Saving dried hydrangeas: What are the most common causes and how can you revive the plant

The most common cause of hydrangeas dying is dry soil. In this article you will find out what else can cause your plant to wilt and how you can save a dried hydrangea.

The most common reasons for wilting hydrangeas

  • dryness: Hydrangeas require consistently moist soil around the roots. They wilt quickly if the soil is dry, either because they have not been watered enough or because the soil dries out too quickly.
  • Too much sun: Hydrangeas prefer morning sun, followed by afternoon shade or dim light during the day. Too much sun causes the leaves to wilt and turn brown.
  • Small pots: Small pots heat up too quickly, preventing the hydrangea's roots from absorbing moisture.
  • Hydrangea in a pot without drainage holes in the bottom: Hydrangeas require evenly moist soil, but do not tolerate saturated soil, which causes root rot.
  • Planting: Hydrangeas often wilt after planting due to transfer shock. The contrast between sun, soil, airflow and temperature can cause theHortensienblätter wien. The roots need time to establish themselves before they can absorb moisture.
  • Competing roots from other plants: Roots of nearby plants can compete with your hydrangea for water and nutrients, which can contribute to your plant's wilting.
  • Too much fertilizer: Fertilizing too often or in too high a concentration can cause your plant to grow limp and produce fewer flowers.
  • Too much wind: Hydrangeas naturally grow in wooded areas that are protected from wind. If there is too much wind, it will deprive large hydrangea leaves of moisture and cause them to wilt.

How to save a dry hydrangea

  • Plant, transplant, or place the hydrangea (if it is in a pot) in a spot with morning sun followed by afternoon shade (or dim light during the day). The morning sun ensures that the plant receives enough sunlight to develop its flowers, and the afternoon shade protects the hydrangea from the hottest part of the day so that the leaves do not scorch and wilt.
  • The best time toTransplanting hydrangeasis spring or autumn rather than summer to allow the hydrangea's root system to establish itself in the soil without being exposed to the high temperatures of summer. If your plant wilts in summer, we advise you to shade it temporarily in the afternoon.
  • If your soil is sandy, rocky and drains quickly, it is best to transplant the plant to another location in the garden. The soil should be prepared with plenty of compost, leaves or well-rotted manure to a depth of 45 cm (to accommodate the hydrangea's root system).
  • If your wilting hydrangea is too difficult to remove, water it generously with a hose to ensure the soil is evenly moist. Then apply a 5cm layer of mulch to the surface of the soil around it to retain moisture.
  • Preserving hydrangeas – The best mulching materials are compost, leaf mold or well-rotted manure. Because all three retain moisture, add nutrients and improve the soil structure. Apply a layer of mulch in early spring each year after watering the soil. However, make sure that the mulch layer does not come into contact with the above-ground part of the plant.

Also interesting:Who eats holes in hydrangea leaves

More tips to revive your plant

  • Water your plant as often as necessary to keep the soil moist (but not saturated). How often you should water your plants depends on a variety of factors, so there is no one-size-fits-all advice on how often you should water your hydrangeas. Make sure the soil is finger-width moist. If you feel the soil starting to dry out, water the hydrangea generously.
  • Always water hydrangeas thoroughly. Underwatering encourages the roots to grow close to the surface, which can make the hydrangeas more susceptible to drought.Thorough wateringhelps anchor the roots in the soil, which increases the hydrangea's resistance to drought.
  • If you restore the hydrangea's preferred growing conditions and ensure that the soil in the area is consistently moist, the plant should recover from its wilted appearance.

How you can save a hydrangea that has dried up in a pot

  • Always plant hydrangeas in a large pot at least 30cm in diameter and the same depth. A pot this size can contain enough soil to retain moisture. However, depending on the size of the plant, you may need to repot. It's worth checking to see if your plant's roots are pot bound. If this is the case, transplant them into a much larger pot.
  • We recommend adding some leaf moss to the potting mix. This is because it has the exceptional ability to retain moisture and reproduce the typical soil conditions in the plant's natural environment. This helps maintain the optimal moisture balance for the plant and prevents wilting.
  • Water plants in pots as often as necessary to ensure the soil is moist but not saturated. Pots naturally dry out much quicker than if the plant were planted in the garden. So be careful when watering. Once the soil has dried out to your fingers, you should water the pot generously to revive the wilting hydrangea.
  • Plant these plants in clay, ceramic or terracotta pots. These are usually thicker and don't get as hot as plastic or metal pots.
  • Always plant in pots with drainage holes in the bottom. Although hydrangeas prefer evenly moist soil, they cannot tolerate saturated, boggy soil. Therefore, good drainage at the bottom of the pot is important. Repot your hydrangea into a pot with holes in the bottom as soon as possible. Make sure excess water does not collect under the pot.

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