Forbidden plants in the garden: which species should you avoid when designing your garden?

There are plants that we are not allowed to grow in our gardens and we are not just talking about cannabis! We should know them so we don't find ourselves on the wrong side of the law. Banned plants are primarily associated with the harm they cause to humans, such as: B. psychedelic effects.

Forbidden plants in Germany

We will show you plants that are prohibited by law in Germany. There are also plants that bring no benefit to nature and the environment, but only harm, and that is why their cultivation in the garden is increasingly criticized by conservationists as a crime against nature.

Cannabis is illegal in Germany

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. The genus is widely considered to be native to and originated in Asia. Cannabis is also known as hemp, although this term is often only used for cannabis strains thatnotgrown for drug use.

Cannabis is illegal in Germany, but there are exceptions to the rule. The German Narcotics Act classifies cannabis as a Schedule III drug: neither too dangerous to trade nor too dangerous to prescribe. LSD and heroin, on the other hand, fall under Schedule I - they may not be distributed under any circumstances, while Schedule II narcotics such as cocaine may not be prescribed. Only the female plant is used to make cannabis products, but the male plant is also banned in Germany.

Why do banned plants include opium poppies?

Opium poppy seeds are used in the food industry, but parts of the plant are used to make powerful medicines and narcotics because the milky sap contained in the seeds has a high morphine content. Anyone who grows opium poppies in their garden can face up to 5 years in prison.
Opium poppies in Germany can only be grown with a permit from the Federal Opium Office at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and only some varieties are allowed to be bred (usually low-morphine ones such as 'Mieszko', 'Viola' and 'Zeno Morphex').

Coca smoke is used for the production of intoxicants

Coca is a South American shrub whose leaves contain cocaine and are used to make intoxicants; Coca leaves continue to be used in the AndesIncreasing concentrationand used to reduce pain, fatigue and hunger.

Forbidden plants: Aztec sage (Salvia divinorum)

Salvia Divinorum, a perennial herb in the mint family, is native to Oaxaca, Mexico, and has been used by Mazatec shamans for divination and healing purposes for centuries. Salvia has more than 500 species, includingthe sage plant belongs. It grows up to a meter high and is characterized by large green leaves, square but hollow stems and flowers of white and purple colors. Salvia divinorum is one of several psychedelic plants used in spiritualism by the Mazatec Indians.

Avoiding invasive plants: what are they?

Invasive plant species have a negative impact on nature and although conservationists warn against them, they are currently not banned in Germany. According to experts, they are useless for the environment and therefore we should not grow them in our gardens, although most of them are very popular among gardeners. The damage of such species is the displacement of native plants and the disappearance of food for insects and birds. German experts criticize the cultivation of the following invasive species.

Cherry laurel does not provide food for insects

Prunus laurocerasus, also known as cherry laurel, common laurel and sometimes English laurel, is a species of evergreen cherry tree native to the Black Sea regions of southwest Asia and southeast Europe from Albania and Bulgaria through Turkey to the Caucasus and northern Iran. The common names of this species refer to the similarity of foliage and appearance to the laurel (Laurus nobilis) and like the laurel, Prunus laurocerasus was used to make laurel wreaths. The cherry laurel offers protection for birds, but no food for insects and birds, which is why experts advise against it.

Bamboo is not suitable for nesting

Bamboos are a diverse group ofevergreen, perennialFlowering plants from the subfamily Bäumeoideae of the grass family Poaceae. Giant bamboos are the largest members of the grass family. As with other grasses, the internodes of the stem of bamboo are usually hollow, and the vascular bundles are not cylindrical in cross section, but are scattered throughout the stem. The lack of secondary wood causes the trunks of monocotyledonous plants, including palms and large bamboos, to be columnar rather than tapering. However, they do not provide food for insects and are not suitable for nesting.

Forsythia does not produce nectar for bees

She is oneGenus of flowering plantsfrom the olive family Oleaceae. There are around 11 species, mostly native to East Asia, but also to southeastern Europe. Forsythia – also one of the plant's common names – is named after William Forsyth.

Forsythia are deciduous shrubs that typically grow to 1 to 3 m, rarely up to 6 m, in height and have a rough gray-brown bark. The leaves are opposite and are mostly simple, but sometimes trifoliate, with a basal pair of small leaflets; they are between 2 and 10 cm and rarely up to 15 cm long and have a serrated or smooth edge. Forsythia flowers, but its flowers do not produce pollen or nectar, so it is not useful to bees.