Flowering houseplants in winter: 5 species for colorful flair at home in the cold season

In the cold winter there is nothing better than a bright, blooming garden right in your home. Flowering houseplants in winter are wonderful jewels in the house. Plus, they are not very demanding and are fun to take care of.

Winter time is difficult for potted plants. The days are getting shorter and less light reaches homes. Particular attention should be paid to winter-flowering plants. There is a large selection of plants that bloom in winter and that are suitable for growing in pots, so you can also rely on these species. Here you will find a list of our favorites.

Hibiscus for elegance and sophistication in winter

Foto: LEON_PHOTOGRAPHY / shutterstock

Hibiscus is a plant that can grow up to 1.8 meters tall. Before you get a hibiscus, make sure you have enough space for it. However, it needs a lot of sun, so you should choose the brightest possible corner of the apartment for the flower. The bright flowers are definitely worth it and this houseplant adds elegance and sophistication to any home.

Watering twice a week is sufficient, watering until some water runs out of the drainage holes. Flooding of the roots should be avoided. In cold and wet weather, overwatering can lead to fungal infections on the roots. Therefore, watering should be minimal because hibiscus die easily from root rot. However, if there is too little water, the leaves lose their freshness and droop.

Photo: Menno van der Haven / shutterstock

This plant blooms all year round and comes in many bright colors. She likes bright light and warm conditions. Alpenweilchen are real eye-catchers on every windowsill. For example, a yellow pot is suitable for violet flowers and a blue one for red flowers.

How to care for cyclamen? Cyclamen is very picky when it comes to watering. After planting, the plant can be watered from above to clump the soil. It is then always watered from the bottom of the pot. Never water directly onto the tuber from above, as the water that remains on the stems will cause the flowers and leaves to rot. The cyclamen likes temperatures between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius.

Growing and caring for a Christmas cactus in your home

Photo: Nadezhda Nesterova / shutterstock

To the plants,those in winterbloom, this exotic species also counts. The Christmas cactus is a beautiful houseplant that has delicate flowers. How to Grow a Christmas Cactus at Home? It is one of the fewwinter-flowering plants, which can cope with low temperatures and short daylight hours. In order for it to bloom, you need to keep it in a cool but sunny place. When it blooms you can rearrange it. The houseplant looks beautiful in a red and white pot and goes well with New Year's arrangements.

Phalaenopsis orchid with bright flowers in the cold season

Foto: All for you friend / shutterstock

This is one of the orchids that blooms more easily indoors and also thrives from late winter to spring. It is an epiphytic plant that should be cultivated in a clear plastic pot and watered with rain or distilled water when the whitish roots are visible.

The flowers have different colors, among which white, pink and yellow stand out. It needs light, but never direct light, otherwise its leaves will burn. The ideal place for them at home – near a window if it is north or east; if it is in the south – a little further from the window, but very bright and, of course, with regular access to fresh air.

Orchids love moisture on their leaves and roots. To do this we need a simple spray machine and of course the willingness to take a minute every day.When watering you have toPlace the pots in a bowl for half an hour. Water only when the roots turn silvery white.

Also interesting:Caring for the single leaf: How to plant, water, fertilize, etc. the beautiful peace lily!

Growing anthuriums for exoticism in winter

Foto: Pixel-Shot / shutterstock

Anthuriums are the flowers of love because their leaves and bright red flowers are shaped like hearts. The anthurium can also bloom with white, lavender and pink flowers. It grows best in medium to bright lighting conditions. It can reach a height of 90 centimeters.

Growing anthuriums at home has its pitfalls, but it is not particularly difficult. The plant thrives best in a warm, draft-free location, preferably with high humidity.

If the indoor air is dry, you can place pebbles in the potting soil and fill it with water so that it evaporates without coming into contact with the potting soil. Spraying with water works very well, but should be avoided in cold weather as it can lead to fungal diseases. Anthuriums love plenty of light, but direct sun is very harmful to them.

Also read:Winter Flowering Shrubs: 6 Lush Shrubs That Will Brighten Up Your Garden During the Cold Months!