Can you lose weight with coffee? These 4 properties will help!

Coffee is the most popular drinkof the Germans. How nice it would be if, in addition to its stimulating properties, it also helped you lose weight, wouldn't it? What if we told you that this is actually possible? Too good to be true? Researchers now want to prove that a cup of coffee in the morning can not only help you lose weight, but also improve overall health. But of course only under certain conditions! This is how you can lose weight with coffee:

Losing weight with coffee only under certain conditions!

In order for coffee to help you lose weight, you should avoid sugar and drink it black or at most with a dash of animal, or even better, plant-based milk. So you can also lose weight with coffee and milk. The following properties of theCoffees help lose weight:

Caffeine suppresses appetite

According to a study from the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, you can lose weight from coffee, especially caffeinated coffee, if you drink it half an hour to four hours before a meal. The study states that caffeine has a positive impact on “stomach emptying, appetite hormones and appetite perception.”

Another study from the journal Obesity showed that a moderate amount of coffee throughout the day “can effectively reduce energy intake in the following meal and throughout the day.” The perfect natural appetite suppressant, which means you automatically lose weight with coffee.

Coffee for weight loss – It improves metabolism

Coffee increases metabolism, which in turn could “promote weight, BMI, and body fat reduction,” according to a study in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. However, this study only demonstrated this benefit with caffeinated coffee. So a cup in the afternoon speeds up your metabolism.

Improved hydration

There are claims that coffee dehydrates you, but this is far from the truth. It does have a mild, diuretic effect. Nonetheless, the amount of fluid absorbed through the coffee drink far exceeds the amount lost, as the Mayo Clinic explains. Seen this way, coffee is nothing more than hot bean water.

Lose weight with coffee thanks to antioxidants

You can also lose weight with coffee thanks to the antioxidants called polyphenols contained in coffee. They improve brain health, digestion and even reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. According to a 2011 study in the journal Chemico-Biological Interactions, these antioxidants interact with gut bacteria, promoting weight loss. Polyphenols are also found in chocolate and wine. You can find a list of foods that are particularly rich in polyphenolshere.

Study from theInternational Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition; Study from theObesity magazine; Study from the journalCritical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition; Study of theMayo Clinic; Study from the specialist journalChemico-Biological Interactions