The scent of fabric softener is pleasant and one of the most soothing scents in the world. Contrary to popular belief, fabric softener is not limited to the laundry room. Which fabric softener tricks are still popular?
You probably already know that liquid fabric softener works wonders in the laundry room to eliminate static, but you may not be aware of its other uses. There are a plethora of creative uses for liquid fabric softener. Below, discover fantastic tricks for what you can do with fabric softener at home!
Get rid of old wallpaper quickly and easily
You can use fabric softener for many tasks, including removing old wallpaper. Mix 1 capful of fabric softener with 1 liter of water and then apply the solution to the wallpaper. You need a sponge for application. After 20 minutes, scrape the wallpaper off the wall. Before applying the fabric softener solution to waterproof wallpaper, score it with a wire brush.
Tricks with fabric softener – getting pans and pots clean
Burnt pans and pots can hardly be cleaned without having to resort to special chemical products. But you can try a simple remedy: Soak the pan overnight in warm water with a tablespoon of fabric softener. Then when you wake up, rinsing is a breeze.
Care for wooden furniture properly
Because fabric softener does not contain harsh chemicals, it gently removes dirt from wooden surfaces without damaging them. It also fills the air with a pleasant scent.
Remove stubborn water stains in the bathroom
Removing unpleasant hard water stains is another new use for fabric softener. Apply a small amount of liquid fabric softener to the stains and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then remove the agent and the stain with a damp cloth and then rinse the surface thoroughly.
Easily remove stickers from glass
The adhesive that holds the sticker to the surface is designed to last indefinitely, so it is quite difficult to remove this sticky residue. You can remove outdated stickers from car windows and other glass surfaces by diluting fabric softener with water in a 50/50 ratio.
Refresh curtains, upholstered furniture, etc
Make your own air fresheners if you love them but hate spending a fortune on them. You can freshen up your bedding, curtains and upholstered furniture at any time: Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda with water and a little fabric softener in a spray bottle.
Eliminate unpleasant smells
A favorite among these innovative uses for fabric softener is disposalunpleasant smells. If a mattress, car seat, or couch has unpleasant odors, you can use liquid fabric softener to eliminate them. Simply mix some fabric softener with water.
To eliminate unpleasant odors caused by trash, place a cloth moistened with fabric softener in the trash can under the bag. This prevents the terrible smell from coming out of the trash can!
Tricks with fabric softener – DIY glass cleaner
You can use fabric softener as a DIY window cleaner: Applying a small amount of liquid fabric softener to the window and rubbing it can help remove the dirt.
Soften the carpet
Considering that carpets and clothing share many of the same fiber types, it makes sense to use fabric softeners to make synthetic carpet fibers more comfortable. Before removing the solution with a steam cleaner, mix hot water and fabric softener. Spray the solution onto the carpet and let it sit for a few minutes. If you have small children or pets, you need to wash the carpet very well.
Making an all-natural insect repellent
Another thing you can do to keep mosquitoes away is fabric softener. It leaves a pleasant, clean scent and, unlike store-bought insect repellents, it doesn't cause a cough. Mix it with water and baking soda and make your own natural insect repellent.
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Remove annoying deodorant stains
Pour some fabric softener over the deodorant stains and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rinse it off.
Toilet can smell good
Fabric softener can eliminate unpleasant odors with every flush without damaging the toilet system. Add 100 ml of fabric softener or detergent to the cistern and the room will smell good every time you flush it.
Wipe off dust
If you hate dusting, a coat of fabric softener can make the job much easier. Put a few drops of the product on a soft cloth and simply wipethe dusty surfaceaway. The moistened cloth can attract dust and other loose objects and thus absorb the dust very well!
Clean brushes properly
Sometimes the brushes just won't budge, no matter how often you wash them. Luckily, there is a simple solution. Mix a teaspoon of fabric softener with water in a container. Rinse your brushes and dip them into the mixture.
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