Pipe cleaners

Place two sheets of tissue paper in two different colors on top of each other and fold them in half crosswise. Place the paper in front of you, fold side down, and fold it like an accordion. Then cut out small triangles on both sides in the middle and at the folds and tie string or a pretty ribbon. Cut the two compartments that you now have on both sides in the middle up to the ribbon. Binda pipe cleaneraround the paper, where the ribbon is, and trim the edges of the wings round. Shape the two ends of the wire like feelers. The project for spring crafts with primary school children is ready.

Ladybugs made by children for spring crafts with children

An old CD forms the basis for thisRecycling craft project. However, if you don't have one at hand, you can simply cut a circle out of black craft cardboard instead, which will then serve the same function - representing the ladybug's body. For the version for spring crafts with primary school children with CD you need the following:

  • other CDs
  • black acrylic paint and brush
  • red and black construction paper (alternatively black pipe cleaners for the antennae)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • black felt-tip pen

Paint the CD with black acrylic paint. Allow the paint to dry and apply another coat if necessary. While the paint dries you can add the wingsfor the ladybugcraft. To do this, draw the outline of the child's hands on red paper and cut them out. Then the child can draw black dots with the felt-tip pen. Glue the hands to the CD. Then you need the antennae, which you can either cut out of black paper or make from pipe cleaners.

How about this:Making caterpillars with children in daycare – 5 fun ideas

Bees made from toilet rolls

Aren't these bees just cute! In spring the bees also begin to “hop” from flower to flower and delight us with their pleasant humming. Collect the toilet rolls because they are the perfect basis for thishomemade bees. Gather the following materials and start making spring crafts with primary school children right away:

  • For chlorine
  • Tacker
  • Acrylic paints in yellow and black and brushes
  • black pipe cleaners
  • Googly eyes
  • Newspaper or white construction paper for the wings
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Shish kebab skewer or other sharp object to poke holes

First paint the roll yellow (two coats if necessary) and then, once the paint has dried, the black stripes. While the colorson the toilet rolldry, you can cut out the wings and chop up the pipe cleaners for the legs, antennae and stinger. Now take the roll, press the edges inwards on two opposite sides and staple the straight sides together. Repeat on the other side, this time also stapling a piece of pipe cleaner for the stinger.

Then poke three holes into each side of the bee body and the legs into these holes. Then make two more holes in the head area for the feelers and glue the wiggly eyes and then the wings in place. Complete!

Flower garland template