Get clear skin: tips to incorporate into your daily routine to achieve great results

Getting clear skin is a difficult task for many people. However, there are many tips for different skin types as well as general tips that are extremely effective and worth trying.

With these tips you could get clear skin

People who struggle with acne or blemishes typically have dry or oily skin, or a combination of both. These tips will help you develop long-term habits to maintain healthy skin.

What to avoid for glowing skin

Popping pimples:A pimple is a sign that oil, sebum and bacteria have accumulated. It is also a sign that the body's natural healing mechanism is working. Popping the pimple interrupts this healing process. In addition, the released fluids expose the surrounding epidermis to similar bacteria, whichRisk of further pimples formingincreased. The exposed pimple can also lead to permanent scarring. Avoid popping pimples whenever possible. If they drain, keep the area clean.

Touching the face:When you touch your face with your hands, dirt, oils and bacteria can build up on the epidermis and lead to infections.

Hot water:Showering, bathing, or washing your hands and face with very hot water can dry or damage the top layer of skin. If you feel dry skin after bathing, you can try using lukewarm water instead.

What to use for skin care

Always wear sunscreen:The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays damage the skin. Wearing sunscreen when outdoors can protect you from these harmful rays.

Rely on gentle products:People who need special skin care respond better to gentle products that don't irritate them as much. Like for example:

  • Alcohol-based products
  • Facial toner
  • Peels
  • Astringents

There are also gentle, hypoallergenic versions of these products. Still, it's important to test a small area of ​​skin for reactions before using a product on a larger area.

Use gentle care products:Exfoliation is important to wash away dead skin cells. However, some methods such as scrubbing with an overly abrasive sponge or loofah can damage the skin. There are gentle alternatives, such as soft cleaning brushes. You can also massage the care product in with clean fingers to avoid further irritation.

Wearing Natural Makeup Products:Sometimes makeup products can worsen skin condition. Switching to natural makeup products or those that allow pores to breathe can help you achieve clear skin. It's also important to take off your makeup every night and clean your makeup brushes regularly.

Get clear skin – what daily routine you should implement

Wash twice a day and again after sweating:Dermatologists recommend washing twice a day and then again after sweating. If sweat remains on the facial skin and dries, acne may worsen. Therefore, it is best to wash as soon as possible after sweating.

Moisturize the skin:All skin types can benefit from moisturizing after daily facial cleansing. Moisturizing your face helps control sebum production and prevents damage from external aggressions. Which moisturizer is most effective?depends on the respective skin type. If you are unsure which moisturizer is right for you, you should consult a dermatologist.

Stay Hydrated:All cells in the body need water. Skin cells are closest to the environment and are therefore more at risk of losing their moisture to the elements. Drinking water throughout the day can help keep skin cells healthy.

Lifestyle changes to combat skin tags

Although largely anecdotal, some lifestyle changes can help keep skin in balance.

  • Getting enough sleep every night
  • Avoid smoking
  • Reducing or eliminating excessive sugar
  • Avoid fried foods

Healthy diet for skin cleansing

A healthy, nutrient-rich diet is important for the entire body and can also benefit the main condition. A diet rich in a variety of plant foods and lean sources of protein can help provide the nutrients skin needs to stay healthy. People who want to keep their skin clear should also pay attention to certain thingsAvoid problematic foods, such as E.g. cow's milk. One study found a positive connection between milk and acne. Some believe that this connection is due to the growth substances and hormones contained in milk.

However, each person may have different triggers that make their symptoms worse. Find out more about which ones hereFoods that promote skin healthcan.

Reduce stress against acne

It is also important to minimize stress as much as possible. The authors of a 2017 article noted that acne vulgaris is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases. They also point out the connection between stress and acne, explaining that stress can increase inflammatory compounds in the body. Strong feelings of anger or emotional stress can lead to an acne breakout or worsen symptoms.

For this reason, it is important to find ways toto reduce stressand control acne. Stress management techniques include:

  • Regular exercise
  • Massages or acupuncture
  • Calming practices, such as meditation or breathing exercises
  • Movement activities, including yoga and tai chi
  • Stress-reducing activities: These vary from person to person. Some people like to walk in the forest, while others prefer to write in a diary.

How to get clear skin without pimples

Use topical medications:Topical medications can help people of all skin types fight acne. Several different medications are available, including:

  • Benzoyl peroxide, with or without other ingredients such as antibiotics
  • Salicylic acid
  • topical retinoids, such as tretinoin
  • Dapsone, which is a combination anti-inflammatory and antibiotic
  • Azelaic acid to unclog pores

Consider medical products for acne:While gentle, natural products can support skin care and help with minor breakouts, people with stubborn or severe acne should see a dermatologist to discuss medication options. The options for drug treatment depend on the skin type and the severity of the acne.