Anyone who has ever struggled with cold sores or the herpes virus in general knows how unpleasant they are. As tiny and inconspicuous as the blisters on the lip seem to be, they are quite something. The sensitive skin in this area pulls and burns, which becomes even worse once the top layer of skin peels away and an open wound forms.
So it's no wonder that people go for as much as possiblequick healingis over and you also want to prevent the cold sore virus. But what helps against herpes, which home remedies for herpes really help and what can you do preventatively so that you suffer from cold sores as rarely as possible?
Today we will not only explain to you what herpes is, what herpes triggers are and how to recognize it, but we will also give you tips to reduce your suffering. Help yourself bynatural home remediesUse against herpes to combat cold sores. For everyone who has been hit by this fate, the question “What helps against herpes?” probably one of the most important.
Two types of viruses are responsible for herpes diseases. This is the so-called oneHSV1(Herpes-simplex-Virus 1) and theHSV2(Herpes-simplex-Virus 2). And although both types of virus can cause the same diseases, it is HSV1 that is responsible for cold sores in most cases (Herpes labialis) is responsible (as well as for herpes behind the ears, around the eyes or other places on the face. An infection caused by HSV2, on the other hand, usually leads to intimate or genital herpes (Genital herpes).
A full 90% of the population is infected with the herpes virus, and quite a few of them do not even suspect it. Because just because of thatVirus is in the organism, that doesn't necessarily mean that it will break out. This is triggered by various causes, which we will discuss below. But there is still some bad news: once in the body, the virus stays there for life.
The reason for this is that it is not viewed by the immune system as a potential threat. It doesn't affect the DNA of the virus. This allows this DNA to conveniently hide in the nerves, and more specifically in the nerve nodes, until the perfect conditions are present for the formation of new viruses. The first infection with HSV1 usually occurs in early childhood (80% of Germans). However, this infection often goes unnoticed. Other herpes viruses can also cause other diseases, including chickenpox (HHV3), glandular fever (HHV4), three-day fever (HHV6/7) and shingles (HHV3).
First and further symptoms and help
How do you recognize herpes? Anyone who has ever suffered from it will notice what is coming soon before the onset. Because there are early signs of this. What does cold sore look like in the early stages? Cold sores usually start with a slight tingling sensation on the lip. Cold sores in the early stages are sometimes characterized by increased sensitivity. The area where the blisters will appear will be irritated and tight.
At the same time or shortly afterwardsItching may also occur, often followed by pain. These are the first cold sore symptoms. With herpes, the slight tingling sensation can initially be felt as a burning sensation or can turn into a burning sensation over time. These are the first signs of herpes.
What follows after that?
Then the familiar herpes sores appear, which are filled with fluid and burst after a few days. The open areas then crust over, but usually tear open frequently because the lips are constantly moving. This is especially the case when herpes develops in the corner of the mouth. For this reason, herpes on the lip is more or less constantly accompanied by pain, swelling and redness. However, a herpes infection does not always occur. A fever blister can also occur directly.
Why do you get herpes?
The herpes viruses in the body can simply lie dormant for long periods of time without breaking out. But what are the reasons for herpes or what are the herpes triggers? Overall, a weakened immune system is the most common cause of herpes. That's why cold sores are often a harbinger of an upcoming cold or other infection. But the risk is also increased with HIV, an immune deficiency disease.
However, there are reasons for the development of herpes that are not directly related to the immune system. So how does herpes develop? Herpes caused by stress is not uncommon in today's dynamic society. The stress hormones promote the reproduction of viruses. In addition, these hormones also weaken the immune system.
Furthermore, UV radiation can be a trigger ifoverdoing the sunbathingbecomes. But some medications (e.g. cortisone), injuries or hormonal changes can all be causes of lip and other types of herpes.
How long does it take?
The duration of the cold sore varies depending on the severity and can therefore be different every time. On average you should allow about a week. An important question that many people ask themselves is not just “When will herpes heal?” Especially if you suffer from cold sores, you are no longer allowed to kiss. We remind you that the virus is highly contagious and therefore cold sores are also dangeroustransferred quicklycan be. But when does herpes heal or how do you know that there is no longer any danger?
“Cured” isn’t actually the right word, because as we’ve already explained, you’ll never get rid of the virus. It just rests in the body until it breaks out again. The duration of the illness not only depends on whether and how it is treated. Your health condition (this also includes your stress level) also influences the healing process. If the affected area is not treated, the cold sore usually lasts up to 10 days.
With the right remedies, the duration can be reduced by a few days. Now ask yourself “cold sores, what helps?” you will find some answers below.
How long is infection possible?
How long herpes remains contagious also depends on various factors.When does herpes become contagious?can be answered more simply. It is the fluid in the blisters that is highly contagious because it contains numerous virus particles. For this reason, there is an increased risk of infection once the blisters burst.
Therefore, it is not recommended to intentionally puncture the blisters. To be on the safe side, be more careful as soon as the blisters appear and avoid physical contact with people who are not sick (this refers to the diseased lip). Above all, the viruses must not come into contact with the mucous membranes of healthy people, as this is how infection occurs. Therefore, do not touch the affected area with your hands and if you do, wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Don't share cutlery with others, same thinglike lipsticks, towels and other items of this kind.
How dangerous is herpes? The symptoms mentioned are basically all you have to worry about. There is no damage left and there is no risk to themgeneral healthof the person affected. Only the primary infection, i.e. the very first infection, can be a little more severe and be accompanied by headaches, malaise or even fever and nausea. However, a cold is often suspected, which is why an initial infection with herpes is usually not even recognized.
How long without kissing?
Let's get to the big question that is so important for manyWhen does kissing start again if you have herpes?Kissing or other physical contact with the lip is generally not a good idea. As already mentioned, the greatest risk of infection occurs as soon as the blisters open and open wounds appear. This phase until the crusts form usually lasts 6 to 8 days. Kissing is then forbidden! However, since the scabs can also be contagious, it is recommended after the initial phase at the latest and ideally until the endHealing of the woundto forego it.
What helps against herpes?
What to do against herpes? That's the big question! And there are different answers to that. On the one hand, it depends on the phase in which you want to treat the herpes and, on the other hand, whether you want to take proven medication from the pharmacy for herpes simplex treatment or whether you would rather use natural remedies for herpes. We have compiled information on both variants. So, what helps quickly against herpes?
These home remedies really help
Home remedies are a great help for herpes. On the one hand, this is because they are natural and therefore cannot cause any side effects. On the other hand, you usually already have them in the house, so you have cold sore home remedies on hand for quick use. But there are also various myths about home remedies that supposedly help. This is not true or, in the worst case, they make the infection even more unpleasant and prolong the healing time. But what helps against cold sores? You can find out below with our tips against herpes.
Honey for herpes
Honey is a good remedyagainst cold sores and for several reasons. On the one hand, it is a quick help against herpes even in the early stages. Even if the fever blisters have burst, it can still be used because it has antimicrobial substances. These not only kill most of the bacteria and viruses, but also prevent them from multiplying. You can also use the honey to close the open wound and reduce the risk of it spreading to other places or even becoming infected.
This is particularly recommendedManuka Honigagainst herpes. But what is it about this herpes remedy that makes it special? It is the ingredient methylglyoxal. This honey is only made in New Zealand from the flowers of the South Sea myrtle. It is only sold in special shops and sometimes in pharmacies.
You can fight herpes with tea tree oil because it isone of the best essential oils. It is an Australian plant that has antimicrobial and disinfectant properties and was therefore useful before the invention of antibiotics. This is certainly due, among other things, to the fact that it is closely related to Manuka honey or South Sea myrtle (see above). For quick help with herpes, you should use tea tree oil in the early stages and ideally dab it on the affected area every hour from then on. An ear swab is great for this purpose.
AndOil absorbed by the skinThis home remedy for cold sores is great for stopping the virus from multiplying and thus helping the disease resolve more quickly. Nevertheless, you should know that undiluted tea tree oil can also cause skin irritation. It is best to consult your pharmacist before use.
Toothpaste myth
Even those who have never suffered from cold sores have heard of this herpes home remedy, which is primarily used against cold sores and is supposed to help. But does toothpaste really help against herpes? It is a very controversial home remedy for herpes. Some claim that it actually at least weakens the infection.
However, others are of the opinion that this is only the case if the toothpaste contains zinc (for quick wound healing) and that is not the case with all types. Additionally, when you use toothpaste for herpes, you expose your skin to additional irritants. So if you want to get rid of herpes, it's better to use zinc ointment straight away, because then you get what actually helps, just without the irritating additives in itPaste for teeth.
You've run out of honey, you don't have tea tree oil at home and toothpaste is not recommended... Which other household remedy for herpes is effective? Garlic will definitely be in your kitchen! It is used for a wide variety of health problems and is also known to be aimmune stimulating food. But what helps against cold sores when using garlic, so which ingredients exactly are effective?
It not only has antibacterial but also antiviral properties, which are thanks to the antioxidant allicin. Perfect for the fight against herpes viruses (but only for cold sores!). All you need to do if you want to use this home remedy for herpes on lip is onePeel the garlic clove, cut into slices and place one of these slices on the affected area.
It should remain there for 10 to 15 minutes, after which you clean the skin area. Use garlic as soon as you feel the first signs of herpes and at least five times a day. You will soon notice an improvement.
Lemon balm oil as a miracle cure
You can also use lemon balm to combat herpes and it is probably one of the best home remedies for herpes. More specifically in the form of oil, you can use this home remedy to relieve cold sores and make them heal faster. But special ointments or creams can also be purchased at the pharmacy for this purpose. Whatever form you choose this remedy in, it is important that you apply the lemon balm several times a day (oil with a cotton swab, cream and ointment with your finger, but wash your hands afterwards!).
Many who suffer from cold sores confirm improvement after just a few days, while others even say it takes hours. This wonderful medicinal plant prevents viruses from penetrating the body's cells. Reproduction and spread is stopped. So still wonderingwhat helps against herpes on the lip, this will probably give you the answer. And if you often suffer from cold sores, you canYou can even grow lemon balm yourself.
Hydrogen peroxide for herpes
How about using hydrogen peroxide to fight herpes? Before you resort to this home remedy for herpes, you should know that not everyone can tolerate hydrogen peroxide, which can be especially the case for people with dry or sensitive skin. For this reason, first test the effect on another area that does not show any infection. It is best to use hydrogen peroxide at the first symptoms and when blisters appear.
You can treat cold sores with this home remedy for herpes by simply soaking a cotton swab with it. Now hold this on the affected area for about a minute. To ensure a quick effect, this should be repeated at least 5 times a day, but ideally even 10 times. Also hard alcohol andVinegar is often usedto expel the herpes viruses through disinfection. However, keep in mind that these burn badly on open wounds.
Cool cold sores
As long as the herpes on the lip is in its early stages, you can and should cool the incipient herpes. If you cool the herpes swelling, you can mitigate the viral outbreak. With a bit of luck, the cold for herpes can even prevent an outbreak completely. Once the initial stage has passed, the outbreak of the herpes viruses can usually no longer be stopped.
Place an ice cube in a kitchen towel and hold it on the affected area of skin for a long time. An ice pad that you wrap in advance is also suitable. Never hold ice directly to your skin. This could lead to frostbite.
Aloe Vera
If you would like to combat herpes with home remedies, you can also do this with aloe vera. And for this you can take the gel directly from your houseplant. Simply scrape it from the leaf, scoop up a little with a cotton swab, and dab it onto the cold sore. The gel should now dry there. The ingredients can then take effect over the next few hours. Only then should you repeat the process several times over several days, after washing off the previous gel with lukewarm water.
So aloe is a great helper, butwashelps against herpes in the mouth or which properties are so useful. On the one hand, aloe gel is antibacterial and antiviral. This means that it has disinfectant properties. Furthermore, it also helps to reduce inflammation and therefore pain. At the same time, the gel has a cooling effect.
This also works similarly to garlicSuperfood Turmeric, which is also known as turmeric. Here it is the ingredient curcumin that inhibits the reproduction of herpes viruses. Use this spice in the same way as garlic in the fight against cold sores (see description above).
Helpful medication
If home remedies for herpes are not for you, you can use a variety of optionsMedicines from the pharmacyUse to treat your cold sores. The selection is no less large. But what helps quickly against herpes?
Ointments and creams against herpes – what helps?
On the one hand, there are the creams. TheOintment for herpesis therefore one way to combat cold sores. However, this is only effective in the first 5 days, can be used at the first signs and is intended to curb the spread of the virus.
And by ointment we meannotdieZinc ointment for herpes. This has a drying effect and is effective against the weeping blisters after they have burst.Zinc helpsin wound healing and is anti-inflammatory to relieve symptoms. However, this ointment is not useful in the fight against viruses as it is only effective against bacteria. You can use zinc against herpes when the open wound has developed.
It also works in a similar wayBepanthen against herpes. It is a great remedy for healing small wounds. Simply apply the wound and healing ointment to the wound regularly.
If you want, you can tooHerpes plasterstake from the pharmacy. These don't have anyantiviral effect, but on the one hand they cover the blisters so that spread and infection can be prevented. On the other hand, they are equipped with a special gel that stores moisture under the plaster and thus promotes wound healing. The plaster covers an already open wound and protects it from dirt.
But when you think of plasters, don't imagine the classic skin-colored models. This cold sore patch is transparent and can even be put over make-up without removing the make-up products and thatMake-up accessoriescome into contact with the virus.
Can you still do something about herpes by visiting the pharmacy? However! You can also get special antiviral products thereTablets against herpesacquire. The agents Amciclovir, Valaciclovir or Acyclovir contained in it help against herpes. The advantage over ointments is that the tablets only have to be taken once or twice a day, while creams and the mentioned home remedies for herpes are applied much more often.
The tablets are well tolerated. However, people with kidney failure should consider a lower dosage and should consult their doctor or pharmacist accordingly. However, the herpes tablets usually only shorten the duration of the herpes infection by one day and are taken for up to 7 days, depending on the medication and dosage. Most tablets require a prescription. If you would like to get herpes tablets without a prescription, ask the pharmacy for such medication.
Globules are ahomeopathic medicine, which is used, among other things, for cold sores. The remedies Sepia, Arsenicum album, Dulcamara, Graphites, Natrum muriaticum, Hepar sulfuris and others are particularly suitable for cold sores. Since the dosage of globules for herpes and the exact remedy depend on the type, severity and course of the cold sore, they should be determined by a specialist.
Lysine and more specifically L-lysine is a great remedy for cold sores that you can get in the pharmacy. It is an amino acid that cannot be produced by the body itself, but must be consumed through food or as a dietary supplement. L-lysine stops the viruses from multiplying because it is the counterpart to the so-called L-arginine, an amino acid that in turn offers the best conditions for the multiplication of herpes viruses. This remedy is not only good for quick healing, but also for prevention.
Herpes in children
It is not uncommon for people to become infected with herpesGrandchildor in later childhood. An initial infection in adults is relatively severe in terms of symptoms.In childrenthey are even more so. Herpes simplex in children is characterized by severe malaise and, often, a high fever. The condition is very reminiscent of the flu, or at least onesevere cold. This is also the reason why the herpes infection is often not recognized as such. In subsequent outbreaks, symptoms are comparable to those of adults.
What to do against cold sores in children?
If you would like to treat herpes in children, you can take one of the home remedies for herpes mentioned. But go for the milder versions. But homeopathic remedies are also often used to combat the virus in children. Rhus toxicodendron or Sulfur are two such remedies whose dosage you should consult a doctor or pharmacy about. You can cool swelling on the lip. Sick children should also drink plenty of water.
Baby and herpes – what to do?
herpesBabyshould not be taken lightly. Because what is harmless in adultscan be life-threatening for the little ones. The disease is threatening in the first 6 weeks. There is a risk that the viruses will affect organs or even cause encephalitis. So if you are currently suffering from an infection and have a baby at homethorough hygieneObligation and kissing are absolutely taboo!
Wash your hands as often as possible, especially if you have just treated and touched the cold sore (or other herpes). Otherwise, stay away from the bubbles! Do not use the same dishes and cutlery as your baby and test the heat of themilk, porridge or drinknot by trying it yourself. If you suspect an infection in your baby, see a doctor immediately.
Cold sores during pregnancy
Obduring pregnancyWhether herpes is a danger to the baby depends primarily on when the initial infection occurred. If this has already happened before pregnancy and there is only a new outbreak during pregnancy, the risk to the unborn baby is extremely low. And what do you do against herpes during pregnancy? Simply treat it as usual, using home remedies for herpes or a drug from the pharmacy that is suitable for pregnancy.
If the expectant mother becomes infected for the first time shortly before birth, the risk is significantly higher. This is particularly the case when it comes to genital herpes. Herpes is then transmitted to the baby via the birth canal. If the herpes infection is detected in this phase, a cesarean section is resorted to. A new outbreak shortly before birth can also be problematic.
Overall, herpes and pregnancy are not a great combination and should be monitored by a doctor, ideally at any time during pregnancy. It is better to always be too cautious than to act too late.
What helps preventatively?
Home remedies for herpes and even the products from the pharmacy may be great, but it's even better if a herpes outbreak doesn't occur in the first place, right? If you want to prevent herpes, simply follow the following tips against herpes. Of course they are not a guarantee, but in any case the risk of a herpes infection is reduced. So, what can you do about herpes? Whichpreventive measuresare recommended?
It is particularly important that you take action against herpesStrengthen immune system. There oneweak immune systemis the best prerequisite for the viruses to develop and multiply, we recommend a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins if you want to prevent herpes. You can also strengthen your immune system through lots of exercise and fresh air. So going for walks or exercising is a great idea! You can also stimulate your immune system with contrast showers and going to the sauna. However, the last two tips are not recommended from the first signs of cold sores and other types of herpes.
Stress is a particularly common cause of cold sore outbreaks. Logically it follows that to prevent herpesAvoided stressshould be. Since this is often hardly conceivable in everyday life and at work, just try to treat yourself to a break and some rest and “wind down” your body. Stress-reducing activities such as walks, sports, yoga or a relaxing tea on the sofa, a nice film, a cozy dinner with your loved one - all of these things helpAt least reduce stress. Find a balance to stress!
Herpes is often caused by the sun and, more specifically, by UV rays. This also includes going to the solarium. So what works best against herpes in this situation? Correct,Sunscreen with sufficient sun protection factor! Therefore, not only protect your skin and face from the rays, but also think about your lips to prevent cold sores. Since sunscreen is suitable, but rather unpleasant and unappetizing on the mouth, we have a tip: you can use it on the lipsprotect from UV rays, by applying a special lip balm with SPF.