Why drink lemon water? These 8 fabulous effects and benefits lemons have for your health!

Even the smallest changes in your routine can have a big impact on your health. Start your day with lemon water! Make it your daily routine to drink a glass of lemon water in the morning and enjoy its health benefits. Read on to learn interesting information about the benefits of lemon water.

Lemons have medicinal and antibacterial properties. They also contain traces of iron and vitamin A. Lemon, a fruit known for its therapeutic properties, helps maintain the immune system, thus protecting against most types of infections. She also plays the role of a blood purifier. The lemon is a fabulous antiseptic, andthe juice from lemon water worksDue to its high potassium content, it also works wonders for heart problems. A glass (150 ml) of lemon water with the juice of 1 lemon provides approximately:

4Kcal / 16KJ
0.1 g protein
0.8 g of carbohydrates
65 mg Potassium
18 mg Vitamin C

Internal medicine specialist Roxanne B. Sukol, medical director of Cleveland Clinic Wellness Enterprise, shares eight reasons why you should adopt the simple habit of drinking lemon water every morning.

1. The acid helps with digestion

Acid helps break down food. That's why we have so much of it in our stomachs. The acid in lemons can be particularly helpful in balancing stomach acid levels, which tend to decrease with age.

2. Drink lemon water to stay hydrated

Most of us don't drink enough water. Water is an important nutrient without which we can only survive for a few days. In fact, it makes up 75% of an infant's body weight and 55% of an adult's body weight. If you find it difficult to drink water, you can through itAddition of lemonto make it tastier with hot or cold water. Drinking lemon water daily is an easy way to start your day on the right foot. How do you know if you're drinking enough? Her urine is almost clear.

3. Promote weight loss

We are creatures of habit. Think about the impact of replacing your morning orange juice or latte with lemon water. Not just once, but maybe 20 times a month – and multiply that by 10 years. Your waist will thank you.

4. Lemons prevent oxidation

Like all fruits and vegetables, lemons contain phytochemicals that protect your body from disease. These phytonutrients have powerfulantioxidant properties, which prevent cell damage caused by oxidation, the same mechanism that causes rust.

5. Delivering a Healthy Dose of Vitamin C

For centuries, lemons were valued as a treatment for scurvy, a now-rare disease that can result from a deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Add the juice of halflemon in your waterand you only add 6 calories to your diet. You'll also get more than one-sixth of your daily requirement of vitamin C, which is needed to protect against cell damage and repair injuries.

6. Support skin health

There is evidence that vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) and flavonoids, the protective compounds in citrus fruits, improve the condition of the skin. Vitamin C is known to help the body produce collagen, which contributes to the integrity of the skin.

7. Drink lemon water for a potassium boost

Without potassium, your body cannot function. It is necessary for communication between nerves and muscles, transport of nutrients and waste, and regulation of blood pressure. Lemons are important sources of potassium.

8. Prevention of kidney stones

Lemon water prevents painful stones in people with a deficiency of urinary citrate (a form of citric acid).The one contained in lemon juiceCitric acid can help prevent kidney stones caused by the buildup of calcium oxalate, and the extra fluid from water can help maintain hydration and flush out potential stones. Increasing fluid intake prevents dehydration, a common cause of kidney stones.

Is lemon water safe for everyone?

In general, lemon water is safe for most people, but there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to drink lemon water. Those who suffer from heartburn may find their symptoms worsen by drinking lemon water. However, the effect varies: Some people who suffer from heartburn experience relief after drinking lemon water.

How to prepare lemon water?

Lemon water is nothing more than the juice and/or slices of a lemon, including the peel, in water. Whether warm or cold water is up to you. If you wish, you can add other ingredients and flavors such as orange or mint. The lemons can be juiced (preferably in advance) and even stored in ice cube trays to freeze. Rolling a lemon between your hands or on a work surface before juicing will yield more juice.

Unwaxed lemons are an ideal choice if you want to use the lemon peel or add lemon slices to the water. If you only have waxed lemons available, scrubthe bowlcarefully before use. Simply squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water. How much? And when? That doesn't actually matter. However you do it, it's a big plus for your health.