Make decorative mushrooms for the garden yourself: Creative DIY ideas from different materials

When it comes to garden decoration, there are no limits to your imagination. If you like colorful garden figures such as gnomes and animals in the flowerbeds, you will simply love these ideas for homemade decorative mushrooms for the garden! One like thatplayful garden decorationYou can make your own from various materials and add atmospheric color accents to the garden, even when the floral splendor is over. Discover the most beautiful DIY ideas with us!

The upcycling trend is currently on the rise. You use old and seemingly useless objects create something new and beautiful. We will now show you a few upcycling ideas that you can use to make beautiful decorative mushrooms. Be inspired and transform the garden into an enchanted forest like from a fairy tale.

Large decorative mushrooms from baking tins

If you have some old round baking pans available at your home, you can use them forinteresting DIY projectsuse. For making large decorative mushrooms for the garden, for example, the Bundt cake mold is ideal as a mushroom cap and you can use a PVC pipe as a handle. Instructions and other ideas can be found below.

For this project you will need the following materials:

  • Bundt cake tins
  • PVC pipes (approx. 6-7 cm diameter)
  • Red spray paint
  • Cream spray paint (optional)
  • White acrylic paint and brush

The first step to crafting these mushrooms from old materials is preparing the mushroom parts. If you would like to make fly agarics, first spray the baking tins with red varnish and let them dry thoroughly. In the meantime, you can spray paint the pipes cream (or just leave them white).

As soon as the red lacquer has completely dried, paint white circles on the Bundt cake pan with a thin brush and let it dry again.

Now all that remains is to assemble the mushrooms. The middle part must fit directly into the pipe. In this case, you do not need glue or other means to attach the mushroom caps. To place the mushrooms in the garden, dig a small hole in the ground, insert the pipe and cover with some soil. Complete!

Cool upcycling: mushrooms made from tin bowls and wood

It doesn't necessarily have to be bundt cake tins and PVC pipes. You can use any round tin bowl or bowl and paint it to match. There are also alternatives for the mushroom stem. This garden decoration looks very beautiful and natural when you use driftwood. Add some silicone glue to the painted bowls and glue the wooden piece in the middle. Let the glue dry and the beautiful decorative mushrooms are ready.

Tip: To make fly agaric heads with perfectly round dots, you can first paint the bowls white, stick circles of paper or painter's tape on them and only then spray them with red paint. If you then subtract the circles, you will see the round white dots underneath.

Make mushrooms as garden decorations from clay pots

Clay pots in different sizes are another option for making original garden decorations. Next toplayful clay pot figuresYou can also use it to make beautiful decorative mushrooms for the garden. For a mushroom you will need a clay pot and the saucer of a larger pot. Otherwise the mushroom caps will look much too small.

How to make a mushroom from a clay pot and a large saucer:

First paint the clay pot white and let it dry. Then paint the coaster red (or another color of your choice) and let it dry. Using a drinking glass, draw circles on the bottom of the coaster with a pencil and then color in with a brush and white paint. Once the paint has dried, spray both elements with clear varnish to make the paint waterproof. All that remains is to place the clay pot with the saucer on it upside down anywhere in the garden. If you are worried about children or an animal knocking over the saucer, simply stick it to the bottom of the pot.

Mushroom hat made from a pot lid

To make the mushroom hat for the decorative mushrooms, you can use almost anything that has a domed shape. For example, the old pot lid is perfect for garden decorations made from old objects. The procedure is the same as for the other two projects: varnish the lid, paint it and place it on a suitable handle. In this example, a decorative column was used.

Make your own garden decoration mushrooms out of glass

Crystal and glass dishes are also used to create fairy-tale decorative mushrooms for the garden. These look a lot more elegant than fly agaric mushrooms and reflect the sunlight, creating beautiful plays of light in the garden. However, you must ensure that the mushrooms are not in direct sunlight in midsummer as there is a risk of fire. Position these decorative mushrooms only in the shade or use them to beautify the garden in autumn and winter.

To make these beautiful mushrooms, you will need glassware that recreates a mushroom cap upside down, such as a bowl or bowls, and thin and tall glass for the mushroom stem, such as a glass vase. Rinse them first and let them dry well. Then, if necessary, place the vase upside down (depending on the model, this step may not be necessary) and position the glass bowl upside down on top. To make the decorative mushrooms more stable, you can glue the bowl to the vases with silicone glue.

Would you like to embellish the simple glass mushrooms? Then you can, for example, fill the vase (mushroom stem) with colorful glass marbles. This can help weigh down the mushrooms, making them more stable as well. For light accents in the evening, you can fill the vases with solar lights instead.

To ensure that this project is truly upcycling, you should only use dishes that are not otherwise used. These can be, for example, bowls and bowls with cracks or old glass dishes that would otherwise just collect dust in the cellar.

Upcycling idea for old dishes: Make your own decorative mushrooms for the garden

Would you like to reuse your old dishes? Then be sure to take a lookour article with craft ideas with old porcelain dishesto. Another great option for upcycling would be from itDecoration mushroomsfor the garden to make yourself. For example, you can use soup plates or bowls for the mushroom caps, and vases, preserving jars or even drinking glasses are ideal as mushroom stems. You decide for yourself whether you paint the dishes or leave them in their original colors.

Mini mushrooms made from plastic eggs

Decorative mushrooms for the garden don't necessarily have to be large. These cute mini mushrooms provide an atmospheric splash of color in the lawn or flowerbed and are super easy to make. For example, you can use the leftover plastic eggs from the children's Easter egg hunt. And if they feel like it, the little ones can of course take part in this DIY project.

You can also improvise for the mushroom stems here. Craft sticks, popsicle sticks or small twigs are perfect. To make the decorative mushrooms, you should first divide the plastic eggs and glue a popsicle stick into each half. Let it dry briefly and the mushroom is ready to put in the garden or in a flower pot.

Make your own mushrooms for garden decorations out of concrete

If you want to make the mushrooms completely yourself, then that's itConcrete the right materialfor that. You can make both a mushroom cap and a mushroom stem yourself from concrete - all you need is suitable molds.

To create the shape, fill a planter with soil and play with it until you have the mushroom hat shape you want. Then line the form with plastic wrap and pour the concrete mix into it.

For the shape of the stem, you can use, for example, a plastic bottle by cutting off the neck and bottom of the bottle. Position the resulting pipe in the middle of the concrete that has already been poured and fill it with it. Then let the material dry for at least 24 hours (even better, a few days). Then take the decorative mushroom out of the mold and paint it in any colors you like (apply several layers of paint if necessary). Finally, apply a layer of clear varnish and decorate the garden with the homemade concrete mushroom.

Decorate decorative mushrooms with mosaic

You can make the sweet decorative mushrooms that decorate your garden even more beautiful with mosaics. Concrete or clay pot mushrooms are best suited for this project. Decorate these with selected mosaic stones, glass stones or tile shards to create an interesting pattern. You can find lots of tips and other cool projects for garden decorations with mosaicsin this post.

To make a mosaic on the finished concrete mushrooms, simply glue the selected stones with silicone glue or concrete, let the glue dry well and then grout the resulting pattern.

You can also embellish glass mushrooms with mosaics. No grouting is necessary - you simply stick the mosaic onto the glass vessel. However, in this case, for a uniform look, you should rather use glass mosaic.

We hope you enjoy crafting!