Losing weight from 40 - what is the secret of a slim figure?

If you are over 40 years old, you may have noticed that it is easier to gain weight and make it much more difficult to lose it than before.Changes in their activity level, Your eating habits and hormones as well as in the way your body stores fat can play a role. However, a few simple steps can help you lose weight from 40. In this article, we respond to some of the most asked questions about weight loss in old age and give you tips on how to lose weight effectively but also healthy from the age of 40.

To be 40 years old is somehow terrifying for many women. As soon as the age begins with a “4”, you are no longer attractive and interesting. The beginning of menopause is another reason why women are afraid of the period from the age of 40. In fact, age is only a number. You are as old as you feel and that is also visible in our appearance. If you eat healthy, regularly recover, do enough exercise and find time for your favorite activities, you will never feel old or look like it.

Is it possible to lose weight from 40?

Can you be over 40 slim? Of course, if you find the balance between a balanced diet and sufficient sporting activity.

But first you have to ask yourself the question: Why is losing weight from 40 more difficult? Actually, not everyone has a hard time losing weight in old age. For example, people who have fed their whole lives and were regularly active have no such big problems with weight loss. However, if you only think about your eating habits at 40, you will certainly need a lot more time and effort to get rid of the excess pounds.

Why is losing weight from 40 so heavy?

Is there actually a reason why the diet that worked well at 30 is no longer so effective from 40? In fact, this can be due to different things. On the one hand, the metabolism drives down, which leads to the fact that grease handle accumulates. On the other handDesign in women from 40 hormone fluctuationswho often have to do with the start of menopause (however, it can take another 10 years until then). This can also lead to some excess pounds, which are difficult to lose afterwards.

With increasing age, the composition of the body is still changing. In people who do not move enough, the fat content increases while the muscle mass is broken down. In addition, the mirror of the growth hormone somatotropin and the body sinks from the structure of the growth of body mass, which reduces energy consumption. The metabolism no longer runs at full speed and the annoying kilos can settle much more easily on the problem areas such as belly and hips. If you do not change your habits from this age, a weight gain is essential.

Is there the same problem with men?

The menopause not only meet women, but also men. With them, however, this usually happens a little later - usually from 50 or even 60 years. Losing weight from 40 is not as difficult for men as in women. However, a man wants to be fit with 40 andhave no round belly, then he should also try for it.

Why does the weight play a role in old age?

Many women and men don't care about how much they weigh and what they look like. With age, the weight is not only important for our appearance. There are many diseases that are closely related to obesity. Examples of this are type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. To be healthy, you have to keep normal weight and get rid of bad habits.

Losing weight from 40: You should pay attention to this

The secret to a slim figure is basically the same at all ages - a combination of healthy nutrition and a lot of movement almost always results in a balanced weight. The exception are people who suffer from a certain disease or are not allowed to be active in sports.

If you don't work after the age of 40, you will probably need a change in diet. In the following sections we summarize everything that can support you in a healthy weight loss.

The right nutrition from 40

If you want to lose weight in old age, there is no way around a balanced diet. The food we consume has the greatest effect on our weight. But how should oneHealthy and balanced diet from 40look? Here are a few tips:

Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables

Fresh fruit and vegetables should not be missing on your plate. Fill half of the plate with it every meal. These foods tend to contain more nutrients and less fat and calories than meat, dairy products or grain. And you can help you feel full, even if you eat less.Fresh fruit like applesAnd berries, for example, are also ideal as an alternative to high -fat or sugar -rich snacks.

Create a healthy nutrition plan

As already mentioned, the diet from 40 must be balanced. This means that no important nutrients may be missing on your menu. In addition to fresh fruit and vegetables, the following foods should definitely be included in your menu:

  • Lean protein, such as fish, turkey meat and chicken meat or dairy products such as yogurt and Skyr
  • Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, rice, oatmeal, potatoes, lentils, beans, etc.
  • Healthy fats, for example from nuts, seeds and vegetable oils

From 40, on the other hand, you should avoid salt and simple carbohydrates. The reason? They lead to water retention and make losing weight even more difficult in old age.

Prepare the food healthy

The way you prepare food can create a lot of additional fat and calories. Try to steam food, bake or grill instead of frying them or preparing them in butter or a lot of oil. This is also a good advice in restaurants:Skip fried dishesOr those with creamy sauces.

Don't miss breakfast

Experts recommend aHealthy meal in the morning, like oatmeal or whole grain toast with fresh fruit. Breakfast can help to contain the hunger in the morning, which makes it take something unhealthy on the way or eat too much at lunch. Small meals orHealthy snacksEvery few hours can keep your appetite at bay all day.

Eat less in the evening

If you receive most of your daily calorie intake at lunch (before 3 p.m.), you may lose more weight than if you later eat a big meal. If you eat a lot in the evening, you have no time to consume energy and increase it. But a more important role still plays what you eat, not when.

Regulate the portions

You have to try to consume the same calorie amount every day. You can create a nutrition diary or use a suitable app. Several small portions are recommended throughout the day. However, if you want to eat larger portions, you can do thatIntervall fasting as a nutritional methodtry out.

Success is guaranteed with sport and exercise

Without sports and physical activity, weight loss is almost impossible from 40. The movement stimulates the metabolism and helps with fat burning. Walking in the park is a good option (and should not be missing), but in most cases it is not sufficient if you have weight loss as a goal. To take off effectively, you should exercise at least three times a week. Whether swimming, playing tennis, cycling, jogging,ein HomeworkoutOr you decide another training yourself. It is important to find a sport or activity that you enjoy and does not become a compulsion. For the best results, the duration of the training must be at least 30 minutes.

How should you train from 40?

Training in everyday life: Between the job, family activities and the household work, many 40-year-old women often don't have so much time to train. However, it is not only important for the weight, but also for general health that they remain active. If training is not possible for any reason, try to walk more and burn calories in everyday life, for example in gardening.

Muscle building through strength training- After 40, of course, people lose muscles, especially women after menopause. A strength training such as weightlifting orExercises with its own weightLike pushups and squats at least twice a week, you can help you get the muscles.

Endurance training- If you want to break down fat, you shouldn't ignore cardio training. Whether at home, in the gym or outdoors - endurance exercises such as running, cycling, swimming and hiking can be supported when you lose weight from 40.

More tips on healthy weight loss in old age

Crash diets are taboo- too little food is a false strategy for both boys and older people, which results in weight gain particularly in the long run.

Drink, drink, drink- The body should be hydrated for a slim and tight silhouette. You should consume at least 2 liters of still water and unsweetened tea every day. The liquid boosts the metabolism and the fat burning and helps against water retention.

No sugary drinks- Sugar -containing coffee, tea, non -alcoholic drinks or energy drinks inhibit weight reduction. Sweet drinks contain a lot of sugar, which gives you weight and increase your risk of diabetes.

Reduce alcohol consumption- A glass of beer or wine has about 150 calories, and that can add up if you drink often. In addition, alcohol can make you hungry so that you may eat more while you drink.

On foot instead of the car- There are many more options in everyday life than we think. If possible, go more on foot instead of the car, take the stairs instead of the elevator and the results will not be delayed.

Reduce stress- Stress can increase the likelihood that you eat unhealthy foods and it makes it more difficult for your body to reduce fat. Relaxation is often an underestimated factor, but this has a strong influence on weight reduction in old age. Try yoga, deep breathing, meditation, walking or reading a good book. Stress reduction works differently for everyone, so you will find out what is ideal for you. Stress also influence theMetal age.

Cover the sleep requirement- All sorts of things can affect your sleep after the age of 40 - health problems, stress, medication and for women. But people who don't get good sleep are increasing. If you have sleep problems because you are busy or stressed, try to change your habits and put yourself in regular routine.