Unusual cupboard door design for a modern home

When you walk into a room, the closet doors probably aren't something you would notice right away. However, if the cabinet has an elegant cabinet door design, then it can become a real eye-catcher in the interior. In this article we present different models from different manufacturers that are suitable for modern home furnishings.

Cabinet doors design as part of the interior

The Miria Filomuro cabinet doors from Garofoli are perfect for onecoordinated room design. Their design is clean, but the concrete look speaks of an industrial style that has become increasingly important in interior design in recent years. The door leaves can be designed so that they are in harmony with the effect wall color and ultimately become an inseparable part of the interior.

Elegant in black

The black Diagona wardrobe from Novamobili impresses with its clear geometric lines and unusual cabinet door design. The door leaves are not separated by a vertical connecting line, but by a bent line, which creates a beautiful effect when opened and closed.

MinimalistApartmentwith unusual cupboard doors

This apartment's all-white interior is broken up by black slashes running through the ceiling, walls, and cabinets. This is further reinforced by the unusual opening of some door leaves and the end result is an unusual cabinet door design.

Small kitchenette inone1 bedroom apartment

The minimalist one-bedroom apartment in white and black is designed by Mili Mlodzi Ludzie. The area, which is only 26 square meters in size, has a living room, a sleeping area with a loft bed and a kitchenette located in the living room. The creative design of the cupboard doors can also be seen in the small kitchen, where the slashes continue.

Built-in wardrobepracticaland design elegantly

This design is not only elegant, but also particularly practical and versatile. It is part of the Kyton kitchen design from CR&S Varenna and is particularly suitable for spacious kitchens. The cabinet doors open inward and disappear into the built-in closet, revealing a personalized work surface or storage space.

kitchen cupboard withextraordinaryDesign

When furnishing modern apartments, Alexander Brenner Architects opted for a creative design of the cupboard doors. The entire kitchen cabinet looks like a jumble of door panels, creating a beautiful detail in the room.

gaps insteadCabinet handlesfor a cleaned design

The architects provided the cabinet doors with oval gaps instead of the usual cabinet handles to keep the design clean. Such cabinets are suitable for different interior styles and can be installed in the kitchen, living room or bedroom.

Kitchen cabinets withspecialCabinet doors design

Another idea for gaps instead of handles are these creative kitchen cabinets from Studio Modal Architecture. They follow the shape of the wall and roof and offer a large amount of storage space. What makes them noticeable, however, is the star-shaped gaps when closed that are designed to open the cabinet doors.

Integratedlightingin the wardrobe

Sliding doors for cupboards save space in the room and are usually characterized by an elegant design. The Warm wardrobe from the manufacturer Lema is an aesthetic piece of furniture that is perfect for modern bedrooms. The cabinet's integrated lighting is revealed when the cabinet doors are opened to make the interior easier to access.

Doorsout ofFaux leather speaks for elegance

With an unusual wardrobe door design you can create a special atmosphere in the room, which cannot be achieved with the usual wardrobe. MisuraEmme designed the London wardrobe with faux leather sliding doors to become an important part of the interior with its squares and elegant finish.

Sliding glass doorswithMirrors for the bedroom

If you want to furnish your apartment in a modern way, you should focus on geometric lines in the interior. The New Segmenta model by MisuraEmme is designed as a variation of matt and mirror finishes and is immediately noticeable in the bedroom.

variantwith mirrors – a visual expansion of the room

The cupboard door design with mirrors has recently been preferred in many apartments in order to make the rooms visually larger. These eye-catching cupboard doors are a design by Novamobili and look more like a wall panel in the room rather than a door panel.

withWooden elements

The sliding doors of the Presotto Split wardrobe are decorated with decorative elements that attract attention. The stripes can be individually decorated with stone, wood or leather and create a modern cabinet door design for elegant furnishings.

More unusualWardrobein a tasteful bedroom

The Presotto Diagonal Wardrobe is composed of two pieces of different thicknesses that have a diagonal cut along the length of the wardrobe door. The creative design can be designed as a combination of different finishes to emphasize the diagonals.

LacqueredSwing doorsin modern style

The Man&Lady wardrobe from Minottiitalia features outward-opening swing doors that follow a creased line. The design fits perfectly into modern children's rooms or bedrooms that need an accent in the interior.