The market overcrowded with care products can somehow make life difficult. What should you choose with this huge offer, what is effective and what is rather harmful? And that most cosmetics are stuffed with chemicals is no longer a secret. You shouldn't overdo it with skin care. No wonder that minimal and above allNatural facial care, which still promises a radiant and above all tight skin that is hype at all. An effortless care routine for the skin, which is also environmentally friendly - but how is that supposed to work? “Yoga” is the keyword, but not for the body, but for the face. Because why should something that do well with the body and mind in general, not work on the face? You will inspire our facial yoga exercises with which you can fight problems such as wrinkles, dark circles and even a double chin!
Facial yoga exercises - what is it?
Facial skin, the taut andblasting, but at the same time feels relaxed and fresh - this is not only the dream of not only many women, but also men. Face yoga exercises promise exactly that. Wrinkles caused by our facial expressions in everyday life, caused by stress caused by the jaw muscles and tired eyes are some of the things they can relieve or reduce with the help of yoga.
Face yoga effect
In principle, yoga for the face works just like HathaYoga on the body. A free energy flow is striving for by stretching the numerous facial muscles (whole 26!) The result is not just a nicer complexion. Health is also improved, you dismantle stress and thus achieve relaxation and well -being for body and mind. And by the way, we also tighten our skin and make them shine - like Botox, only in a natural, free and harmless way. The strengthening of the muscles prevents the natural, age -related muscle breakdown, which is, among other things, the reason for the saggy facial skin. And the facial yoga experiences show an improvement in the complexion after just a few applications and the more, the more regularly the facial yoga exercises do.
Face yoga against wrinkles
Wrinkles are probably the biggest enemy of every aging woman. While some of them, such as the laughing folds around the eyes, are often considered sympathetic, others are considered to be annoying. Facial yoga exercises canReduce folds.
Reduce mouth folds
We start with an exercise against mouth folds, which can also be effective for facial yoga against hanging corners of the mouth. The aim is to relax skin and muscles around the lips with vibrations. The vibrations also spread to other facial areas, so that with the following exercise you also train the cheeks.
- Breathe in deep into the stomach.
- Breathe out, make your cheeks to vibrate as strongly as possible. It helps if you also make noises. Your lips will be vibrating, but the starting vibrations should come from the cheeks.
Facial yoga chorn fold
The zone between the eyebrows is particularly susceptible to wrinkles because it gets moving for many facial features - whether astonishing, anger or concentrating when concerned. The following exercise relaxes and stimulates blood flow, which among other things also theCollagen production stimulates.
- Place index and ring fingers on the two beginnings of the eyebrows (above the nose root). Loosen your muscles and relax the whole face.
- Exercise slight pressure and at the same time pull the skin very tightly (apart).
- Hold 10 to 20 seconds.
- Then put a light pressure with the index finger between the eyebrows and massage it carefully.
- Hold 10 to 20 seconds.
Exercises against forehead lines
Fighting with face yoga forehead folds is not difficult and just feels good, especially if someone else takes over it for you. But of course you can also lend a hand yourself. Here are two possible facial yoga exercises:
- Place the fingertips of the two hands on the forehead from both sides.
- Spread out on the outside with slight pressure.
- Repeat several times.
Alternatively, you can also put your fist on your forehead, and the interpreting and middle finger are directed at the center of the forehead. Exercise slight pressure and, like in the above exercise, spread out with your fingers.
- Place both index fingers on the forehead from below.
- Wipe back and forth with them like wipers of a car.
Estimated for some, hated on the others -The so -called crow's feetare actually a characteristic of many beautiful moments, after all, they mostly came about by smiling and laughing. Nevertheless, many would like to get rid of them. We show you an exercise with which you can prevent this wrinkle and reduce existing ones.
- Place the index fingers on the outer corner of the eye when the eyes opened. You can also put the middle finger next to it or place it under the inner corner of the eye.
- Just pull the skin out a little bit.
- Now pinch your eyes together as if it were light. Due to the resistance that your finger exercises, the muscles are trained, which, regularly repeats, ensures a tighter complexion.
DieSkin around the eyesis very sensitive, as already mentioned. Do not practice too much pressure there and do not pull and pull over excessively so as not to damage you and the opposite of what you actually want.
Facial yoga exercises for the eyes
The skin is particularly fine around the eyes, which makes it more vulnerable to a wide variety of problems. This includesTear bags and dark circlesbut also wrinkles. Fight them with a few facial yoga exercises! Even loopholes can be reduced.
Tired eyes
- Look forward, put your fingertips on the forehead from top and carefully pull the skin up to avoid folding during the exercise.
- Then make an O-sound, stretch the chin down, open your eyes wide and look up (only your eyes, do not move your head up).
- Hold for 3 to 4 seconds, let go and relax for a few seconds.
- Repeat three times.
Face yoga dark circles
Aming circles arise, among other thingsStress and lack of sleepbut can also be a typical sign of aging. So you can use simply facial yoga exercises against you:
- Close your eyes, relax your face and open it again.
- Place your fingers over your eyebrows and lift your eyebrows as high as you can.
- Hold for a few seconds and relax.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
- Close the eyes and look up when closed.
- Then begin to circle your eyes clockwise.
- Repeat ten times.
Against tear bags
A suitable facial yogaAgainst tear bagsAmong other things, the exercise against tired eyes is above. You can expand these through the following facial yoga exercises to get an even more effective combination.
- Relax your face.
- With the fingertips of the index fingers, tap around the eyes very slightly. Start between the eyebrows and work up to the nose. That stimulates blood circulation.
- Repeat 10 to 15 times.
- Place the index finger on the outer and middle fingers on the inner corner of the eye and exert light pressure.
- Crepic the eyes in a crescent moon and look up.
- Hold the voltage for 10 to 15 secondsnotfrown.
Reduce loopholes
Face yoga exercises that raise the eyebrows are effective, among other things, to also lift loopholes. Look for facial yogafor loopholes, you can try the following:
- Keep your eyes open first.
- Put the two index fingers horizontally under the eyebrows. You can also place your fingers crossed under the eyes and thus shape a kind of circle.
- Now slowly close your eyes and remain in this pose for 10 to 15 seconds. The skin should be excited and start to tremble.
- Repeat two more times.
- Place your fingers on your forehead and spread them towards the temples. Keep your eyes open, but liftnotThe eyebrows.
- Repeat for 30 seconds.
Facial yoga for cheeks and lower chin
Especially for the cheeksYou can also carry out facial yoga exercises. Among other things, they are effectively against hanging cheeks. So if you are looking for facial yoga for hanging bakers, try the following.
- Remove the lower half of the face (or mouth) as far as possible in one direction.
- Hold this pose for 10 seconds.
- Repeat with the other side.
- Repeat these facial yoga exercises three times a day.
A notice:During the exercise, folds occur frequently and temporarily on the cheek, but they disappear again. If you are still worried, you can keep the cheek skin tight with your fingers.
Face yoga at Doppelkinn
The annoying double kinn annoys men and women alike. So time to do something about it and facial yoga exercises are exactly the right choice for this. Here is a possibility that you should only do if youno Have neck problems:
- Slowly move your head back until you look up and your neck is stretched.
- Remove the chin up to the ceiling.
- In this posture, stretch out the tongue towards the ceiling.
- Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
- Repeat a total of three times a day.
Important:Make sure that you do not frown your forehead during the pose. If you still find that you do this, carry out the exercise with your eyes closed. This makes the facial muscles loose and relaxed.
Facial yoga exercises for the neck
Even if the face does not directly affect the overall appearance and it is unfortunately not spared the natural aging processes. Wrinkles and a lack of elasticity are also noticeable there, but fortunately they can also use facial yoga exercises for this problem zone. How about the following facial yoga for the neck?
- Look up and put your fingers on your neck.
- Spread your fingers towards the collarbone.
- Look ahead and repeat the steps two more times.
- Lift your head again. Press the lower lip forward as far as possible and the corners of your mouth down.
- Keep this pose for 4 deep breaths.
Face yoga before and after pictures
Finally, take a look at some before and after pictures to get an idea of what effect facial yoga can have exercises. Of course, the effect depends on many things such as the individual condition of the skin and muscles as well as how consistently they are with the yoga routine. Try at least part of the exercises in yoursdaily skin careTo integrate and in this way relax after a stress -free day and do something good for your body.
More youthful and more radiant skin
Get rid of tear bags with yoga