Copper is currently considered the miracle cure for snails and slugs. But what is actually behind it? Can it really keep the pests away or does the trick just not work? We explain what effect a copper tape has against snails and slugs and what disadvantages this method has.
Copper tape against snails: How does the trick actually work?
A copper band tied around the pots and buckets is said to repel snails. This is how the process can be explained: When the snails and slugs move, acidic mucus is secreted from their soles. When it comes into contact with this acidic mucus, the metal releases ions that are responsible for thePests are toxicand causes an unpleasant feeling in the reptiles. The snail takes it as a warning and tries to find another way.
But why copper tape and not copper wire, for example? Two factors speak in favor of the copper tape. Firstly, it is quick and easy to install. You can find self-adhesive copper tape in different widths in stores. Secondly, gardeners have found through experiments that the wider the copper area, the better. A wide band can protect the pots and tubs from snails better than a wire.
Effectiveness of the copper tape against snails and slugs
Theoretically, the copper tape should really be effective against snails and slugs. Whether this works in your own garden depends on three factors:
1. The pH of snail mucus can vary from animal to animal. For example, one snail may have very acidic mucus and another – neutral mucus. This means that the copper tape works better on some specimens than on others and that there are certainly exceptions that overcome the obstacle without any problems. Good news: These exceptions are rare. Experiments have proven that the copper tape is very effective on the majority of snails.
2. The width of the band: As a rule, it is recommended to use a band with a width of 5 cm or more. The wider, the better. It is placed around the planters and flower pots. You can also use the copper tape on a flower box or on a raised bed in the vegetable garden. A herbal spiral can also be protected from critters with the band.
3. Whether the copper tape is dry or wet. Opinions differ on this point. Some hobby gardeners claim that the moist copper tape works better, others - the opposite. Experiments have actually not shown much of a difference in effectiveness. It is much more important that the band is replaced regularly, as its effectiveness decreases over time.
4. Snails are able to use shoots close to the ground as peculiar “bridges”. Cut these off so that the plants can only be accessed by the reptiles via the copper tape.
Getting rid of snails and slugs: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the method
Like all home remedies, this one also has certain advantages and disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that you can only attach the copper tape to pots, flower pots, raised beds and other containers. But you can't put the tape directly on the floor, that won't work. For theUse in flower or vegetable bedsThe so-called snail rings are available.
Another disadvantage is that copper can prevent and possibly inhibit snail infestation, but does not offer 100% protection against the reptiles.
The advantages of copper include that the tape is an environmentally friendly option. TheSnails and slugsThey are not killed or injured, but simply driven away. The copper band also has a very decorative effect and can even be used on old buckets andSpice up clay pots. It can be attached quickly and easily and replaced if necessary. The tape is also an inexpensive alternative to other methods and can be combined with other natural repellents.