Pruning trees in September: Now is the right time for these plants

Most trees are cut in autumn or spring. However, there are some species that benefit much more from pruning in late summer and we'll tell you why this is the best time.

Summer is almost over, but gardening doesn't end there. Late summer is the perfect time to prune many flowering shrubs and fruit-bearing trees in the garden to strengthen them and improve harvests. It is also the best time to prune some fruit trees that tend to “bleed” when pruned at other times because the temperatures are not as cold and the cuts heal better. WhichCut treesAt the end of August and beginning of September and how to prune correctly, you can find out in this article.

Pruning trees: You should care for these species in late summer

In late August and early September, plant growth slows as fall is just around the corner. This is the perfect time to care for and care for your trees, as the dead areas will be easier to spot as the foliage begins to thin. But which trees should you cut now and how? Find out here how you can prune successfully to maintain the beauty of your garden and ensure the health of your plants.

Which fruit trees to prune in late summer?

Certainly the end of August is the ideal oneTime to prune, as the growth of trees slows down. But only certain fruit trees should be pruned now. Be careful not to remove too many branches at once so as not to endanger the health of the tree. Radical pruning can cause the fruit tree to lose vital energy resources and become more susceptible to diseases and pests.

  • Apricot, peach and nectarine treesmay benefit from a light pruning in late summer by removing dead, diseased or poorly aligned branches. If you have noticed an overabundance of fruit in this or that part of the tree this year, now is the time to thin the tree out a little.
  • Fig trees and kiwisalso benefit from a care cut in late summer. This optimizes fruit formation and improves its shape and balance.
  • Walnussbaum:This tree is prone to sap leakage and therefore shouldThe cut must be done in late summerbe carried out when the juice pressure is much weaker. It is particularly important not to remove more than 20% of the crown, as the walnut tree cannot tolerate severe pruning.
  • Süßkirsche:While most fruit trees are pruned in the winter, late summer pruning is more appropriate for sweet cherries because the cuts heal better in warm, dry weather and the tree is less susceptible to disease. Pruning should be done after harvest by curbing excessive growth.
  • The birch“bleed” heavily when cut after winter dormancy. That's why the best time for pruning birch trees is late summer or early autumn. In this way you not only avoid the flow of sap, but also a heavy insect infestation and the transmission of diseases on the cuts. For young plants, it makes sense to remove the lower branches to create a long, white trunk.
  • Apple trees:Slow-growing apple varieties are best cut in late summer when the fruit has already been picked. It makes sense to thin out the crown by removing any branches that are too close together. Trim any old shoots and those that bend inward to strengthen the tree.
  • Plums, reindeer plums, mirabelle plums and plumsshould also be cared for before autumn by removing the new branches that do not bear fruit and those that cross or are too oriented towards the interior of the tree. Thinning of the crown is necessary to promote the growth of new fruit wood.

These shrubs need pruning

The end of summer is the best time to prune certain shrubs in the garden. Remove all old branches to encourage new growth and stimulate growth.

  • Lavender:Pruning helps maintain the shape of the plant. Remove all dead parts of the plant and cut the shoots back by about 5 cm.
  • Rose bushes:It is advisable to prune the roses in late summer as they can usually bloom again before the temperatures really drop in October. Remove all dead and crossing shoots to keep your beautiful rose bushes in shape.
  • Jasmin:A thinning cut is necessary for winter jasmine and real jasmine in early autumn. But make sure that the jasmine should no longer be cut from the end of September and ensure that it is done correctlyOverwintering the plant.
  • Summer raspberriesshould be cut after harvest. Remove the worn canes and thin out any new, one-year-old canes.
  • Currants and gooseberriesshould be cut after harvest in August or September so that they bear well. Leave a few old branches standing and cut off the remaining old shoots close to the ground. Shorten excessively long shoots by half.

Prune climbing plants before autumn

For some climbing plants, pruning in late summer is much easier to tolerate.

  • Virginia climbing plant:It requires pruning in late summer to avoid spreading to the gutters or shutters and damaging them. Cut off all mature shoots within three feet of the roof.
  • The Clematis variety, which bloom in spring, should also be lightly cut at the end of August - beginning of September.Cut for iteach shoot back up to 20 cm.
  • Wisteria and ivy:Cut off everything that has faded, remove old branches and shorten the main shoot by 15 cm.
  • Vines:After you've harvested the grapes, it's late summer tooright timeto prune grape vines and control their growth. Here too, it is important to remove unwanted shoots in order to promote good air circulation and distribute the future grapes evenly.

Care for hedge plants in late summer

Hedges should also be trimmed in late summer to keep them in shape. However, this should only be done if the hedge does not provide a habitat for birds and forest animals.

  • The boxwoodis an example of this, which should be pruned both in spring and between late August and early September to keep it in shape. Pruning in late summer will help keep the hedge or topiary looking neat through the winter months. Remember that pruning should be done in rainy weather to prevent the ends from yellowing.
  • Cedars:The pruning measures for this plant are limited to pruning the trunks, although major cuts should be avoided. Also remove individual, disturbing branches.

Cutting trees: What should you pay attention to when cutting?

Late summer pruning is usually not radical. In most cases it consists of removing spent flowers and dead branches that weaken the plants.

Use very sharp tools such as scissors and saws, re-disinfecting for each individual plant. Always try to cut so that you leave smooth cutting surfaces and do not create large wounds that are susceptible to pests and diseases.

Don't forget to water the plants well in the days before pruning. Plants that suffer from drought should not be cut.