5 ideas on how to make Easter bunnies out of sweets without baking – quick & delicious snacks

The Easter Bunny, as one of the most important representatives and motifs of Easter, pleases young and old alike. Therefore, it is not only great for making decorations, but also for small snacks and desserts. And believe it or not, you can make really cute bunny-shaped treats that are much more interesting than thatclassic cookiesare. We'll show you a few ideas and recipes so you can make the Easter bunny out of candy.

Make an Easter bunny out of candy – bunny bottom out of marshmallows and pretzels

  • 50 ring-shaped pretzels
  • 100 heart shaped sprinkles
  • 300 pink sugar pearls
  • 50 Mini-Marshmallows
  • 340 g couverture chips with peanut butter (candy melts or any chocolate)

Melt the chips in a water bath or according to the instructions on the packaging so that you have theedible Easter bunnycan make crafts out of sweets. In the meantime, line a baking tray with baking paper and place oval-shaped blobs of the liquid chocolate/peanut melts on it (e.g. with a very small spoon or a brush), which will become the bunny's feet. It's best to do one foot at a time, because while the chocolate is still liquid you have to attach a heart and three beads underneath. Leave the chocolate in the water bath during this time so that it doesn't solidify so quickly. In total you will need 100 rabbit feet, which you will then put in the fridge for a few minutes.

In the meantime, form small balls for the tails (50 pieces) from the marshmallows between your hands and spread the pretzels on the baking paper. Melt the chips again and fill the inside with themsweet and salty pretzelsto obtain. Immediately afterwards, place two feet and the tail on the still liquid chocolate, whereupon you create the next bunny. Place the finished bunnies in the freezer for a few minutes and serve.

Make an Easter bunny out of sweets with coconut biscuits

  • white chocolate chips (candy melts)
  • pink chocolate chips (or pink food coloring to color the white ones)
  • hemispherical coconut cookies
  • Buttercream (recipe follows)
  • Piping bag
  • normal perforated nozzle (or simple freezer bag)

For the buttercream:

  • 120 g Butter
  • 150g powdered sugar
  • 1/2 TL Vanilleextrakt
  • 1 tbsp milk

And you can do this so easilydelicious coconut Easter bunnyMake candy: Melt the chocolate chips separately and shape them into white bunny ears (approx. 5 to 7 cm long, depending on how big the cookies are). Once the white chocolate has set, decorate the inside of the ear with the pink chocolate. Then use a sharp knife to make two small slits in each of the cookies where the ears should be and insert the ears as soon as the chocolate is solid.

Use the buttercream to create the tails. To do this, beat the butter with a mixer until creamy and then gradually add the powdered sugar while stirring constantly. Then stir in the vanilla and milk and mix for another minute. Fill theCream into a piping bagor in a freezer bag with the corner cut off (not too much so that the hole doesn't get too big). Pipe small balls onto the cookies.

Marshmallow bunny

  • large and small marshmallows
  • pink chocolate coating
  • white couverture
  • Heart shaped sprinkles

If you want to quickly make an Easter bunny out of candy, this idea is a good idea. You need a little less than three large marshmallows per bunny, as well as five small ones and three sprinkles. First melt the white curd and put a little of it on a large marshmallow, on which you then place the second one. The couverture takes on the role of glue. Cut a wider slice from the third marshmallow, then cut it in half and attach it to the bunny's body with chocolate to create the ears.

Then add thesesmall marshmallowsFor the front and back legs and tail, as well as the eyes and nose, add the sprinkles and melt the pink chocolate coating. Use this to design the inside of the ears, nose, mouth, whiskers and a bow around the bunny's neck.

Rabbits in marble look

  • Any sweets (Smarties, M&M's, gummy animals, jelly beans, etc.)
  • 115 g each of blue, pink, white and yellow couverture/candy melts
  • 5 metal cookie cutters in the shape of a rabbit
  • Aluminum foil
  • toothpick
  • baking paper
  • sprinkles if desired

So that you can make the Easter bunny out of candy, it is best to first prepare the cookie cutters by covering the bottom with aluminum foil so that you get small baking molds, so to speak. Melt the candy melts and add a few dollops of the desired colors to the first cookie cutter. Then use a toothpick to distribute the chocolate evenly in the mold. In doing so, let the colors flow into one another, as is the case with marble.

If you are satisfied with the pattern, you can distribute the selected sweets in it. But don't overdo it, otherwise it willbeautiful marble patternsno longer so clearly visible. You can also add a few sprinkles if you like. Place the finished bunny in the fridge to allow the chocolate to set and you're done!

Quick and easy snack

  • Pretzels
  • white couverture (or any cream, such as the buttercream above)
  • pastellfarbene Smarties

The rabbit is heartyand sweet at the same time: melt the couverture. In the meantime, spread the pretzels on baking paper and then brush them with the melted chocolate.Or:Place a piece of chocolate coating on each pretzel and melt it in the microwave according to the package instructions. For the bunny head, place a Smartie with the flat side down on the chocolate, cut another in half and then stick the two halves with the cut side down above the head into the couverture for the ears. Repeat with the next pretzels.