What to plant in September? Vegetables, flowers and the like that can now be put in the ground

It's officially September and fall is just around the corner. Nevertheless, we can still enjoy late summer, be it with its constant mood swings. If you can't wait for the autumn planting and want to add something new to the garden now, you can plant some plants in September.

September is considered onebusy month in the garden. There is a lot to do and there is also the unsettled weather, which sometimes postpones tasks until the next day. Are you currently listing gardening chores for the new month and wondering what to plant in September? Whether you're looking to expand your flower garden or grow fresh vegetables, we're sharing what's ready to put in the ground right now.

What can you plant in the kitchen garden in September?

If you think that the planting season for vegetables etc. is already over in September, you are wrong. There are fast-growing vegetables that can still be planted in late summer and even harvested before winter. Now is also a good time to plant fruit trees and bushes. Now let's take a look at what you can plant or sow in your kitchen garden this month.

Plant vegetables in late summer

There are many vegetables that can be planted outdoors almost all year round. These include, for example, some lettuce plants. You can also grow other species both outdoors and in raised beds or greenhouses so that you have fresh vegetables on the table even in winter.

We start the list with the crops that can be sown in September. The following varieties are suitable for both outdoors and raised beds or cold frames:

  • Lamb's lettuce
  • Subject areas
  • Radicchio
  • Römersalat
  • Spinach
  • Chard (cold frame)
  • Carrots (cold frame)
  • radish
  • Rocket
  • Garden cress (cold frame)
  • Japanese mustard cabbage
  • White cabbage
  • savoy
  • winter pea

Please note that many lettuce plants are sensitive to ground frost. It is better to sow these in raised beds to get a good harvest.

There are also some vegetables that you can...Plant now and harvest next yearcan. These are, for example:

  • sugar roots
  • Rhabarber
  • Garlic
  • Winter onion sets
  • Jerusalem artichoke

Also read:Growing Jerusalem artichokes: a useful and ornamental plant in one

Winter vegetables can also be planted in late summer to be able to harvest healthy sources of vitamins in the same year. It's best to choose frost-resistant vegetables or those that grow quickly and are ready to harvest before the first frost. Some variants are:

  • Cauliflower
  • Pak Choi
  • Carrots

Trees, bushes, strawberries: Many types of fruit are planted in September

In September it is not only time to harvest the fruit trees, but also to plant them. You can plant the following species in their final place in the garden this month.

  • apple tree
  • Birnenbaum
  • Cherry tree
  • Mirabellenbaum
  • Pflaumenbaum
  • Zwetschgenbaum

Our favorite fruit bushes, which provide us with delicious berries from spring to autumn, can also be planted now. Choose from the following types:

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • currants
  • Gooseberries
  • Raspberries
  • cranberries
  • Vines
  • Sanddorn

September is also the right planting time for home-grown or purchased strawberry plants.

These herbs can be planted in September

Since autumn often arrives earlier than expected, you should only sow winter-hardy herb plants in September. These include, for example:

  • Mustard
  • Wild garlic
  • Winter-Portulak
  • Parsley (in a raised bed or greenhouse)

The ornamental garden: which flowers and ornamental plants to plant in September?

There are also many plants in the ornamental garden that are suitable for late summer/early autumn planting. In addition to the classic flower bulbs, there are also other ornamental plants for which now is a good time to plant.

Which perennials to plant in September?

In principle, almost all hardy perennials can be planted in autumn. And for most people, the sooner the better. This gives the plants enough time to develop before the first frost. The only exceptions are frost-sensitive perennials that should be planted in spring.

Here are some of the perennials you can plant in September:

  • Sun Bride
  • Coneflower
  • Rittersporn
  • Girl's eye
  • Bergenia
  • Margerite
  • Bleeding heart
  • Fetthenne
  • Phlox
  • Forsythie
  • Weigelie
  • Monkshood
  • Storchschnabel
  • Elfenblume
  • Akelei
  • measuring stone quarry

Now is a good time to plant these shrubs

Many shrubs benefit from autumn planting starting in September so that they grow stronger for the next season. Not only will they grow healthier, but their water needs will also be reduced. Winter-hardy species, bare-rooted trees and coniferous shrubs are best suited. Here are some types:

  • Besenginster
  • bridal spar
  • Grassy hawthorn
  • lilac
  • Kornelkirsche
  • Privets
  • juniper
  • Witch hazel
  • cypress

Some of the most popular flowers in the garden are planted in September

If you want to plant your garden with beautiful flowers that delight the eye with their blooms every year, you shouldn't miss out on the classics in the garden. Late summer/early fall is the ideal time to enjoy the popularWaldrebeto plant in the garden. The climbing plant is ideal for adding greenery to house walls, fences and pergolas. If you are at the beginning of SeptemberPeoniesplanting, the plants will have enough time to form sufficient roots before frost and to sprout vigorously in spring. Also for planting or transplantingHydrangeaslate summer is the right time. From the end of the month they will beRosenyour turn. It is better to plant bare-root roses because they are fresher and healthier. If planted at the right time in the fall, they will sprout quickly in the spring and bloom earlier.

Plant spring bulbs in September

From September onwards, the most popular spring bloomers are also put into the ground. For example, plant some of the following bulbs so that your beds are full of life and color in spring.

  • Daffodils
  • Tulips
  • Crocuses
  • Anemones/anemones
  • snowdrop
  • Hyacinths
  • Traubenhyazinthen
  • Imperial crowns

Plant green manure in September

To improve the soil quality of the vegetable garden for the next season, you can plant green manure in September and October. Green manure has many advantages - it prevents nutrients from being washed out, promotes soil activity and protects the soil from drying out and frost. Plants with deep roots also loosen the soil. Suitable green manure plants to plant in September include:

  • buckwheat
  • Legumes
  • Deep radish
  • Rauhafer
  • Line
  • Sommerwicke
  • Gelbsenf

Hardy plants as green fertilizer:

  • Winterspinat
  • Rotklee
  • Winterwicke
  • French ryegrass

You can find out more about green manure in autumnread here.

Pruning trees in September: Now is the right time for these plants