Garden calendar: The gardening tasks for each month in the kitchen and ornamental garden (+ overview for printing)

Every hobby gardener can hardly wait to finally spend a lot of time in the garden again, enjoy the growing plants and harvest delicious fruits. But from now on there is a lot to do before that even happens. Do you not really know where to start and are you afraid of forgetting something important amidst all the diversity? A calendar and planner in which everything is clearly listed proves to be very useful. We have created exactly that for you: a garden calendar that makes planning a breeze!

The garden from winter to early spring

Many people neglect the garden during the winter season because they think there is nothing to do since everything is at rest. And it's true that the work is now sparser, but there are still a few tasks due from January. This is coming up in the first quarter of the year:

Garden calendar for care and preparation in January

You can see the dormant fruit trees in this oneCut monthly if necessarywhen there is a thaw. Even if you have decided to remove one or two trees, you can now cut them down. Additionally, check the plants for diseases and treat them. With regard to the ornamental gardens, maintenance measures are more necessary.

It's definitely too early for an outdoor kitchen garden. The exception is the cold germinators, which need the cold in order to germinate. You can also prefer the first types of vegetables. You can find a list of suitable varietiesin this article.

You can find out which cold germinators are suitable for sowing in Januaryread here.

What to do in February

This month you can become more active outside. The first preparations for the vegetable patch are underway and this even includes the first types of vegetables that can be sown directly outdoors. Don’t forget the potatoes too! These must germinate in time,if you want to harvest early potatoes.

When it comes to the ornamental part of your garden, the main thing that needs to be done is cutting: you should now prune shrubs that bloom in summer and ornamental grasses. To ensure that your plants are well cared for throughout the season, don’t neglect the compost. Sieve it for a finer texture.

The garden in March

For many, March is the beginning of the gardening season, which is why the outdoor area is so often neglected in the months before. And in fact it is also considered an official start and the tasks often change. Cold-tolerant salads are sown while theTomatoes preferred nowcan be. You also have to take care of the strawberries, berry bushes and herbs. There are still pruning and maintenance cuts to be done in the ornamental garden.

Garden calendar: tasks until summer

The kitchen garden in particular requires increased attention at the beginning of this phase. Sowing and fertilizing are carried out diligently. What else?

Last cleaning work in April

Some spring bloomers have finished their season so you can thin them out. Otherwise, now is the time to provide fruit trees with fertilizer and put the potatoes in the beds. Your tomato plants on the windowsillare now being piqued. You can find out what else is coming up in April in the garden calendar.

In May the young plants can go outside

You can now slowly get your plants used to the conditions outside by leaving them outside for a few hours during the day. Before these plants, but also the seeds for other varieties, can go into the bed, you have to loosen it well again. You can fill bare spots in the flower bed or other areas with new plants at the end of the month.

In June, when everything grows and thrives...

...among other things, the tomato plants are getting a little more attention. You can also start with plant protection, including the prevention and control of pests. Manures prove to be perfect for this and can be easyprepared yourselfbe, e.g. B. with nettles. If you have sown new lawn, you will probably have to mow it for the first time.

How to prune tomatoesBy the way, you can find out here.

This gardening work takes place in the middle of summer

After the preliminary care and sowing of most of the plants, the main care and harvest now follows. We summarize below what there is still to do this quarter:

July brings heat and increased maintenance measures

The peak season for most plants also brings more work. Harvesting begins in July, while other plants are being sown now. Others still need your attention when it comes to care, and that especially means adequate watering in the summer heat. Herbs and berry bushes also require your attention. Furthermore, it is cut, propagated and fertilized.

Which gardening tasks are typical in August

Some lettuce plants and flowers can still be planted or sown last minute this month.Also, forget about the hydrangeasnot in your tasks that have so wonderfully pleased you with your blossoms. They need one last boost of nutrients before summer comes to an end.

A late summer full of enjoyment – ​​September

As the harvest continues, some plants become dormant or die. The first preparations also begin for autumn and winter, but also for the new season next year. For example, you can sow new lawns or plant spring flower bulbs. Now is also a good time to transplant evergreens if you wish. Further important points can be found in the garden calendar for September.

If you have taken out nesting boxes, clean them now. Now is also a good time to build a hiding place for the hedgehogs for the winter (possible until November). Otherwise, we have summarized everything clearly in the garden calendar.

Don't forget,to prevent frostbite.

The garden in autumn and early winter according to the garden calendar

All that remains is the last quarter of the year, which includes fall and early winter. While there is still a lot to do in the fall, gardening becomes sparse around the end of November, but that doesn't mean that nothing needs to be done anymore.

The garden in golden October

You will be particularly active in the kitchen garden, as the harvest is being done diligently, while the majority of the crops whose season is over are being disposed of. Now there is still enough time to bring spring flower bulbs into the beds. AnotherThe main task is lawn careand one or two plants can now be planted.

More about gardening in Octoberfind out here.

The season ends in November

Now the main thing is to ensure the right winter protection where it is necessary. Young plants in particular are not yet prepared for the cold winter and need such protection in the first year. Some bushes now also receive a shape and care cut (thinning) and you still have to clean the beds as soon as you have finished harvesting.

December – What to do at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter?

If you haven't put up any winter protection yet, now is the time! Otherwise, the only thing left is to prepare the beds for the coming season in case you were no longer able to do this in November. So that your shrubs do not break due to heavy snow, they also need protection in this regard, while evergreen plants should be protected from the winter sun.

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