Make animals out of pine cones – make your own autumn and winter figures

Hardly any child is not enthusiastic about animals. That's why they're the perfect topic for a variety of crafts. And since autumn is approaching, it's no wonder that the...Natural materials are current. After all, this time of year offers plenty of practical and pretty fruits that can be used to make beautiful decorations. Fittingly, we would like to show you how to make animals out of pine cones and a few additional materials.

Make autumn animals out of pine cones – cute bears with felt

It's not uncommon to associate autumn with the forest (after all, mushroom picking is popular now) and so toowith cute forest animals. One of these animals is of course the bear. Honestly, didn't you just fall in love with these cute pine cone bears? This is how easy it is to make them:

  • Pine cones
  • Felt in brown, beige and black or gray instead of brown
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue and gun

Before making the animals from pine cones, prepare the necessary elements by cutting them out of the felt. To ensure that all the same elements are really the same, for example, draw an arm on paper, cut it out and use the resulting template to transfer the necessary number of arms to the felt. Prepare the other elements in the same way. Glue the brown bear muzzle and ears onto the beige head, then add the black eyes and nose. Then all you have to do is attach the head, front and back legs to the pine cone and the first bear is ready.

Also learn how to make cuteBe able to make owls out of cones

If you make animals out of pine cones, don't forget the birds too. While some migrate south, other wild birds remain our loyal companions in the garden. By the way, you can do the latter with onehomemade birdhouseor a feeding station for the cold winter days. But first, get yourself in the right mood with the following birds.

  • Pine cones
  • Table tennis balls
  • red craft paper
  • yellow craft paper (you only need very little and can use leftovers)
  • Hot glue and gun
  • red acrylic paint
  • red pipe cleaners
  • red glitter
  • black felt-tip pen

This is how you can make animals out of pine cones: Fold the red paper in half and draw half a heart on the fold. Cut it out. If you now open it up, you will get a heart that is supposed to represent one of the two wings. Use this heart as a template for a second one. You can also use the classic wing shape. Then spread a little glue on the pine cone and sprinkle glitter over it. Allow the glue to dry and then tap off any excess glitter.

Now make the bird's head by first painting the ball with acrylic paint and letting the paint dry. Then glue it to the flat side of the pine cone and draw the eyes with the felt-tip pen. Make the beak by folding the yellow paper and drawing a triangle on the fold (like the heart). Glue the beak to the ball and the wings to the side of the peg. From theMake pipe cleanersNow add the feet, fix them too and the bird is ready.

Hedgehogs as pine cones animals with craft clay

Those toocute hedgehogOf course, they shouldn't be missing from our list of pine cone animals. The cones practically have a look that is very reminiscent of the hedgehog's needlework, so they are ideal as a basis when you make animals out of pine cones. All you have to do is make the face and the legs and you can easily do it like this:

  • Pine cones
  • Craft clay in beige/skin color and brown
  • round cookie cutter or small shot glass
  • baking paper
  • Rolling pin or wooden stick for rolling out
  • Edding or googly eyes
  • Glue

First form a ball out of the light craft clay and then roll it out on baking paper. Cut out a round shape and shape it into a kind of cone, with the tip becoming the hedgehog's nose. You can make the ears and feet by forming small balls from the remaining clay and pressing them flat. To add a bit of texture to the ears, you can design the inside of the ears with the rounded end of a pencil by pressing it into the clay. Form a tiny ball for the nose from the brown clay and attach it to the tip of the cone. Attach everything to the pine cone and bake the figure according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Keep in mind that the pine cone will expand as it bakes and the clay may fall off. In this case, simply stick it back in place later with glue. Finally, paint on the eyes with a sharpie or glue on googly eyes.

Colorful hedgehogs with felt

With this super simple craft idea that every child will love and with which you can make animals out of pine cones, you will bring a particularly good mood to the dreary autumn days, because the hedgehogs are not only very cute, but...colorful too. We'll explain to you how easy it is to make these animals out of pine cones:

  • Cones
  • Acrylic paints and brushes
  • felt
  • Hot glue and gun
  • small black felt pompoms
  • small beads for the eyes (or Sharpie for painting)

Paint the pine cones in any color you like and set them aside to dry on a suitable surface. To make the hedgehog face, all you basically need is a circle of felt fabric. This can be normally round or, as can be seen in the example, have a wavy or jagged edge, a heart shape and other shapes.

Cut out the circle and then cut anywhere up to the center. Place the two ends on top of each other (so that they overlap) and glue them together. This will give you a cone that you will glue to the tenon. Now cut out round ears and glue them between the scales of the cone behind the face. Glue a black pompom for the nose to the top of the cone and then glue that toosmall beadsfor the eyes. You can also draw the eyes with a sharpie or black acrylic paint.

Make your own squirrels

If you want to make animals out of pine cones, you can also create a cute squirrel with just a few materials. Simply glue a brown pom-pom above the tip of the cone. Using tweezers, you can then glue the small elements such as wiggly eyes and felt pom-poms for the nose to the brown pom-pom. Then cut the pipe cleaners for the arms and legs.

You can either make the tail out of chenille, which is a little fluffier than pipe cleaners, or you can take a piece of pipe cleaner and bend it in the middle so that the tail is thicker than the arms and legs. Glue all the elements to the tenon and you're donethe squirrel. As you can see, many animals can be made from pine cones and pipe cleaners.

Make a reindeer out of pine cones

Suitable for Christmasyou can make reindeer as 3D animals. We'll show you instructions for Rudolph with a red nose, which you can use as a pendant for the Christmas tree or as a window decoration. This is how you can make reindeer animals out of pine cones:

  • Pine cones
  • red pompoms
  • Googly eyes
  • brown and beige felt
  • Hot glue and gun
  • branches
  • red ribbon

If you want to make Rudolph animals out of pine cones, start by gluing the red pompom to the tip of the cone. Cut out two ear shapes from the brown felt and then two more but smaller ones from the beige one. Glue the small pieces onto the large pieces and press the bottom sides together as shown in the example. Fix with glue. This gives the ears a three-dimensional look. Then attach the ears to the peg in the same way.

Then fix the wiggly eyes between the ears and nose. Their glue probably won't be enough, so you can help with additional hot glue. Then add the antlers next to the ears by attaching the branches. Tie the ends of the ribbon together to create a loop and glue it between the scales of the cones.

Make a moose out of pine cones

Instead of reindeer you can also use moose as animalscraft in winter. The mouth can be wonderfully formed from craft clay, while the easiest way to get the shape of the typical antlers is from felt. The nose can be made of a black felt pom-pom, while wobbly eyes are ideal for the eyes. The legs are made from twigs or pipe cleaners, as desired.


Penguins are also a really great idea for the winter. Find out below how you can easily make penguins out of pine cones. You can then decorate the figures additionally with any accessories. Scarves, hats, earmuffs, skis and the like make the penguins look even funnier. You are welcome toolong conesuse.

  • Cones
  • black and white acrylic paint
  • yellow and black felt
  • small wooden or Styrofoam ball
  • black felt-tip pen
  • optional: cord or ribbon

Here's how you can make these cute animals out of pine cones: If you want, you can first paint the cones black. But the penguins also look very pretty in brown. Then paint the tips of the scales white and let the paint dry. Then paint the ball white and while this paint dries, you can use the felt to make the other elements. For example, the fins are shaped like drops or leaves (i.e. oval and tapering on one side), with the black arm fins being longer than the feet. The beak consists of a simple triangle.

With a felt-tip pen or blackPainting with acrylic paintNow open the black part of the head and the eyes. While the colors are drying, glue the felt elements onto the cone. Glue the beak to the head and the head in turn to the tip of the cone. Tie a loop out of the string and glue it to the back of the penguin.

Owls made of cones

Would you like to see animals?Crafting from natural materials? This owl is a great example of how you can use almost exclusively things from nature for this purpose. You can find them all in parks and forests in the fall, so you can enjoy the craft afternoonCombine with a walkcan. You just need to get the googly eyes from a craft store and you probably already have the paper for the beak and feet at home. Here's how you can make animals out of pine cones:

  • Cones
  • Acorn hat
  • leaves
  • Googly eyes
  • orange paper (alternatively you can use foam rubber or felt)
  • Hot glue
  • optional orange pipe cleaners for the feet
  • Hot glue

Glue the googly eyes into the acorn caps and the caps in turn underneath the tip of the cone. To the sidesglue the leavesfor the wings. Fold a small piece of orange paper and cut out a triangle at the fold. Glue the triangle between and below the eyes onto the cone. Then cut out the owl's feet from the paper and attach them to the flat side of the cone. You can also make the feet out of orange pipe cleaners.

Quick DIY bunny

If you want to make animals with children that can be made very quickly, then these bunnies are a good choice. Prepare a paper stencil for the ears. With their help you can then make as many and, above all, the same ears out of felt or paper as you like. Then glue the ears to the scales of the cone and small pompoms for the tails to the tip. Complete! Of course you can also design the bunnies with whiskers, eyes and paws.

Bat suitable for Halloween

Would you likesuitable for HalloweenMaking animals in kindergarten or at home? Bats are then a good topic and they are also very quick and easy to do with cones. This is how you can make these animals out of pine cones:

  • Cones
  • black and white felt or paper
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue
  • Googly eyes
  • optional twine for hanging

Print and cut out the template and use it to transfer the outlines of the wings onto felt or paper. Cut out the wings and glue them to the side of the tenon. The flat side of the tenon will be the face. Glue the googly eyes in place, cut out two small triangles from white felt or paper and attach them below the eyes. Now you just need two black ears, which you fix in the same way and that's itthe batcomplete. You can now tie a loop out of yarn and glue it to the back of the bat so that you can hang the figure.