Processed Foods – The Cause of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

In a new study, scientists link processed foods to inflammatory bowel disease. This includes packaged baked goods and snacks,carbonated drinks, sugary cereals, ready meals with additives and reconstituted meat and fish products. This type of food usually contains a lot of added sugar, fat and salt, but no vitamins or fiber.

Intestinal health affected by processed foods

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs more frequently in developed countries. Experts believe that nutritional factors could also play a role. However, data linking consumption of such foods to IBD are limited. To investigate this further, an international team of researchers relied on detailed nutritional information from 116,087 adults aged 35 to 70. Participants lived in 21 low-, middle-, and high-income countries. The study examined the impact of social influences on chronic diseases in different countries around the world. Over an average follow-up of 9.7 years, researchers recorded new diagnoses of IBD, including Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Different food subgroups, including soft drinks, refined sweetened foods, salty snacks and processed meats, were each associated with a higher risk of IBD. In contrast, intake of white meat, red meat, dairy products, starches and fruits, vegetables and legumes was risk-free.

The study results support the hypothesis that processed foods may be a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease. Since unprocessed products showed no effects, this study suggests that this risk may not be caused by the food itself. According to the study authors, it is more the way in which these foods are processed that lead to this. For example, compared to eating less than one serving of processed products per day, they found an 82% increased risk of IBD in those who consumed five or more servings per day. With 1-4 servings daily, the risk increased by 67%. They conclude that further research is needed to identify specific potential contributing factors. In addition, there may be other possible causes for the observed associationsthis studyto be responsible.