What can you plant in August? Vegetables, flowers and balcony plants for the garden in late summer

In August, the blooming period of many flowers is already over. After the harvest in July, there is also space in the vegetable patch for new crops. But what can you plant in August? We list several fast-growing vegetables, fruits and flowers that can be planted in August. So have toRaised beds and flower boxesdon't stay empty and you can enjoy delicious fruit and vegetables until autumn.

For theKitchen and ornamental gardenIn August, plants that mature quickly before the first frost are particularly suitable. It's not just the choice of cultures that plays a crucial role. Planting time is also important for the final result. If the summer is rainy, then you can plant the plants after a rain. Then the soil is loose and you can dig holes without much effort. The soil moisture is also higher after rain, which is beneficial for the young plants. They need sufficient water supply to grow.

However, if the summer is very hot, you should help a little so that the plants are not under water stress. Water the bed thoroughly in the evening and plant the young plants or sow the seeds.

If you have a high orReseed vegetable patchIf you want to, then you should follow a few basic rules:

1. The spring plants wereinfested by pests? Change plant species in the fall. Where cauliflower once grew, you can now plant lettuce or spinach. The crops have similar demands on the soil and location.

2. Where a heavy feeder grew in the bed in spring, sow a weak feeder now.

3. Vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers need more time to become ready for harvest and are therefore not suitable for autumn planting. However, you can plant some types of fruit and vegetables in June and July and then plant the young plants in the bed.

4. Not all flowers have to bloom in autumn and all crops have to produce crops. There are many varieties that are planted in late summer and do not bloom or produce fruit until spring.

5. You can plant some frost-sensitive plants outdoors, but then they have to overwinter in the greenhouse. They won't survive the winter in the garden.

2. What flowers to plant in August?

Late summer is the perfect time to plant perennials and flowering shrubs. So they will use the cold season to grow and then bloom magnificently next spring.

You can plant these flowers and perennials in August:

  • Hortensie
  • Taglialie
  • various flowering sedum plants
  • Peony
  • Iris

To ensure that the plants develop well, you should water them regularly in the months of August - September. You can also mulch the flower bed in October to further promote the growth of the plants and to prevent the water from evaporating.

Tip: Mark all plants on the garden plan.

Sowing in August: What can you plant in summer?

  • Kornblume
  • Marigold
  • Forget-me-nots
  • Gold lacquer is sown until the end of July. If the heat continues, planting is possible until mid-August
  • Early spring cyclamen

The flowers you sow in August will bloom next spring.

3. What vegetables to plant in August?

From the beginning of August, when the vegetable patch remains empty, the question often arises for the hobby gardener: “Which vegetables can you plant in late summer?” There are several varieties of late vegetables that you can plant in summer.

3.1. What can you plant and sow in late summer (early August)?

Below we give you several ideas for late vegetables that can be planted in early August.

Planting potatoes in August:Potato varieties such as “Charlotte”, “Nicola” and “Maris Peer” are early potato varieties suitable for planting in August. These varieties will also grow well in planters. From September you should bring the potatoes into the greenhouse or garden house. With proper care, they will ripen and can be harvested in December.

Fast-growing leafy vegetable varietiessuch as chard, endive, autumn radish or rocket are also ideal for planting in August.

Chicory and fennelare usually planted in mid-August.

RocketIn hot weather you can sow outdoors until mid-September.

3.2 Plant late vegetables in early – mid-August

You can plant and sow these types of late vegetables at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn:

Planting cauliflower in August:You can start growing the cauliflower at the beginning of August in order to plant the seedlings at the end of August. The harvest can then begin from the end of September.

The right time to sow theTiered onionis between April and August.

The rhubarbis usually planted in spring. But planting and transplanting are also possible in late summer.

Planting kohlrabi in August:You can also sow kohlrabi at the end of July and plant it in August.

3.3 Which vegetables to plant in late summer (end of August)?

Broccoli:The right time to plant winter broccoli is mid to late August. The winter-hardy varieties then take six months before they are ready to harvest.

Carrots:You can sow the “Little Finger” carrot variety as early as the end of August. Water them twice a day in summer. In the cold winter months you can then cover the plants with a layer of mulch or straw to protect them from frost and wind.

Knollenfenchel:The planting date for bulbous fennel is from April to August. The vegetables will be ready to harvest in two months.

4. Which fruit to plant in late summer?

Below we list several types of fruit and fruit trees that you can plant in the garden in August. Trees and shrubs in particular need at least 2 months to grow, otherwise frost damage can occur. During this period you should water them generously because they consume a lot of water.

  • Blueberries
  • currants
  • Strawberries (single-bearing varieties)
  • Blackberries (hybrid varieties)
  • Columnar apple tree variety “Ballerina”
  • fruity fig tree*
  • Elderberry *
  • Kiwi *
  • Sweet almonds *

* Plant in a pot and move into the greenhouse before the first frost.

5. Which herbs can you still plant in August?

Augustis the right oneTime to sow seeds one last time before the first frost and plant out early herbs. The following herbs are suitable for this purpose:

  • Coriander
  • Rosemary
  • Thymian
  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Goldmelisse
  • peppermint
  • fennel

The right time to plant the herbs is the end of August. It is best to plant them in pots and flower boxes because they are sensitive to frost and need to be brought indoors from 15 degrees. Good drainage is very important because it often rains at the end of summer and the herbs cannot tolerate waterlogging.

6. Which plants should you put in the raised bed in August?

In principle, all of the vegetables already mentioned are suitable for planting in a raised bed. If there is still space, the following vegetables are available:

  • Spring onion variety “White Lisbon” – harvest next spring
  • Radishes variety “French Breakfast” – harvest in October
  • Vegetable cabbage variety “Durham Early” – harvest in April
  • Pak Choi variety “Tricolor Mix” – harvest in September
  • Endive variety “Mixed” – harvest in September
  • Spinach variety “Perpetual” – harvest in October

7. Which balcony plants can you plant in August?

Finally, we have several suggestions for the balcony garden. If your balcony is in the shade, then the following plants are ideal:

  • Buntnessel
  • Buntwurz
  • Begonias
  • Do it

For the sunny balcony with a south or west orientation:

  • Lantana
  • Margerites
  • Purslane frogs
  • petunias
  • Evergreen

After planting, you can provide the flowers with slow-release fertilizer. It is gradually released into the ground. The fertilizer promotes plant growth and extends the flowering period.

By the way, it is also possibleLavender in Augustto plant. The right time to plant in the garden is spring. However, if you want to grow the lavender as a pot plant, you can plant it in August and place it on the balcony. This gives the sun worshiper enough time to grow before the first frost. However, since the young plants are susceptible to cold frosts, you should bring them indoors from mid-September.