12 evergreen shrubs that are hardy and flowering: flower and leaf decorations for the garden

Shrubs, whether solitary or in groups (hedges), are a welcome change among the colorful flowers and trees to create a more interesting garden design. If they also bloom beautifully, even better. But are there evergreen shrubs that are hardy and flowering?

Evergreen, hardy and with flowers too... sounds a bit much to ask, doesn't it? Not at all, because there are actually quite a few species that can meet all of these requirements.

These garden shrubs are perfect for the home garden

These are the best bushes for the garden that have the properties mentioned and will delight you with their blooms for years to come:

Loquat 'Red Robin' with red leaves

Popular evergreen shrubs that are hardy and flowering include loquats (Photenia), which is mainly due to the red foliage. The variety mentioned has particularly bright red leaves. The young shoots appear in this color and over time they turn green, which contributes to an interesting color display. White flowers appear in spring, while autumn decorates the bush with berries. Whether as a hedge plant or a solitary plant, the flowering shrub always likes it sunny, sheltered from the wind and warm, which is especially true in winter. Otherwise the plant will react by dropping its leaves. The loquat is also a great choice if you are looking for insect-friendly shrubs and as an evergreen privacy screen.

Evergreen shrubs, hardy and flowering: Large mountain laurel with pale pink flowers

If you need small shrubs because you have a small garden or not much space available, the broad-leaved liver rose, such as the large mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is also mentioned, perfect. The flowers, which appear in May to June, are also very attractive and are white to pale pink in color with pink accents. TheShrub likes it sunnyto partial shade and in normal to acidic soil that is fresh.

Japanese lavender heather for sun to partial shade

The Japanese lavender heather (Pieris japonica) is also known as the shadow bell. It is a spring bloomer that blooms from March and into May. However, the shrub needs a sunny to semi-shady location. As if the beautiful flowers weren't enough, they're coming tooLeaves in redwhich, depending on the variety, sometimes shine more, sometimes less brightly. The soil is best humus and slightly acidic to neutral and sufficiently moist.

Cherry laurel with white flowers

The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) will be happy for oneflowering hedgechosen when evergreen shrubs are desired that are hardy and can serve as privacy screens. The plant not only scores points with its pretty, white flowers, but also with its shiny, dark foliage, which allows these flowers to stand out particularly well and look very decorative even when they are not in bloom. After flowering, berries develop that are initially red and later black. Some parts of plants are poisonous! Cherry laurels are ideal shrubs for sunny locations or partial shade.

Evergreen shrubs, hardy and flowering - the magnificent rhododendron

When it comes to evergreen shrubs that are hardy and flowering, they shouldstunning rhododendron(Rhododendron) definitely needs to be mentioned. Like the cherry laurel, it has attractive, shiny leaves that immediately catch the eye. In addition, there are also the impressive flowers, which, depending on the variety, can shine in different colors between March and July. The plant itself is quite easy to care for, it only has special demands on the soil because it should be acidic. Ideally, you should choose a light partial shade as a location.

Plant wrinkle-leaved viburnum in the garden

Everyone has probably heard this name or even seen the shrub, perhaps without having any idea what it is. The snowball (Viburnum rhytidophyllum) with its large, white flowers, at first glance it doesn't look wintergreen at all, but rather like a deciduous plant. But in fact it also decorates the garden with its greenery in winter, while the flowers mentioned appear in mid to late spring. Black berries develop in autumn, which are also pretty to look at. You should know that these are toxic to humans and animals. They are only a welcome source of food for birds. They should be sunny to partially shadedinsect and bee friendlystand bush.

More evergreen shrubs that are hardy and flowering

  • Azaleas (Azalea) – flowering between May and July; Location and soil like rhododendron
  • European holly (Ilex) – flowering from May to June; red berries; ideal food source for insects and birds; sunny to partially shaded
  • Goldliguster (Ligustrum ovalifolium) – flowering from June to July; Leaves with green center and yellow edge; sunny location
  • Mahogany (Mahonia) – yellow flowers from April to May (some varieties from autumn to late autumn); blue berries in autumn; dark green leaves, sometimes reddish in winter; sunny to partially shaded
  • Black-green privet (Common privet) – white flowers in June and July; more wintergreen in mild winters; sunny to full shade, but definitely bright
  • Wintergreen olive willow (Elaeagnus Ebbingei) – small, white flowers from October to the end of November; leathery, shiny dark green leaves; Partial shade and no direct sun

Also interesting:Which shrubs bloom in March: Do you already know them?