Whether you've been practicing yoga for a while or are just starting to consider it, you may have come across the term "Acroyoga." But what is it about there? How does it differ from well-known yoga and can you also try it out as a beginner? We would like to briefly introduce this style to you today and then give you a few Acro Yoga exercises that are quite simple and that you can try out if you are curious.
Acrobatic yoga is a style of yoga. However, it was not developed hundreds of years ago in the Middle East, but in the USA by the professionalists Jenny Sauer-Klein and Jason Nemer. In addition to the usual breathing techniques, the typical Acro Yoga exercises combine other elements, including dance, acrobatics and even massage elements. An important point is also that thisYoga exercises for twocarried out, which makes the whole thing even more attractive and, above all, more social. Strictly speaking, there is a third person involved (although not necessarily). This person's job is to provide assistance and look at the poses from the side in order to make any corrections.
Acrobatics exercises for two
For Acro Yoga exercises you need at least one partner. One of you is the so-called base and supports the other person, the flyer, in his poses. Experienced people don't necessarily need the spotter (observer), butjust beginnersyou'd better let them guide you in this new experience. Base and flyer usually take turns when they are the same gender. In the case of a man-woman combination, however, it is usually the case that the man, who is stronger and heavier, takes on the role of the base.
Is the style more calm or dynamic?
Both. There are both therapeutic and acrobatic versions. In the former, the Acro Yoga exercises are carried out slowly and calmly, the focus is on stretching the body - but in the air (e.g. Lunar Acro Yoga). The second variant is herealready more dynamicand includes elements to improve balance, coordination and body tension (e.g. Solar Acro Yoga). In both cases, however, the partner yoga exercises require trust in the partner - an important prerequisite.
Are the Acro Yoga exercises suitable for beginners?
Yes, because there is a wide variety of poses and movements, including both easy and more challenging variations. However, it is important that you are otherwise physically healthy. Nevertheless, it is advisable for beginners to first try out the techniques in a course and seek advice in order to familiarize themselves with the basics and minimize the risk of injury. A trainer can then better assess what level you are at and the right techniquesChoose yoga exercises for you.
The many advantages
Everyone now knows that correctly performed yoga exercises are generally very good for your health. This style of yoga is no exception. Apart from the fact that the breathing techniques strengthen the lungs and supply your body with a good portion of oxygen, they also do a lot of good for your body feeling. You improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles and therefore your strength.
Acro yoga exercises for two for beginners
Front Plank
You may even know this pose and have done it many times without realizing that it is a yoga exercise. Parents often play with their children this way. The base lies on its back on the floor and stretches its arms and legs in the air. The flyer then lies on his stomach on his feet stretched out (position them parallel to the hip bones), both hands holding each other, the flyer's body stretched and tense. You can now vary the pose by having the base move its arms back over its head or move it to the side, taking the flyer's arms with it.
Front Bird
A good sense of balance again requires the “Bird” pose, which you can transition into when you are in front plank. To do this, release your hands. First stretch it to the side to maintain balance, then slowly bring it towards your body as if you were flying.
Plank on Plank
The base takes the classic high plank position, as does the flyer, but in the opposite direction and on the base - the feet are on the shoulders, the hands hold the ankles.
Throne for Acro Yoga with partner
Thrones are available in different versions, but the basic version works as follows: The base lies on its back, the flyer stands with his back towards the base's legs at ear level. Now the latter bends the legs, with the soles of the feet moving towards the flyer's buttocks so that he can sit on them. The base then grabs the flyer's ankles and lifts the legs, always supporting and holding the flyer, into a sitting position in which the base's legs are extended.
Can you do Acro Yoga alone?
Nope. This style of yoga is a discipline for which you definitely need a partner. However, if this person doesn't happen to be your life partner, with whom you conveniently live together, you can of course still train independently between the individual lessons. Various balance and strength exercises as wellYoga asanas are idealto prepare for the next lesson.