Gout, fatigue or heartburn – these are all diseases or symptoms that can be associated with a disturbed acid-base balance. In Germany we eat a very acid-producing diet, which can ultimately lead to acidification of the body. On the other hand, we consume less minerals that form bases. What many people don't know: With such a "unilateral" diet, it can make sense to check your body every now and thenDetox measuresto undergo and “deacidify”. Although such deacidification measures have not been confirmed by conventional medicine, they can still help you feel better overall.
Symptoms when the acid-base balance is incorrect
An imbalance in the acid-base balance and in particular acidification of the body does not necessarily have to result in one of the diseases mentioned at the beginning. The signs can often be recognized earlier. It can initially start with a bad and slack mood, which is usually quickly apparent to those affected.
The body feels tired and lacking energy; Headaches can follow and in some cases the acidity can also affect digestion. There are also many other symptoms that hyperacidity can manifest itself in.
These foods should be avoided
In order to protect the body from hyperacidity or to deacidify it, you should avoid certain foods or at least eat less of them. Ideally, no more than 30 percent of daily foods should be acid-forming. 70 percent should have an alkaline-forming effect on the body. Animal foods in particular are counterproductive. So make sure you eat less of these in your diet:
- Meat
- Owner
- Dairy products
- Military
- legumes
- pasta
- Refined sugar
- Coffee
- Black tea
Diet change
Basically, you should think about changing your diet to include more alkaline-forming foods. In order to actively “deacidify” the body, a detox diet is recommended. Selected foods such as potatoes, leafy and root vegetables, fresh fruit with a high vitamin C content, still water and wild herbs such as nettle, peppermint, dandelion or rosemary are suitable for this.
If you have managed to successfully deacidify your body, it is important for you to keep the acid-base balance in balance. You can achieve this if you only consume the acid-forming foods mentioned above in moderation and also rely on alkaline-forming vegetables such as cucumbers, broccoli or artichokes and natural oils.
Supplements that help you maintain this balance may also be useful.Laetitia natural productsFor example, we combine the latest science with the effects of nature. This allows you to actively support the “deacidification” of your body.
Relax and avoid stress
Stress and hyperacidity are often linked. For example, if you eat a more acid-forming diet, this can result in the concentration ofIncreased stress hormones in the bloodbecomes. Conversely, the stress hormones promote acidification. So it's a bit of a vicious circle you can find yourself in. To break through this, you should avoid stress and tension as much as possible and relax, for example with the help ofMeditation techniquesorYoga.
Train endurance
A lack of exercise can also cause the body to become acidic. In addition to the yoga exercises already mentioned, endurance training can help bring the acid-base balance back into balance. The metabolism can be stimulated through various endurance sports, which in turn ensures that acid is excreted via the kidneys and lungs. Particularly suitable sports include jogging, walking, swimming or cycling. 15 to 30 minutes of exercise per day is ideal.
Give your body plenty of fluids
If your body is hyperacidic, you should drink plenty of water to deacidify it. Make sure that you drink still mineral water; it should also contain as much hydrogen carbonate as possible, as this has an acid-neutralizing effect. Mineral water from limestone areas is particularly suitable for this. Carbon dioxide in water is, as the name suggests, rather counterproductive. However, non-carbonated still water can help you. This flushes your body and expels the acid more easily. At least two to three liters of water are recommended for adults per day. However, you can also use unsweetened herbal teas or heavily diluted fruit spritzers.
Pay attention to the liver
Try to relieve your liver. It is your body's detoxification organ and should be well cared for. To do this, eat foods that are rich in bitter substances, such as radicchio or chicory.
Less luxury foods
The liver can suffer from excessive consumption of alcohol. Basically, you should avoid such stimulants as much as possible, as they can significantly contribute to acidification of your body. However, you should not only avoid alcohol, but also cigarettes and coffee.
Sauna sessions can also have a detoxifying effect
A visit to the sauna can also have a very detoxifying effect. Harmful substances are simply sweated out of the skin due to the high temperatures. This also applies to the excess acid in your body. A relaxing sauna session is recommended once or twice a week.
However, you should be careful.Not every person is suitable for the sauna. For example, if you have kidney disease or often suffer from heart palpitations, the sauna is less suitable for “deacidifying” your body.
Simply a healthy lifestyle
If you generally lead a healthy lifestyle and only consume a few unhealthy substances, you are already well on the way to not suffering from hyperacidity. Avoid excess, get enough exercise, watch your diet and drink enough. This is the key to prevention and at the same time to detoxify the body.