Summer poses a certain challenge with its heat waves and dry periods. And it's not uncommon in a cemetery that there aren't too many trees to provide shade. So if you want a suitable grave design in summer, you need plants that can cope with these harsh conditions. After all, you can't water every day. We will help you by giving you a few ideas about what grave planting could consist of in summer for full sun and little water.
Choose the right grave plantings in summer
Sometimes there are long periods of heat, sometimes there are periods of rain with a lot of moisture. Now, for summer planting for the grave, we need plants that can cope with some extremes. Native species are probably the best choice, but not only, because there are also those that have been bred specifically for this purpose. There are probably more options available to you for easy-care grave planting in summer than you thought.
The begonia Betulia and other varieties for the grave
This beautiful flower has a lot to offer that will convince you: On the one hand, it tolerates a wide variety of locations and therefore also thrives in full sun. It would still be beneficial if you water them every now and then during longer periods of heat. Otherwise, this type of begonia also scores points because it blooms throughout the entire summer season. Begonias are not hardy, but they are reliable summer flowers. Also the so-called Richmond begonia (Begonia x richmondensis) and the ice begonia (Begonia semperflorens) are ideal.
Also read:15 summer flowers for graves: blooms in the cemetery
Grave planting in summer for full sun and little water - the lobelia
It is not without reason that the beautiful lobelia is very popular for planting in the garden. It is robust, but also looks beautiful. It usually copes with dry periods without any problems because it needs little water. The flowers, which come in a variety of colors, bloom throughout the summer. However, the flower is not hardy, so youin autumnshould think about new grave flowers.
Other beautiful flowers for the cemetery that require little water are:
- Bergenia(Bergenia)
- The Dipladenien(Mandeville)
- daisy (Perpetual wars)
- geraniums (Pelargonium), but with regular watering
- hussar head (Sanvitalia reclining)
- midday gold (Gazania)
- cloves (Dianthus)
- pansies (Viola)
- Studentenblume (Tagetes)
- magic snow (Euphorbia)
Also very useful:30+ flowers for cemetery & little water (including bonus tip)
The fire sage for red accents
To match the typical red grave candles, you can use fire sage (Shining sage), which will decorate the grave with its flowers from June to September. Thanks to its compact size, it can also be combined with other plants, even in limited space, such as a single grave or an urn grave. This sage is quite undemanding, but you can make it happy if you enrich the soil with some herbaceous soil.
Some other ornamental herbal plants are:
- Polsterthymian (Thymus)
- Lavender (Lavandula latifolia)
Grave design with houseleek or other succulents
The fat hen or houseleek are plants that are unlikely to be affected by any weather conditions. They are true survivors and can literally get by with nothing. This even goes so far that even gravestones can be planted with them. All you need is a little bit of moss as a substrate so that the plants can take root.
Afterwards you can leave them to their own devices and don't have to worry about them shrinking, even during longer dry periods. This variant is very suitable if you want grave planting in summer that looks modern. Also the Flaming Käthchen (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is a wonderful idea.
Also read:Tips for an environmentally friendly grave design: Decorate and plant the grave correctly!
Ground-covering species as digging plants
Ground cover plants, whether flowering or not, come in a variety of varieties. They can be used temporarily as solitary plants or in smaller groups, or they can remain permanently (if they are hardy) and so cover and decorate the entire grave over time. Which ones are suitable for grave planting in summer for full sun and little water?
- Erika (Erica)/Heather
- Flammenblume (Phlox Paniculata)
- Line(Nanum)
- Steinkraut (Alyssum)
- Sternmoos (Sagina subulata)
- Sea silverwort (Lobularia maritima)
You might also be interested in:These plants are perfect for grave planting in spring!
Evergreen grave planting in summer
If you are looking for easy-care and, above all, year-round grave planting, evergreen plants, dwarf trees or conifers are exactly the right choice. However, these should not be planted in summer as the risk of them drying out is very high. In the initial phase, the soil must always be moist so that the plants can grow. Therefore, you either need to water regularly or choose a season in which there is enough rain.
- blue spruce (Picea pungens)
- boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
- Evergreen honeysuckle(shiny blonde)
- mountain pine (Pinus mugo)
Slow-growing species are an advantage so that you don't have to cut and shape them often.
Take a look here:Small plants for the cemetery that form carpets
Sun-loving ornamental grasses
A number of grasses are also suitable for grave planting in summer for full sun and little water. They can also be wonderfully combined with other plants and make the grave visually more versatile by adding texture and height. So if you want to combine colorful flowers for graves with something green, ornamental grasses are ideal. Which ones are suitable, among others?
- bearskin grass (Fescue scoparia)
- blue fescue (Fenugreek)
- Feather grasses(Stipe)
Here's how you can do itGrab im Winterdesign.