Design a fence in the front garden as a decorative element and privacy screen

An important element that should not be underestimated when beautifying the front garden is the garden fence. There are different variants to consider, especially in the front garden, which represents your entire garden design and therefore your style and gives walkers an insight. These depend on what you want to achieve when designing the front yard fence. We have put together some great ideas and tips in this article to help you plan the shape and material.

TheGarden fencebut is not just a decorative element. When you design one, you also get a visible boundary between the street and your property. Added to this is its protective function. A low fence can prevent animals from entering your yard. A very high fence can also be an obstacle for burglars.

The classic material for garden fences is of course wood. It is always the quickest and easiest to obtain and also the cheapest. Various shapes can be created with wood, including the classic picket fence. If you design a wooden fence in the front yard, you can coordinate the color wonderfully with the house. For example, choose a natural wood color for a natural look, a romantic version in white or an upbeat model in a bright color.

The disadvantage of the stylish wooden fence is that it requires more frequent care. This is something you should consider when choosing if you want to design a fence in the front yard. In order for the wood to withstand all weather conditions, regular varnishing is necessary. Of course, this can be very time-consuming and also involves a constant investment. Despite all the care, it will still be necessary to replace the fence at some point.

A good alternative is a plastic fence. It is easy to maintain and the designs these days can also look very similar to a wooden fence. So if you want to design a fence in the front yard, you are welcome to consider this. Just find out more and see which models are on offer. If you are still skeptical, you will quickly change your mind.

Metal is just as chic if you want to design a garden fence. This can be used to create a wide variety of designs, from modern, straight steel fences to ornate wrought iron models. There are again no limits to the colors here. With a matching paint finish you can get any color you want.

The metal fence can also be wonderfully combined with low or higher walls made of stone or clinker. In this way you can create an elegant garden fence that is also extremely stable. For the cladding of the wall, as I said, you can choose any type and shape of stone.

Another variant is to connect the individual elements with each other using columns. This is also a great way to create a modern fence. This idea is also well suited as an intermediate element for a wooden fence made of boards or strips.

As I said, the front garden should provide an insight into the entire garden design. For this reason, a model is usually chosen that is relatively transparent so that people passing by can look in and you can show off your gardening work.

So you can choose a very low fence that is just supposed to represent the idea, so to speak. You can see a great example of how you can design such a fence in the front yard in the picture above. It does not serve as a visual barrier or any other type of protection, but it is a wonderful decoration.

If you still want privacy, you can choose a very high version, which is also called privacy screen. This one cancompletely protected from viewor have small gaps to still provide a glimpse of your beautiful front garden. In this case, there is no real privacy protection, but there is still protection from animals and other unwanted “visitors”.

Here you can see a privacy screen that doesn't completely hide the front garden, but still creates a mysterious look. The slats are combined with a low wall and columns, which in turn were built with white brick. It is an attractive design that you can consider when designing your front yard fence.

This privacy screen also looks very modern. It was lined up in two rows. In this way you too can design your fence in the front garden. On the one hand, this creates an open design, but at the same time does not reveal too much of the garden and your private area. You can also build the fence a little inside the property and then plant some plants from it.

If you find a mix of materials very attractive, you can also use wood or a gabion fence. Fill this with stones and you will have a fence made of three natural materials.

You can also design the garden fence so that it only frames part of the property. That was also done in this example. A stepped design was also chosen because the property is on a slope.

As already mentioned, use the area in front of the fence to create a bed. You can plant this with bushes, flowering plants, grasses or shrubs as you wish. This includes not only the fence itself, but also the decoration around it.

This variant, in which you can create a fence in the front garden using wire mesh, is particularly cheap and quick to make. All you need is wooden beams that you cut to size as you like, and wire. You can choose the shape of the stitches yourself.

The great thing about this fence is that you can also wonderfully transform it into a privacy screen and also with a romantic look. For this purpose, use climbing plants when designing the fence in the front yard and let them climb along the wire.

You can also decorate the romantic metal fence with stone pillars with flowers. This makes the otherwise somewhat bulky look appear more romantic. You can also swap out the flowers.

Would you have come up with this original idea? If you are designing the fence in the front yard, you can also use simple metal rods. You stick these into the ground at even or, if desired, irregular intervals and thus form a modern fence that will be a real eye-catcher.