Aphids are tiny sucking insects from the insect family Aphididae. The most common types of houseplants are the light green ones, but there are also pink, white, gray and black lice. Additionally, winged aphids may appear when colonies have formed and fly to infest new plants. Fighting aphids on houseplants with home remedies can be very effective and simple. Here we show you how to do it. But first, some important information about the little pests.
What attracts aphids to your houseplants
Certain species of aphids may prefer one plant over another, but what attracts them most are the delicious plant juices. Surprisingly, some of the best houseplants for clean air that we use to freshen our homes and interiors are among the plants that attract pests the most. Succulents like aloe are made up of large, thick leaves full of moisture and nutrients.
For sap-sucking insects like aphids, these plants are a dream come true and provide plenty of food for the hungry creatures. One way to counteract is to plant flowers that repel these insects, such as marigolds and other strongly scented flowers.
How do these insects damage plants?
AAphid infestationis developing rapidly for the most part. The insects are very mobile: they move quickly from one plant to another. Indoors, the pests spread by flies or crawling between plants. They cause damage by sucking the sap from the plants' new growth and they tend to collect at the growing ends of the plants and attach themselves to the soft, green stems.
As a result, the new foliage may appear wrinkled or stunted, with the aphids usually clearly visible around the stem. If the infestation is severe enough, the plant will drop leaves. Finally, like mealybugs, the honeydew secreted by the pests can promote the growth of sooty mold and fungi.
Of course, there are a number of chemical products to combat aphids, but they would harm the environment and the inhabitants of the apartment. That's why we recommend itUse of home remedies, which are not only effective but also harmless.
Our top 5 remedies for aphid infestationcan be found here.
Wash away the pests
Remove the insects with your fingers or a cotton swab. This is best for light infestations. Remove them with water using a strong stream of water. If the plant has sensitive leaves that cannot tolerate spraying, you can submerge the entire plant in water to remove the insects. Turn the plant upside down and submerge the affected part of the foliage in a bucket of clean, room temperature water.
Make your own insecticidal soap
You can make your own insecticidal soap using dishwashing detergent. Try to find a product that is free of perfume and additives that could harm the plants. Mix the soap with water in a weak concentration (start with 1 teaspoon per liter and increase the concentration as needed). Spray the plants, focusing on the undersides of the leaves.
Use neem oil against aphids
Neem oil is obtained from the neem tree and is therefore purely organic. Use according to label directions. Neem oil impairs the ability of insects to eat and has a repellent effect. It can be safely used for vegetables and food crops as well as ornamental plants. To prepare it you need 1 tablespoon of neem oil and 500 g of water.
Homemade garlic spray
To make one batch, you will need 1 head of garlic, 1 small onion, and 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, blended into a paste in a food processor or blender. Stir in 1 liter of water and let steep for 1 hour. Strain through cheesecloth, add 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap and mix well. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Since theIngredients are completely naturaland have no effect on the plant itself, the process is much safer than using commercially available pesticides.
Fight aphids on houseplants: rubbing alcohol
Although this method is a bit time-consuming, smearing them with a swab dipped in rubbing alcohol will kill the insects. Use 1 part alcohol to 1 part water.
Cut away affected areas
You can cut off severely infested parts of the plant and dispose of them outdoors. This not only rids the plant of the pests but also rejuvenates it for new growth.
Use homemade sticky traps
Leaves or strips of sticky paper hung around your plants will trap any insects that visit. Sticky traps are also available at garden centers and online retailers.
Fight aphids on houseplants: diatomaceous earth
Using diatomaceous earth is another effective way to rid your plants of harmful insects. Similar to othersPest control methodsThe product dries out the pests and leaves your plants intact. When treating your shrubs and flowers, be sure to use food-grade diatomaceous earth.
Before adding the powder, wet the plant with water so it has something to hold onto during the process. Pollinate the entire plant, including the undersides of the leaves. After treating the leaves and stem, don't forget to also sprinkle some around the base of the plant.
Natural insect control with baking soda
You will need 4 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of canola oil and a spray bottle. Mix the ingredients in a large spray bottle and coat the surface of the plant. This strategy works particularly well on plants that have little contact with other insects.