Bitter substances for weight loss: How bitter foods combat cravings and stimulate digestion

Everyone knows how important it is to eat healthy. However, most people are not aware that the bitter substances contained in foods can help you lose weight and have a...good digestionare very valuable. Bitter substances stimulate the release of more digestive juices in the stomach, liver, bile and pancreas. In this way, the food consumed can be better processed throughout the entire digestive process.

But why don't we like the bitter taste?

Humans are born with about 9,000 taste buds that distinguish five basic tastes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. The reason we are more drawn to sweet, salty, and savory tastes is because we associate them with fresh, nutrient- and protein-rich foods. On the other hand, sour and bitter foods are associated with spoiled food or poisonous plants. In order for us to detect toxins or poisons, the back part of the tongue is reserved only for bitter tastes.

How do bitter substances help you lose weight?

Bitter-tasting foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices) contribute to the body's well-being thanks to their alkaline propertiesRestore acid-base balance. They make you feel full quickly and play an important role in suppressing sugar cravings. Not only do they reduce weight, but they also lower cholesterol levels.

Which foods are rich in bitter substances?

In the past, people didn't particularly like the bitter taste, but the choice of food wasn't that big and they had to eat what the fields and gardens provided. Recently, however, bitter-tasting products are experiencing a boom with a changing image. Here are some foods rich in bitter substances that you should include in your diet if you want to lose weight healthily and naturally.

Bitter substances for weight loss in vegetables

Bitter vegetables not only contain many useful ingredients, but also almost no calories, which makes them very popular among those who want to lose a few pounds in a healthy way.

Cucumber, for example, contains no fat, making it an ideal food for this purpose. It is 90% water, which helps keep the body hydrated and flushes out toxins, which in turn leads to natural weight loss.

Brussels sprouts are not only infinitely beneficial for the body, but they also melt away the calories. This property is due to its high protein content, which stimulates metabolism, reduces appetite and influences the hormones that regulate our weight. Besides thatBrussels sprouts contain a lot of fiber, which saturate without creating a feeling of fullness, and a large amount of vitamin C, which is a faithful helper in weight loss. It facilitates the absorption of calcium, a mineral that promotes fat burning.

On the other hand, arugula leaves in the diet are the key to healthy digestion and the breakdown of excess fat. This type of salad is rich in high-quality fiber, cleanses the intestines of toxins, improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol and accelerates regeneration processes in the body. It also has a mild diuretic effect by removing excess fluid from the tissues.

Spices and herbs

Turmeric is a natural, nutritious spice of Indian origin that is often used to make drinks that promote rapid fat utilization. It can also be added to various dishes and salads. Even a pinch of this spice can help achieve excellent results in the fight for the ideal weight.

Ginger, on the other hand, has oneappetite suppressant effect. Asians even add it to their sweets to avoid cravings for extra sweets. A piece of ginger in main dishes adds a spicy flavor to stewed vegetables and chicken. It is also advisable to drink ginger root tea in the morning on an empty stomach. To enhance the effect, the tea should be consumed 3-5 times a day, where honey and lemon can be added. This accelerates the removal of toxins from the body that prevent us from losing weight.

Grapefruit: The Enemy of Obesity

The main property of grapefruit in terms of weight loss is due to the pectin contained in the citrus fruit, which is a soluble fiber. Fiber, in turn, is a key element in the fight against constipation and in the elimination of toxins from the body, which inevitably leads to weight loss and, in women, a reduction in cellulite.

Ungesüßter Cocoa

Dark chocolate or cocoa are known to have weight-loss effects. Eating dark chocolate can help dilate blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. This type of chocolate can also curb cravings, which promotes weight loss.


Aside from being one of the most popular drinks in the world, coffee can also be a powerful detoxifier for the liver and intestines. Drinking this drink can increase attention span, improve performance andBurn body fat. However, remember that if you want to benefit from its strengths, you should consume your coffee without sugar and milk.

Extracts obtained from bitter plants are also commercially available in the form of drops. They have the same properties and are intended for those who prefer this method of taking bitter substances.