These healthy alternatives to chocolate satisfy your craving for sweets

Are you one of those people who love chocolate and can never get enough of the cocoa-containing treat? It's certainly not a bad idea to indulge in this sweet temptation every now and then. But if your thoughts constantly revolve around chocolate and your figure and health suffer as a result, it's time to think about a substitute for chocolate. In this article we would like to show you various alternatives to chocolate that are healthier, lower in calories and also very tasty.

What is possible when replacing chocolate?

If you often crave chocolate and find it difficult to resist sweet treats, you have several options to choose from. The foods that are considered a healthy alternative to sweets are in many ways preferable to chocolate. Apart from fat and sugar, chocolate contains no minerals, to which the body responds with a renewed demand for important nutrients.

If you reach for the chocolate bar again, you get into a vicious circle and you have to go with itexcess kilosand fight with a bad conscience. Potential health risks such as diabetes or heart disease can also result from excessive consumption of chocolate and sweet treats.

Now we want to take a look at healthy sweets and take a closer look at the substitute for chocolate.

Fresh fruit instead of chocolate products

To satisfy your sweet cravings, there's no better way than reaching for fresh fruit. Most fruits are rich in vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, fiber and health-promoting plant nutrients. They can be consumed as part of a healthy eating plan without feeling guilty. The darker the color pigment of the respective fruit, the more nutrients it contains. The fructose it contains is enough to satisfy your cravings for chocolate and sweets. How about strawberries and coconut cream for dessert, for example? The combination of cherries, raspberries, blueberries and pomegranate seeds with some cocoa nibs on top also promises a delicious and healthy treat.

Dried fruit as a healthy alternative to sweets

MostDried fruitsare also a good way to satisfy your craving for chocolate. They provide the body with important nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that they have a fairly high calorie content. But if you regularly treat yourself to a reasonable portion size, nothing stands in the way of this sweet reward. It is important that you choose dried fruit without any added oil or sugar. Raisins, dates, apricots, plums, pineapples etc. are a healthy alternative to sweets.

Dates in particular contain many nutrients and are considered a real energy bomb. You can use these as a sweetener for low-calorie chocolate or for low-calorie cakes. Depending on the type of fruit, a small handful contains 40-80 calories.

Cocoa as a sweet substitute

If you care about your good figure and want to avoid calorie bombs, you can satisfy your chocolate cravings with cocoa. The beans of the cacao plant can be consumed in powder, butter or nib form. In contrast to the highly sugary chocolates available on the market, cocoa has a bitter taste because it does not contain sugar or palm syrups. One can benefit from many health benefits of cocoa.

Rich in antioxidants, cocoa protects our cells, lowers blood pressure, prevents fluctuations in blood sugar levels, accelerates sugar metabolism and ensures better digestion thanks to the higher fiber content. However, pay attention to the information on the packaging labels, as some cocoa products contain additional sugar.

Healthy Sweets – Dark Chocolate

Passionate chocolate lovers are welcome to indulge their cravings, provided they choose the right type of chocolate. Dark chocolate is a healthier alternative to milk chocolate, which has a lot of added sugar. The chocolate that has not undergone extensive processing is oneSource of flavanolsand antioxidants that prevent disease and ensure a healthy heart.

Enjoy the sweet temptation in moderation and choosedark chocolate chipswith a cocoa content of at least 70 percent. The higher the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate, the less sugar the chocolate bar contains.

Carob as a substitute for chocolate


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The medicinal plant carob, which comes from the Mediterranean region and is still relatively unknown to us, turns out to be a true miracle fruit. Also known as carob, the legume is very popular due to its high nutrient density. The fruits of the carob tree contain vitamin A, B group vitamins, fructose, starch, protein, fat, minerals, trace elements and fiber. Their pulp is roasted and ground into a fine powder that is very similar to cocoa powder. Carob is also available as liquids and carob chips.

It is low in fat and, unlike cocoa or chocolate, does not contain caffeine or theobromine. Carob is therefore a good alternative for anyone who is sensitive to caffeine or suffers from migraines. Carob is also less bitter than cocoa, so it doesn't need to be additionally sweetened. Feel free to add carob chips to fruit or yogurt or use carob powder as a substitute for chocolate chips in baking.

Black sapote as a low-calorie and healthy alternative

A healthy fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding? This may surprise you, but the superfruit black sapote offers a healthy, low-calorie substitute for chocolate. This fruit comes from South and Central America and is actually particularly popular with nutrition-conscious chocolate fans because of its chocolate pudding taste. At first glance, the fruit is reminiscent of a persimmon or a pomegranate and is juicy green on the outside. The flesh is black-brown and buttery-soft when the fruit is ripe.

The black sapote, also known as the Mexican apple, is a real vitamin C bomb and is particularly rich in calcium and phosphorus. You are welcome to consume the pulp of the black sapote as a healthy Nutella substitute or spread, or use a hand blender to make a mousse. The superfruit can also be mixed with other fruits, yogurt and milk to create delicious, low-calorie desserts. You can also prepare delicious smoothies with the “chocolate fruit”.

If you are overwhelmed by a chocolate craving, you can choose one of these alternatives without guilt and prepare desserts according to your own taste. If you love chocolate mousse, you can quickly prepare a delicious dessert rich in important fatty acids and minerals from avocado and cocoa. Perhaps raw vegetables, cocoa-date pralines come ashealthy dessertor as a snack for you in between?

Due to their slightly sweet and nutty taste, tiger nuts can also be used as a chocolate substitute. Also known as tiger nuts, they are particularly good for digestion thanks to their fiber content. They also contain many minerals and unsaturated fats and are ideal for those with nut allergies. You can prepare a delicious dessert in seconds from mashed ripe bananas, a little cocoa and tiger nut flour.