Gardening tips for quick garden design: With these tricks, even your new garden will be green in no time

It takes time for a new garden to take on shape and aesthetics. But especially in the early stages you tend to be impatient, after all you want to have a lush green outdoor area to relax in as quickly as possible. What if we told you that it is actually possible to shorten the waiting time a little using simple means? You just need to know what to plant and use to quickly get your dream garden. We will give you a few gardening tips on what you should consider when designing your garden.

Design a large garden with lawn

Whether large or small – a garden benefits immensely from onelush green lawn. It looks neat, but somehow also natural, but not only offers many visual advantages (the garden simply looks tidier with a freshly mown lawn), but is also perfect for a garden bench for relaxing or another small seating area if you have a sturdy one Use grass type. If only it didn't take so long to create a nice, dense blanket of green blades of grass...

And that brings us to the first of our gardening tips: Leave the seeds on the shelf and decideinstead for a turf. This is simply rolled out after the soil has been properly prepared, watered well and then grows quite quickly. And while this is happening, you can walk on it without any problems, unlike the sown lawn. Is offeredRoll turf in different versions– choose an ornamental lawn, play lawn or shade lawn depending on your needs. This quick solution is more expensive than seeds, but works significantly faster: complete preparation within a day vs. waiting and mowing for several weeks until it compacts.

Gardening Tips: Fast Growing Plants for the Garden

You probably already know that some plants are in no hurry to grow. But there is also the other variant. Fast growing plant species are your best friend if you have oneRedesign the gardenand look for ideas that will save you time and money (such plants are usually cheaper because they are cultivated more quickly). In this case, however, keep in mind that this will also mean that you will probably have to trim the bushes more often. The need for care is therefore slightly higher. You should therefore create a balance of fast, slow and medium-fast growing plant species. Fast-growing bushes for the garden include buddleia and forsythia, but also fragrant jasmine and some hedge plants such as arborvitae, false cypress, privet or field maple.

Also opt for bushes that have already reached a size of 1 to 1.5 meters, this will also save you time in the end. However, larger plants are also more expensive than smaller ones.

Climbing plants – planting and privacy protection in one

There are numerous tendrils that spread quickly and therefore for arapid garden designare suitable. Depending on the area you want to cover with greenery, you can choose self-adhering varieties or use ones that have a climbing aid available - a trellis, a pergola or another type of trellis, for example. You can combine fast-growing varieties with slower-growing ones. The quick variants serve as gap fillers until the others are big enough. On the whole, clematis and hops are among the most popular plant species, as are honeysuckle, and these can also cover larger areas.

Small climbing plants that we would like to recommend to you in our gardening tips would be, for example, sweet peas, nasturtiums or morning glories, whose growth you can support with sufficient fertilizer and irrigation.Here you will findsome fast-growing climbing plants.

Tips for the garden – flower beds and plant carpets in no time

Flower seed mixes and ground cover plants quickly create green and colorful garden areas, which is not only beneficial for the new garden, but also to beautify that unsightly bare spot that has been a thorn in your side for a long time. The only important thing is to choose the right plants for the respective location and the sea of ​​flowers can do its job. A flower meadow is sown in April or May at the latest after the soil has been well loosened. The area can even be mown normally in late summer. You can find out more about flower meadows in your own gardenin this article.

Ground cover plants are another variant and are also ideal as a lawn replacement, especially if you are interested inwalkable varietiesdecide. Cranesbill, lady's mantle and pennywort, for example, are a popular choice because they spread quite quickly, while ivy (also suitable as a climbing plant) can even be planted in shady areas under trees where otherwise only a few plant species thrive. And thanks to its evergreen properties, this will keep the garden nice and green even in winter.

Create natural garden design through potted plants

Even if you plant fast-growing plant species in the garden, it will of course still take time until they reach their full size and bloom. You can easily compensate for this with beautiful potted plants. Potted plants are really valuable gardening tips that are not just temporary, but useful at all times. They are mobile, so can be moved at any time, and can either be overwintered or replanted next season. Would you like to design the garden with grasses?would be a container gardenFor example, a great transition option that allows you to even gain height thanks to the containers (perfect for some privacy, for example).

With potted plants you can quickly create a green or colorful background for the seating area on the terrace, which also functions as a garden decoration. Citrus trees, for example, are well suitedor the olive tree, but also the ever-popular oleander, angel's trumpet, lantana and other Mediterranean plants that can be easily overwintered in their winter quarters and used again next year.

Gardening tips – quick privacy protection in the garden

Bridge the time until theHedge plants high enoughare, with an improvised privacy screen as garden ideas. We have already mentioned that climbing plants are well suited for this. But if you want something even quicker that you can remove immediately if necessary, a wooden shelf in which you can place flower pots is ideal. And for this purpose you don't even have to use a saw, just a hammer and nails. You can simply stack a few wine crates on top of each other or upgrade a pallet and plant this privacy screen. However, fix them to ensure stability even in windy conditions.